This is the complete list of members for MQExporterHelper, including all inherited members.
extractGeneName(const OpenMS::String &prot_description) | MQExporterHelper | static |
hasPeptideIdentifications_(const OpenMS::ConsensusFeature &cf) | MQExporterHelper | static |
hasValidPepID_(const OpenMS::Feature &f, const OpenMS::Size c_feature_number, const std::multimap< OpenMS::String, std::pair< OpenMS::Size, OpenMS::Size >> &UIDs, const OpenMS::ProteinIdentification::Mapping &mp_f) | MQExporterHelper | static |
isValid(const std::string &filename_) | MQExporterHelper | static |
makeFeatureUIDtoConsensusMapIndex_(const OpenMS::ConsensusMap &cmap) | MQExporterHelper | static |
proteinGroupID_(std::map< OpenMS::String, OpenMS::Size > &database, const OpenMS::String &protein_accession) | MQExporterHelper | static |