111 const std::multimap<
OpenMS::String, std::pair<OpenMS::Size, OpenMS::Size>>& UIDs,
145 const std::multimap<
OpenMS::String, std::pair<OpenMS::Size, OpenMS::Size>>& UIDs,
Builds a MaxQuant Evidence.txt.
Definition: MQEvidenceExporter.h:57
std::map< OpenMS::Size, OpenMS::Size > makeFeatureUIDtoConsensusMapIndex_(const OpenMS::ConsensusMap &cmap)
Creates map that has the information which FeatureUID is mapped to which ConsensusFeature in Consensu...
MQEvidence(const OpenMS::String &path)
Creates MQEvidence object and evidence.txt in given path.
bool hasPeptideIdentifications_(const OpenMS::ConsensusFeature &cf)
Checks if ConsensusFeature has valid PeptideIdentifications.
bool hasValidPepID_(const OpenMS::Feature &f, const OpenMS::Size c_feature_number, const std::multimap< OpenMS::String, std::pair< OpenMS::Size, OpenMS::Size >> &UIDs, const OpenMS::ProteinIdentification::Mapping &mp_f)
Checks if Feature has valid PeptideIdentifications.
OpenMS::String filename_
path and name of the evidence.txt
Definition: MQEvidenceExporter.h:62
OpenMS::Size proteinGroupID_(const OpenMS::String &protein_accession)
returns the MaxQuant unique evidence number of a protein accession
void exportHeader_()
Writes the header of evidence.txt (Names of columns)
void exportFeatureMap(const OpenMS::FeatureMap &feature_map, const OpenMS::ConsensusMap &cmap)
Exports a FeatureMap to the evidence.txt.
std::map< OpenMS::String, OpenMS::Size > protein_id_
map that maps each accession to its distinct number in this evidence.txt
Definition: MQEvidenceExporter.h:61
Closes f_stream.
std::fstream file_
Stream where the data is added to create evidence.txt.
Definition: MQEvidenceExporter.h:59
void exportRowFromFeature_(const OpenMS::Feature &f, const OpenMS::ConsensusMap &cmap, const OpenMS::Size c_feature_number, const OpenMS::String &raw_file, const std::multimap< OpenMS::String, std::pair< OpenMS::Size, OpenMS::Size >> &UIDs, const OpenMS::ProteinIdentification::Mapping &mp_f)
Export one Feature as a row in MQEvidence.txt.
bool isValid()
Checks if evidence.txt is writable (i.e. the path in the ctor was not empty and could be created)
A consensus feature spanning multiple LC-MS/MS experiments.
Definition: ConsensusFeature.h:71
A container for consensus elements.
Definition: ConsensusMap.h:90
A container for features.
Definition: FeatureMap.h:106
An LC-MS feature.
Definition: Feature.h:72
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:60
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:127
two way mapping from ms-run-path to protID|pepID-identifier
Definition: ProteinIdentification.h:79