class | BaseException |
| Exception base class. More...
class | Precondition |
| Precondition failed exception. More...
class | Postcondition |
| Postcondition failed exception. More...
class | MissingInformation |
| Not all required information provided. More...
class | IndexUnderflow |
| Int underflow exception. More...
class | SizeUnderflow |
| UInt underflow exception. More...
class | IndexOverflow |
| Int overflow exception. More...
class | FailedAPICall |
| A call to an external library (other than OpenMS) went wrong. More...
class | InvalidRange |
| Invalid range exception. More...
class | InvalidSize |
| Invalid UInt exception. More...
class | OutOfRange |
| Out of range exception. More...
class | InvalidValue |
| Invalid value exception. More...
class | InvalidParameter |
| Exception indicating that an invalid parameter was handed over to an algorithm. More...
class | ConversionError |
| Invalid conversion exception. More...
class | IllegalSelfOperation |
| Illegal self operation exception. More...
class | NullPointer |
| Null pointer argument is invalid exception. More...
class | InvalidIterator |
| Invalid iterator exception. More...
class | IncompatibleIterators |
| Incompatible iterator exception. More...
class | NotImplemented |
| Not implemented exception. More...
class | IllegalTreeOperation |
| Illegal tree operation exception. More...
class | OutOfMemory |
| Out of memory exception. More...
class | BufferOverflow |
| Buffer overflow exception. More...
class | DivisionByZero |
| Division by zero error exception. More...
class | OutOfGrid |
| Out of grid exception. More...
class | FileNotFound |
| File not found exception. More...
class | FileNotReadable |
| File not readable exception. More...
class | FileNotWritable |
| File not writable exception. More...
class | FileNameTooLong |
| Filename is too long to be writable/readable by the filesystem. More...
class | IOException |
| General IOException. More...
class | SqlOperationFailed |
| SqlOperation failed exception. More...
class | FileEmpty |
| File is empty. More...
class | IllegalPosition |
| Invalid 3-dimensional position exception. More...
class | ParseError |
| Parse Error exception. More...
class | UnableToCreateFile |
| Unable to create file exception. More...
class | IllegalArgument |
| A method or algorithm argument contains illegal values. More...
class | InternalToolError |
| A tool or algorithm which was called internally raised an exception. More...
class | ElementNotFound |
| Element could not be found exception. More...
class | UnableToFit |
| Exception used if an error occurred while fitting a model to a given dataset. More...
class | UnableToCalibrate |
| Exception used if an error occurred while calibrating a dataset. More...
class | DepletedIDPool |
| Exception used if no more unique document ID's can be drawn from ID pool. More...