class | HasMetaValue< MetaContainer > |
| Predicate that determines if a class has a certain metavalue. More...
class | InRTRange< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum lies inside/outside a specific retention time range. More...
class | InMSLevelRange< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum lies inside/outside a specific MS level set. More...
class | HasScanMode< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain scan mode. More...
class | HasScanPolarity< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain scan polarity. More...
class | IsEmptySpectrum< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum is empty. More...
class | IsZoomSpectrum< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum is a zoom (enhanced resolution) spectrum. More...
class | HasActivationMethod< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum was generated using any activation method given in the constructor list. More...
class | InPrecursorMZRange< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum's precursor is within a certain m/z range. More...
class | HasPrecursorCharge< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain precursor charge as given in the constructor list. More...
class | InMzRange< PeakType > |
| Predicate that determines if a peak lies inside/outside a specific m/z range. More...
class | InIntensityRange< PeakType > |
| Predicate that determines if a peak lies inside/outside a specific intensity range. More...
class | IsInCollisionEnergyRange< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if an MSn spectrum was generated with a collision energy in the given range. More...
class | IsInIsolationWindowSizeRange< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if the width of the isolation window of an MSn spectrum is in the given range. More...
class | IsInIsolationWindow< SpectrumType > |
| Predicate that determines if the isolation window covers ANY of the given m/z values. More...