This is the complete list of members for Plot3DOpenGLCanvas, including all inherited members.
actionModeChange() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protectedslot |
axes_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
axes_ticks_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
AxisTickVector typedef | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
calculateGridLines_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
canvas_3d_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
computeSelection_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
corner_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
dataToZoomArray_(double x_1, double y_1, double x_2, double y_2) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
drawAxesLegend_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
far_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *e) override | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
grid_intensity_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
grid_mz_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
grid_rt_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
gridlines_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
ground_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
height_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
initializeGL() override | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
int_scale_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
makeAxes_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
makeAxesTicks_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
makeDataAsStick_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
makeDataAsTopView_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
makeGridLines_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
makeGround_() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
mouse_move_begin_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
mouse_move_end_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
near_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
normalizeAngle(int *angle) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
overall_values_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
painter_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
paintGL() override | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
Plot3DCanvas class | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | friend |
Plot3DOpenGLCanvas(QWidget *parent, Plot3DCanvas &canvas_3d) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
project_(GLdouble objx, GLdouble objy, GLdouble objz, GLdouble *winx, GLdouble *winy) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
qglClearColor_(QColor clearColor) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
qglColor_(QColor color) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
recalculateDotGradient_(LayerDataBase &layer) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
renderText_(double x, double y, double z, const QString &text) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
resetTranslation() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
resizeGL(int w, int h) override | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
restoreRotationAndZoom() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
scaledIntensity_(float intensity, Size layer_index) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
scaledInversMZ_(double mz) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
scaledInversRT_(double mz) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
scaledMZ_(double mz) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
scaledRT_(double rt) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
setXLabel(const QString &l) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | inline |
setYLabel(const QString &l) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | inline |
setZLabel(const QString &l) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | inline |
stickdata_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
storeRotationAndZoom() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
trans_x_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
trans_y_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
transformPoint_(GLdouble out[4], const GLdouble m[16], const GLdouble in[4]) | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
updateIntensityScale() | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |
width_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
x_1_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
x_2_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
x_label_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
xrot_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
xrot_tmp_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
y_1_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
y_2_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
y_label_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
yrot_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
yrot_tmp_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
z_label_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
zoom_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
zoom_tmp_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
zrot_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
zrot_tmp_ | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | protected |
~Plot3DOpenGLCanvas() override | Plot3DOpenGLCanvas | |