Go to the documentation of this file.
110 std::vector<MultiplexIsotopicPeakPattern> generatePeakPatterns_(
int charge_min,
int charge_max,
int peaks_per_peptide_max,
const std::vector<MultiplexDeltaMasses>& mass_pattern_list);
121 void correctPeptideIntensities_(
const MultiplexIsotopicPeakPattern& pattern, std::map<size_t, SplinePackage>& spline_chromatograms,
const std::vector<double>& rt_peptide, std::vector<double>& intensity_peptide);
131 std::vector<double> determinePeptideIntensitiesCentroided_(
const MultiplexIsotopicPeakPattern& pattern,
const std::multimap<size_t, MultiplexSatelliteCentroided >& satellites);
141 std::vector<double> determinePeptideIntensitiesProfile_(
const MultiplexIsotopicPeakPattern& pattern,
const std::multimap<size_t, MultiplexSatelliteProfile >& satellites);
150 void generateMapsCentroided_(
const std::vector<MultiplexIsotopicPeakPattern>& patterns,
const std::vector<MultiplexFilteredMSExperiment>& filter_results, std::vector<std::map<int, GridBasedCluster> >& cluster_results);
159 void generateMapsProfile_(
const std::vector<MultiplexIsotopicPeakPattern>& patterns,
const std::vector<MultiplexFilteredMSExperiment>& filter_results,
const std::vector<std::map<int, GridBasedCluster> >& cluster_results);
std::vector< MassAbundance > ContainerType
Definition: IsotopeDistribution.h:72
Size ensureUniqueId()
Assigns a valid unique id, but only if the present one is invalid. Returns 1 if the unique id was cha...
Definition: UniqueIdInterface.h:154
Base class for TOPP applications.
Definition: TOPPBase.h:144
ConsensusMap consensus_map_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:95
Param copy(const String &prefix, bool remove_prefix=false) const
Returns a new Param object containing all entries that start with prefix.
void store(const String &filename, const TargetedExperiment &id) const
Stores a map in a TraML file.
void addTransition(const ReactionMonitoringTransition &transition)
adds a transition to the list
A mass trace extraction method that gathers peaks similar in m/z and moving along retention time.
Definition: MassTraceDetection.h:72
std::vector< RetentionTime > rts
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:318
void setNativeID(const String &name)
void set(const ContainerType &distribution)
overwrites the container which holds the distribution using distribution
void run(MSExperiment &exp, bool progress)
main method for feature detection
void store(const String &filename, const ConsensusMap &consensus_map)
Stores a consensus map to file.
A method or algorithm argument contains illegal values.
Definition: Exception.h:648
double theoretical_mass
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:358
void reset()
Resets all internal values.
bool centroided_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:77
Iterator end()
Definition: IsotopeDistribution.h:200
Base::iterator Iterator
Definition: FeatureMap.h:143
Param getParameters(const String &algorithm_name) const
Returns the default parameters for the algorithm with name algorithm_name.
RTUnit retention_time_unit
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:196
const std::vector< ConvexHull2D > & getConvexHulls() const
Non-mutable access to the convex hulls.
static String basename(const String &file)
Returns the basename of the file (without the path).
void sortSpectra(bool sort_mz=true)
Sorts the data points by retention time.
void setIdentifier(const String &id)
sets the identifier
The MRMFeatureFinder finds and scores peaks of transitions that co-elute.
Definition: MRMFeatureFinderScoring.h:93
void store(const String &filename, const PeakMap &map) const
Stores a map in an MzML file.
void setPrecursorMZ(double mz)
sets the precursor mz (Q1 value)
void setValue(const String &key, const DataValue &value, const String &description="", const StringList &tags=StringList())
Sets a value.
IsotopeDistribution estimateFromPeptideWeight(double average_weight)
Estimate Peptide Isotopedistribution from weight and number of isotopes that should be reported.
File adapter for MzML files.
Definition: MzMLFile.h:55
ProgressLogger prog_log_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:79
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:59
void setProductMZ(double mz)
Iterator begin()
Definition: MSExperiment.h:157
void addCompound(const Compound &rhs)
A container type that gathers peaks similar in m/z and moving along retention time.
Definition: MassTrace.h:61
void setValidStrings(const String &key, const std::vector< String > &strings)
Sets the valid strings for the parameter key.
void setRT(double rt)
sets the RT of the MS2 spectrum where the identification occurred
In-Memory representation of a mass spectrometry experiment.
Definition: MSExperiment.h:77
data structure for pattern of isotopic peaks
Definition: MultiplexIsotopicPeakPattern.h:54
Helper struct for mass traces used in FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked.
Definition: FeatureFinderAlgorithmPickedHelperStructs.h:79
void pickExperiment(PeakMap &chromatograms, FeatureMap &output, TargetedExperiment &transition_exp, TransformationDescription trafo, PeakMap &swath_map)
Picker and prepare functions.
Isotope pattern generator for coarse isotope distributions.
Definition: CoarseIsotopePatternGenerator.h:96
void addMSLevel(int level)
adds a desired MS level for peaks to load
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:127
ContainerType::const_iterator ConstIterator
Definition: IsotopeDistribution.h:76
bool progress_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:81
static const String getProductName()
IntensityType getIntensity() const
Definition: Peak2D.h:166
const DataValue & getValue(const String &key) const
Returns a value of a parameter.
Helper class for fitting elution models to features.
Definition: ElutionModelFitter.h:49
void setPrimaryMSRunPath(const StringList &s)
set the file path to the primary MS run (usually the mzML file obtained after data conversion from ra...
#define OPENMS_PRECONDITION(condition, message)
Precondition macro.
Definition: openms/include/OpenMS/CONCEPT/Macros.h:136
FeatureMap & getFeatureMap()
get methods
Iterator begin()
Definition: IsotopeDistribution.h:198
const double PROTON_MASS_U
Macro if a warning, a piece of information which should be read by the user, should be logged.
Definition: LogStream.h:460
profile data
Definition: SpectrumSettings.h:74
void remove(std::ostream &s)
void setCompoundRef(const String &compound_ref)
Size size() const
Definition: MSExperiment.h:127
A base class for all classes handling default parameters.
Definition: DefaultParamHandler.h:92
std::map< String, double > label_mass_shift_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:91
static String concatenate(const std::vector< T > &container, const String &glue="")
Concatenates all elements of the container and puts the glue string between elements.
Definition: ListUtils.h:193
MSExperiment exp_blacklist_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:98
String molecular_formula
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:356
std::vector< PointType > PointArrayType
Definition: ConvexHull2D.h:76
A 2-dimensional hull representation in [counter]clockwise direction - depending on axis labelling.
Definition: ConvexHull2D.h:72
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:46
bool toBool() const
Conversion to bool.
File adapter for HUPO PSI TraML files.
Definition: TraMLFile.h:63
const Compound & getCompoundByRef(const String &ref) const
static const std::string NamesOfPolarity[SIZE_OF_POLARITY]
Names of polarity of the ion source.
Definition: IonSource.h:148
void setMaxIsotope(const Size &max_isotope)
sets the maximal isotope with max_isotope
Extracts chromatographic peaks from a mass trace.
Definition: ElutionPeakDetection.h:76
void fitElutionModels(FeatureMap &features)
Fit models of elution profiles to all features (and validate them)
Base class for all classes that want to report their progress.
Definition: ProgressLogger.h:54
bool addPoint(const PointType &point)
const std::vector< MSChromatogram > & getChromatograms() const
returns the chromatogram list
void load(const String &filename, PeakMap &map)
Loads a map from a MzML file. Spectra and chromatograms are sorted by default (this can be disabled u...
Spectrum peak type.
Definition: SpectrumSettings.h:70
void insert(std::ostream &s)
unsigned charge_min_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:83
void setStrictFlag(bool f)
Set the flag for strict mapping.
Definition: MRMFeatureFinderScoring.h:193
RTType retention_time_type
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:197
This class stores a SRM/MRM transition.
Definition: ReactionMonitoringTransition.h:56
Size getNrChromatograms() const
get the total number of chromatograms available
ConsensusMap & getConsensusMap()
unsigned charge_max_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:84
Macro for general debugging information.
Definition: LogStream.h:470
void setChargeState(int charge)
Set the peptide or compound charge state.
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:241
The main feature finder class.
Definition: FeatureFinder.h:56
Size setUniqueId()
Assigns a new, valid unique id. Always returns 1.
Definition: UniqueIdInterface.h:146
void setParameters(const Param ¶m)
Sets the parameters.
MSExperiment exp_profile_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:74
Represents a compound (small molecule)
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:333
Size applyMemberFunction(Size(Type::*member_function)())
Applies a member function of Type to the container itself and all features (including subordinates)....
Definition: FeatureMap.h:284
const Param & getDefaults() const
Non-mutable access to the default parameters.
void renormalize()
Re-normalizes the sum of the probabilities of all the isotopes to 1.
const Param & getParameters() const
Non-mutable access to the parameters.
static OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr getSpectrumAccessOpenMSPtr(boost::shared_ptr< OpenMS::PeakMap > exp)
Simple Factory method to get a SpectrumAccess Ptr from an MSExperiment.
bool empty() const
Definition: MSExperiment.h:137
void filterByPeakWidth(std::vector< MassTrace > &, std::vector< MassTrace > &)
Filter out mass traces below lower 5 % quartile and above upper 95 % quartile.
static const String getProductName()
A 1-dimensional raw data point or peak.
Definition: Peak1D.h:54
A container for consensus elements.
Definition: ConsensusMap.h:80
const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > & getUnassignedPeptideIdentifications() const
non-mutable access to the unassigned peptide identifications
std::vector< String > StringList
Vector of String.
Definition: ListUtils.h:70
void store(const String &filename, const FeatureMap &feature_map)
stores the map feature_map in file with name filename.
CoordinateType getRT() const
Returns the RT coordinate (index 0)
Definition: Peak2D.h:208
unsigned isotopes_per_peptide_max_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:87
undefined local chromatography
void trimLeft(double cutoff)
Trims the left side of the isotope distribution to isotopes with a significant contribution.
void addChromatogram(const MSChromatogram &chromatogram)
adds a chromatogram to the list
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
Definition: INIFileEditor.cpp:73
const ColumnHeaders & getColumnHeaders() const
Non-mutable access to the file descriptions.
MSExperiment exp_centroid_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:75
void setSectionDescription(const String &key, const String &description)
Sets a description for an existing section.
const std::vector< Compound > & getCompounds() const
Macro to be used if non-fatal error are reported (processing continues)
Definition: LogStream.h:455
A container for features.
Definition: FeatureMap.h:97
Definition: IsotopeDistribution.h:64
Represents the peptide hits for a spectrum.
Definition: PeptideIdentification.h:62
Parse Error exception.
Definition: Exception.h:622
void remove(const String &key)
Remove the entry key or a section key (when suffix is ':')
An LC-MS feature.
Definition: Feature.h:70
Iterator end()
Definition: MSExperiment.h:167
FeatureMap feature_map_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:94
const std::vector< MSSpectrum > & getSpectra() const
returns the spectrum list
boost::shared_ptr< ISpectrumAccess > SpectrumAccessPtr
Definition: openswathalgo/include/OpenMS/OPENSWATHALGO/DATAACCESS/ISpectrumAccess.h:89
This class stores a retention time structure that is used in TargetedExperiment (representing a TraML...
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:127
void setLibraryIntensity(double intensity)
Sets the library intensity (ion count or normalized ion count from a spectral library)
This class provides Input/Output functionality for feature maps.
Definition: FeatureXMLFile.h:68
Options for loading files containing peak data.
Definition: PeakFileOptions.h:47
Logger::LogStream OpenMS_Log_info
Global static instance of a LogStream to capture messages classified as information....
Definition: DataProcessing.h:72
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:56
void detectPeaks(MassTrace &mt, std::vector< MassTrace > &single_mtraces)
Extracts chromatographic peaks from a single MassTrace and stores the resulting split traces in a vec...
void setRT(double rt)
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:184
void updateRanges() override
Updates minimum and maximum position/intensity.
void run(const PeakMap &, std::vector< MassTrace > &, const Size max_traces=0)
Main method of MassTraceDetection. Extracts mass traces of a MSExperiment and gathers them into a vec...
Management and storage of parameters / INI files.
Definition: Param.h:73
void clear(bool clear_meta_data)
Clears all data and meta data.
No progress logging.
Definition: ProgressLogger.h:74
const std::vector< Feature > & getSubordinates() const
immutable access to subordinate features
CoordinateType getMZ() const
Returns the m/z coordinate (index 1)
Definition: Peak2D.h:196
Helper struct for a collection of mass traces used in FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked.
Definition: FeatureFinderAlgorithmPickedHelperStructs.h:109
A description of a targeted experiment containing precursor and production ions.
Definition: TargetedExperiment.h:64
Macro if a information, e.g. a status should be reported.
Definition: LogStream.h:465
void setMSLevels(const std::vector< Int > &levels)
sets the desired MS levels for peaks to load
Base::const_iterator ConstIterator
Definition: FeatureMap.h:144
int getChargeState() const
Return the peptide or compound charge state.
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:254
void trimRight(double cutoff)
Trims the right side of the isotope distribution to isotopes with a significant contribution.
void run(const String &algorithm_name, PeakMap &input_map, FeatureMap &features, const Param ¶m, const FeatureMap &seeds)
Executes the FeatureFinder using the given algorithm.
const double C13C12_MASSDIFF_U
File is empty.
Definition: Exception.h:594
Data filtering or extraction.
Definition: DataProcessing.h:71
void setMZ(double mz)
sets the MZ of the MS2 spectrum
File not readable exception.
Definition: Exception.h:537
void insert(const String &prefix, const Param ¶m)
UInt64 getUniqueId() const
Non-mutable access to unique id - returns the unique id.
Definition: UniqueIdInterface.h:105
String id
Definition: TargetedExperimentHelper.h:317
PeakFileOptions & getOptions()
Mutable access to the options for loading/storing.
void setLogType(LogType type) const
Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE!
MSExperiment & getBlacklist()
const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > & getProteinIdentifications() const
non-mutable access to the protein identifications
const PointArrayType & getHullPoints() const
accessor for the outer points
This class provides Input functionality for ConsensusMaps and Output functionality for alignments and...
Definition: ConsensusXMLFile.h:62
unsigned isotopes_per_peptide_min_
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:86