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MzTab.h File Reference
#include <OpenMS/FORMAT/SVOutStream.h>
#include <OpenMS/CONCEPT/Exception.h>
#include <OpenMS/KERNEL/StandardTypes.h>
#include <OpenMS/KERNEL/FeatureMap.h>
#include <OpenMS/KERNEL/ConsensusMap.h>
#include <OpenMS/CHEMISTRY/AASequence.h>
#include <OpenMS/METADATA/PeptideEvidence.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>

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class  MzTabNullAbleInterface
 basic interface for all MzTab datatypes (can be null; are converted from and to cell string) More...
class  MzTabNullNaNAndInfAbleInterface
 interface for NaN- and Inf- able datatypes (Double and Integer in MzTab). These are as well null-able More...
class  MzTabNullAbleBase
 base class for atomic, non-container types (Double, Int) More...
class  MzTabNullNaNAndInfAbleBase
 base class for the atomic non-container like MzTab data types (Double, Int) More...
class  MzTabDouble
class  MzTabDoubleList
class  MzTabInteger
class  MzTabIntegerList
class  MzTabBoolean
class  MzTabString
class  MzTabParameter
class  MzTabParameterList
class  MzTabStringList
class  MzTabModification
class  MzTabModificationList
class  MzTabSpectraRef
struct  MzTabSampleMetaData
struct  MzTabSoftwareMetaData
struct  MzTabModificationMetaData
struct  MzTabAssayMetaData
struct  MzTabCVMetaData
struct  MzTabInstrumentMetaData
struct  MzTabContactMetaData
struct  MzTabMSRunMetaData
struct  MzTabStudyVariableMetaData
class  MzTabMetaData
 all meta data of a mzTab file. Please refer to specification for documentation. More...
struct  MzTabProteinSectionRow
 PRT - Protein section (Table based) More...
struct  MzTabProteinSectionRow::RowCompare
 Comparison operator for sorting rows. More...
struct  MzTabPeptideSectionRow
 PEP - Peptide section (Table based) More...
struct  MzTabPeptideSectionRow::RowCompare
 Comparison operator for sorting rows. More...
struct  MzTabPSMSectionRow
 PSM - PSM section (Table based) More...
struct  MzTabPSMSectionRow::RowCompare
 Comparison operator for sorting rows. More...
struct  MzTabSmallMoleculeSectionRow
 SML Small molecule section (table based) More...
struct  MzTabNucleicAcidSectionRow
 NUC - Nucleic acid section (table-based) More...
struct  MzTabNucleicAcidSectionRow::RowCompare
 Comparison operator for sorting rows. More...
struct  MzTabOligonucleotideSectionRow
 OLI - Oligonucleotide section (table-based) More...
struct  MzTabOligonucleotideSectionRow::RowCompare
 Comparison operator for sorting rows. More...
struct  MzTabOSMSectionRow
 OSM - OSM (oligonucleotide-spectrum match) section (table-based) More...
struct  MzTabOSMSectionRow::RowCompare
 Comparison operator for sorting rows. More...
class  MzTab
 Data model of MzTab files. Please see the official MzTab specification at More...


 Main OpenMS namespace.


typedef std::pair< String, MzTabString > MzTabOptionalColumnEntry
typedef std::vector< MzTabProteinSectionRow > MzTabProteinSectionRows
typedef std::vector< MzTabPeptideSectionRow > MzTabPeptideSectionRows
typedef std::vector< MzTabPSMSectionRow > MzTabPSMSectionRows
typedef std::vector< MzTabSmallMoleculeSectionRow > MzTabSmallMoleculeSectionRows
typedef std::vector< MzTabNucleicAcidSectionRow > MzTabNucleicAcidSectionRows
typedef std::vector< MzTabOligonucleotideSectionRow > MzTabOligonucleotideSectionRows
typedef std::vector< MzTabOSMSectionRow > MzTabOSMSectionRows


enum  MzTabCellStateType {
 Data model of MzTab files. More...

Class Documentation

◆ OpenMS::MzTabSampleMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabSampleMetaData
Class Members
map< Size, MzTabParameter > cell_type
map< Size, MzTabParameter > custom
MzTabString description
map< Size, MzTabParameter > disease
map< Size, MzTabParameter > species
map< Size, MzTabParameter > tissue

◆ OpenMS::MzTabSoftwareMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabSoftwareMetaData
Class Members
map< Size, MzTabString > setting
MzTabParameter software

◆ OpenMS::MzTabModificationMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabModificationMetaData
Class Members
MzTabParameter modification
MzTabString position
MzTabString site

◆ OpenMS::MzTabAssayMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabAssayMetaData
Class Members
vector< int > ms_run_ref
map< Size, MzTabModificationMetaData > quantification_mod
MzTabParameter quantification_reagent
MzTabString sample_ref

◆ OpenMS::MzTabCVMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabCVMetaData
Class Members
MzTabString full_name
MzTabString label
MzTabString url
MzTabString version

◆ OpenMS::MzTabInstrumentMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabInstrumentMetaData
Class Members
map< Size, MzTabParameter > analyzer
MzTabParameter detector
MzTabParameter name
MzTabParameter source

◆ OpenMS::MzTabContactMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabContactMetaData
Class Members
MzTabString affiliation
MzTabString email
MzTabString name

◆ OpenMS::MzTabMSRunMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabMSRunMetaData
Class Members
MzTabParameter format
MzTabParameterList fragmentation_method
MzTabParameter id_format
MzTabString location

◆ OpenMS::MzTabStudyVariableMetaData

struct OpenMS::MzTabStudyVariableMetaData
Class Members
vector< int > assay_refs
MzTabString description
vector< int > sample_refs

◆ OpenMS::MzTabPeptideSectionRow

struct OpenMS::MzTabPeptideSectionRow

PEP - Peptide section (Table based)

Class Members
MzTabString accession The protein’s accession.
map< Size, MzTabDouble > best_search_engine_score Search engine(s) score(s) for the peptide.
MzTabInteger charge Precursor ion’s charge.
MzTabString database Name of the sequence database.
MzTabString database_version Version (and optionally # of entries).
MzTabDouble mass_to_charge Precursor ion’s m/z.
MzTabModificationList modifications Modifications identified in the peptide.
vector< MzTabOptionalColumnEntry > opt_ Optional columns must start with “opt_”.
map< Size, MzTabDouble > peptide_abundance_assay
map< Size, MzTabDouble > peptide_abundance_std_error_study_variable
map< Size, MzTabDouble > peptide_abundance_stdev_study_variable
map< Size, MzTabDouble > peptide_abundance_study_variable
MzTabInteger reliability (1-3) 0=null Identification reliability for the peptide.
MzTabDoubleList retention_time Time points in seconds. Semantics may vary.
MzTabDoubleList retention_time_window
MzTabParameterList search_engine Search engine(s) that identified the peptide.
map< Size, map< Size, MzTabDouble > > search_engine_score_ms_run
MzTabString sequence The peptide’s sequence.
MzTabSpectraRef spectra_ref Spectra identifying the peptide.
MzTabBoolean unique 0=false, 1=true, null else: Peptide is unique for the protein.
MzTabString uri Location of the PSMs source entry.

◆ OpenMS::MzTabPSMSectionRow

struct OpenMS::MzTabPSMSectionRow

PSM - PSM section (Table based)

Class Members
MzTabString accession The protein’s accession.
MzTabDouble calc_mass_to_charge
MzTabInteger charge The charge of the experimental precursor ion.
MzTabString database Name of the sequence database.
MzTabString database_version Version (and optionally # of entries).
MzTabString end
MzTabDouble exp_mass_to_charge The m/z ratio of the experimental precursor ion.
MzTabModificationList modifications Modifications identified in the peptide.
vector< MzTabOptionalColumnEntry > opt_ Optional columns must start with “opt_”.
MzTabString post
MzTabString pre
MzTabInteger PSM_ID
MzTabInteger reliability (1-3) 0=null Identification reliability for the peptide.
MzTabDoubleList retention_time Time points in seconds. Semantics may vary.
MzTabParameterList search_engine Search engine(s) that identified the peptide.
map< Size, MzTabDouble > search_engine_score Search engine(s) score(s) for the peptide.
MzTabString sequence The peptide’s sequence.
MzTabSpectraRef spectra_ref Spectra identifying the peptide.
MzTabString start
MzTabBoolean unique 0=false, 1=true, null else: Peptide is unique for the protein.
MzTabString uri Location of the PSM’s source entry.

◆ OpenMS::MzTabSmallMoleculeSectionRow

struct OpenMS::MzTabSmallMoleculeSectionRow

SML Small molecule section (table based)

Class Members
map< Size, MzTabDouble > best_search_engine_score Search engine(s) identifications score(s).
MzTabDouble calc_mass_to_charge Precursor ion’s m/z.
MzTabInteger charge Precursor ion’s charge.
MzTabString chemical_formula Chemical formula of the identified compound.
MzTabString database Name of the used database.
MzTabString database_version String Version of the database (and optionally # of compounds).
MzTabString description Human readable description (i.e. the name)
MzTabDouble exp_mass_to_charge Precursor ion’s m/z.
MzTabStringList identifier The small molecule’s identifier.
MzTabString inchi_key InChi Key of the identified compound.
MzTabString modifications Modifications identified on the small molecule.
vector< MzTabOptionalColumnEntry > opt_ Optional columns must start with “opt_”.
MzTabInteger reliability (1-3) The identification reliability.
MzTabDoubleList retention_time Time points in seconds. Semantics may vary.
MzTabParameterList search_engine Search engine(s) identifying the small molecule.
map< Size, map< Size, MzTabDouble > > search_engine_score_ms_run
map< Size, MzTabDouble > smallmolecule_abundance_assay
map< Size, MzTabDouble > smallmolecule_abundance_std_error_study_variable
map< Size, MzTabDouble > smallmolecule_abundance_stdev_study_variable
map< Size, MzTabDouble > smallmolecule_abundance_study_variable
MzTabString smiles Molecular structure in SMILES format.
MzTabString species Human readable name of the species.
MzTabSpectraRef spectra_ref Spectra identifying the small molecule.
MzTabInteger taxid NEWT taxonomy for the species.
MzTabString uri The source entry’s location.

◆ OpenMS::MzTabNucleicAcidSectionRow

struct OpenMS::MzTabNucleicAcidSectionRow

NUC - Nucleic acid section (table-based)

Class Members
MzTabString accession The nucleic acid’s accession.
MzTabStringList ambiguity_members Alternative nucleic acid identifications.
map< Size, MzTabDouble > best_search_engine_score Best search engine(s) score(s) (over all MS runs)
MzTabDouble coverage (0-1) Fraction of nucleic acid sequence identified.
MzTabString database Name of the sequence database.
MzTabString database_version Version of the sequence database.
MzTabString description Human readable description (i.e. the name)
MzTabStringList go_terms List of GO terms for the nucleic acid.
MzTabModificationList modifications Modifications identified in the nucleic acid.
map< Size, MzTabInteger > num_oligos_distinct_ms_run
map< Size, MzTabInteger > num_oligos_unique_ms_run
map< Size, MzTabInteger > num_osms_ms_run
vector< MzTabOptionalColumnEntry > opt_ Optional Columns must start with “opt_”
MzTabInteger reliability
MzTabParameterList search_engine Search engine(s) that identified the nucleic acid.
map< Size, map< Size, MzTabDouble > > search_engine_score_ms_run
MzTabString species Human readable name of the species.
MzTabInteger taxid NEWT taxonomy for the species.
MzTabString uri Location of the nucleic acid’s source entry.

◆ OpenMS::MzTabOligonucleotideSectionRow

struct OpenMS::MzTabOligonucleotideSectionRow

OLI - Oligonucleotide section (table-based)

Class Members
MzTabString accession The nucleic acid’s accession.
map< Size, MzTabDouble > best_search_engine_score Search engine(s) score(s) for the match.
MzTabString end
MzTabModificationList modifications Modifications identified in the oligonucleotide.
vector< MzTabOptionalColumnEntry > opt_ Optional columns must start with “opt_”.
MzTabString post
MzTabString pre
MzTabInteger reliability (1-3) 0=null Identification reliability for the match.
MzTabDoubleList retention_time Time points in seconds. Semantics may vary.
MzTabDoubleList retention_time_window
MzTabParameterList search_engine Search engine(s) that identified the match.
map< Size, map< Size, MzTabDouble > > search_engine_score_ms_run Search engine(s) score(s) per individual MS run.
MzTabString sequence The oligonucleotide’s sequence.
MzTabString start
MzTabBoolean unique 0=false, 1=true, null else: Oligonucleotide maps uniquely to the nucleic acid sequence.
MzTabString uri Location of the oligonucleotide's source entry.

◆ OpenMS::MzTabOSMSectionRow

struct OpenMS::MzTabOSMSectionRow

OSM - OSM (oligonucleotide-spectrum match) section (table-based)

Class Members
MzTabDouble calc_mass_to_charge The theoretical m/z ratio of the oligonucleotide.
MzTabInteger charge The charge of the experimental precursor ion.
MzTabDouble exp_mass_to_charge The m/z ratio of the experimental precursor ion.
MzTabModificationList modifications Modifications identified in the oligonucleotide.
vector< MzTabOptionalColumnEntry > opt_ Optional columns must start with “opt_”.
MzTabInteger reliability (1-3) 0=null Identification reliability for the match.
MzTabDoubleList retention_time Time points in seconds. Semantics may vary.
MzTabParameterList search_engine Search engine(s) that identified the match.
map< Size, MzTabDouble > search_engine_score Search engine(s) score(s) for the match.
MzTabString sequence The oligonucleotide’s sequence.
MzTabSpectraRef spectra_ref Reference to the spectrum underlying the match.
MzTabString uri Location of the OSM’s source entry.