Go to the documentation of this file.
43 #include <unordered_set>
70 void insertRuns(std::vector<ProteinIdentification>&& prots,
71 std::vector<PeptideIdentification>&& peps);
72 void insertRuns(
const std::vector<ProteinIdentification>& prots,
73 const std::vector<PeptideIdentification>& peps);
84 std::vector<PeptideIdentification>& peps);
89 String getNewIdentifier_()
99 bool checkOldRunConsistency_(
100 const std::vector<ProteinIdentification>& protRuns,
101 const String& experiment_type)
109 bool checkOldRunConsistency_(
110 const std::vector<ProteinIdentification>& protRuns,
112 const String& experiment_type)
116 void insertProteinIDs_(
117 std::vector<ProteinIdentification>&& old_protRuns
123 void updateAndMovePepIDs_(
124 std::vector<PeptideIdentification>&& pepIDs,
125 const std::map<String, Size>& runID_to_runIdx,
126 const std::vector<StringList>& originFiles,
131 void movePepIDsAndRefProteinsToResultFaster_(
132 std::vector<PeptideIdentification>&& pepIDs,
133 std::vector<ProteinIdentification>&& old_protRuns
153 bool filled_ =
void getSpectrumAlignment(std::vector< std::pair< Size, Size > > &alignment, const SpectrumType1 &s1, const SpectrumType2 &s2) const
Definition: SpectrumAlignment.h:88
Implements a fitter for Gaussian functions.
Definition: GaussFitter.h:60
Int getCharge() const
returns the charge of the peptide
Base class for TOPP applications.
Definition: TOPPBase.h:144
Normalizes the peak intensities spectrum-wise.
Definition: Normalizer.h:57
void setX(CoordinateType c)
Name mutator for the first dimension. Only for DPosition<2>, for visualization.
Definition: DPosition.h:171
const std::vector< ProteinGroup > & getIndistinguishableProteins() const
Returns the indistinguishable proteins.
static double median(IteratorType begin, IteratorType end, bool sorted=false)
Calculates the median of a range of values.
Definition: StatisticFunctions.h:151
void store(const String &filename, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids, const String &document_id="")
Stores the data in an idXML file.
double getSignificanceThreshold() const
Returns the protein significance threshold value.
const AASequence & getSequence() const
returns the peptide sequence without trailing or following spaces
ProteinIdentification prot_result_
the resulting new Protein IDs
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:137
static String basename(const String &file)
Returns the basename of the file (without the path).
std::vector< PeptideIdentification > pep_result_
the resulting new Peptide IDs
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:140
void setValue(const String &key, const DataValue &value, const String &description="", const StringList &tags=StringList())
Sets a value.
struct of parameters of a Gaussian distribution
Definition: GaussFitter.h:65
File adapter for MzML files.
Definition: MzMLFile.h:55
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:59
GaussFitResult fit(std::vector< DPosition< 2 > > &points) const
Fits a Gaussian distribution to the given data points.
std::map< String, Size > file_origin_to_idx_
to keep track of the mzML origins of spectra
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:156
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:127
double getMonoWeight(Residue::ResidueType type=Residue::Full, Int charge=0) const
Representation of a protein hit.
Definition: ProteinHit.h:58
with N-terminus and C-terminus
Definition: Residue.h:153
std::vector< ProteinHit >::iterator findHit(const String &accession)
Finds a protein hit by accession (returns past-the-end iterator if not found)
String toString() const
returns the peptide as string with modifications embedded in brackets
void filterSpectrum(SpectrumType &spectrum) const
Definition: Normalizer.h:86
virtual void getSpectrum(PeakSpectrum &spec, const AASequence &peptide, Int min_charge, Int max_charge) const
Generates a spectrum for a peptide sequence, with the ion types that are set in the tool parameters.
Representation of a protein identification run.
Definition: ProteinIdentification.h:70
Creates a new Protein ID run into which other runs can be inserted. Creates union of protein hits but...
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:61
void annotate(PeakMap &map, const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, const bool clear_ids=false, const bool map_ms1=false)
Mapping method for peak maps.
A base class for all classes handling default parameters.
Definition: DefaultParamHandler.h:92
void load(const String &filename, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids)
Loads the identifications of an idXML file without identifier.
Exception indicating that an invalid parameter was handed over to an algorithm.
Definition: Exception.h:347
Aligns the peaks of two sorted spectra Method 1: Using a banded (width via 'tolerance' parameter) ali...
Definition: SpectrumAlignment.h:67
static size_t accessionHash_(const ProteinHit &p)
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:142
const String & getAccession() const
returns the accession of the protein
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:46
std::vector< SpectrumType >::iterator Iterator
Mutable iterator.
Definition: MSExperiment.h:111
Representation of a histogram.
Definition: Histogram.h:63
Base class for all classes that want to report their progress.
Definition: ProgressLogger.h:54
Class to hold strings, numeric values, lists of strings and lists of numeric values.
Definition: DataValue.h:56
void load(const String &filename, PeakMap &map)
Loads a map from a MzML file. Spectra and chromatograms are sorted by default (this can be disabled u...
const std::vector< ProteinHit > & getHits() const
Returns the protein hits.
std::size_t(*)(const ProteinHit &) hash_type
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:148
Macro for general debugging information.
Definition: LogStream.h:470
std::unordered_set< ProteinHit, hash_type, equal_type > collected_protein_hits_
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:150
void setParameters(const Param ¶m)
Sets the parameters.
void setY(CoordinateType c)
Name mutator for the second dimension. Only for DPosition<2>, for visualization.
Definition: DPosition.h:178
const Param & getParameters() const
Non-mutable access to the parameters.
std::set< String > extractProteinAccessionsSet() const
extracts the set of non-empty protein accessions from peptide evidences
String id_
the new identifier string
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:159
std::vector< String > StringList
Vector of String.
Definition: ListUtils.h:70
unsigned int UInt
Unsigned integer type.
Definition: Types.h:94
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
Definition: INIFileEditor.cpp:73
void setInitialParameters(const GaussFitResult &result)
sets the initial parameters used by the fit method as initial guess for the Gaussian
Generates theoretical spectra for peptides with various options.
Definition: TheoreticalSpectrumGenerator.h:68
Represents the peptide hits for a spectrum.
Definition: PeptideIdentification.h:62
static double mean(IteratorType begin, IteratorType end)
Calculates the mean of a range of values.
Definition: StatisticFunctions.h:133
bool(*)(const ProteinHit &, const ProteinHit &) equal_type
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:149
Management and storage of parameters / INI files.
Definition: Param.h:73
const String & getScoreType() const
Returns the protein score type.
bool isHigherScoreBetter() const
Returns true if a higher score represents a better score.
Annotates an MSExperiment, FeatureMap or ConsensusMap with peptide identifications.
Definition: IDMapper.h:66
The representation of a 1D spectrum.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:67
const std::vector< ProteinGroup > & getProteinGroups() const
Returns the protein groups.
Exception used if an error occurred while fitting a model to a given dataset.
Definition: Exception.h:676
static double absdev(IteratorType begin, IteratorType end, double mean=std::numeric_limits< double >::max())
Calculates the absolute deviation of a range of values.
Definition: StatisticFunctions.h:320
static bool accessionEqual_(const ProteinHit &p1, const ProteinHit &p2)
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:145
Used to load and store idXML files.
Definition: IdXMLFile.h:63
static double sd(IteratorType begin, IteratorType end, double mean=std::numeric_limits< double >::max())
Calculates the standard deviation of a range of values.
Definition: StatisticFunctions.h:305
Representation of a peptide hit.
Definition: PeptideHit.h:55