
Generates an assay library using DDA data (Metabolomics)

potential predecessor tools → AssayGeneratorMetabo → potential successor tools
FeatureFinderMetabo OpenSWATH pipeline

Build an assay library from DDA data (MS and MS/MS) (mzML). Please provide a list of features found in the data (featureXML).

Features can be detected using the FeatureFinderMetabo (FFM) and identifcation information can be added using the AccurateMassSearch feautreXML output.

If the FFM featureXML is provided the "use_known_unknowns" flag is used automatically.

Internal procedure AssayGeneratorMetabo:

  1. Input mzML and featureXML
  2. Reannotate precursor mz and intensity
  3. Filter feature by number of masstraces
  4. Assign precursors to specific feature (FeatureMapping)
  5. Extract feature meta information (if possible)
  6. Find MS2 spectrum with highest intensity precursor for one feature
  7. Dependent on the method fragment annotation via SIRIUS is used for transition extraction.
    If not fragment annotation is performed either the MS2 with the highest intensity precursor or a consensus spectrum can be used for the transition extractuib.
  8. Calculate thresholds (maximum and minimum intensity for transition peak)
  9. Extract and write transitions (tsv, traml)
    The command line parameters of this tool are:
    SiriusAdapter -- Tool for metabolite identification using single and tandem mass spectrometry
    Full documentation:
    Version: 3.1.0 Oct 18 2023, 10:27:18, Revision: 17a07f8
    To cite OpenMS:
     + Rost HL, Sachsenberg T, Aiche S, Bielow C et al.. OpenMS: a flexible open-source software platform for 
       mass spectrometry data analysis. Nat Meth. 2016; 13, 9: 741-748. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3959.
    To cite SiriusAdapter:
     + Kai Duehrkop and Sebastian Boecker. Fragmentation trees reloaded. J Cheminform; 2016. doi:10.1186/s13321-0
     + Kai Duehrkop, Huibin Shen, Marvin Meusel, Juho Rousu, and Sebastian Boecker. Searching molecular structure
        databases with tandem mass spectra using CSI:FingerID. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; 
       2015. doi:10.1073/pnas.1509788112.
      SiriusAdapter <options>
    Options (mandatory options marked with '*'):
      -sirius_executable <executable>                      The Sirius executable. Provide a full or relative path
                                                           , or make sure it can be found in your PATH environmen
      -in <file>*                                          MzML Input file (valid formats: 'mzML')
      -in_featureinfo <file>                               FeatureXML input with feature and adduct information 
                                                           (valid formats: 'featureXML')
      -out_sirius <file>                                   MzTab output file for SIRIUS results (valid formats: 
      -out_fingerid <file>                                 MzTab output file for CSI:FingerID, if this parameter 
                                                           is given, SIRIUS will search for a molecular structure
                                                            using CSI:FingerID after determining the sum formula 
                                                           (valid formats: 'mzTab')
      -out_ms <file>                                       Internal SIRIUS .ms format after OpenMS preprocessing 
                                                           (valid formats: 'ms')
      -out_annotated_spectra <file>                        Export spectra with fragment annotations from SIRIUS 
                                                           (valid formats: 'mzML')
      -out_project_space <directory>                       Output directory for SIRIUS project space
      -sirius_user_email <string>                          E-mail for your SIRIUS account.
      -sirius_user_password <string>                       Password for your SIRIUS account.
      -preprocessing:filter_by_num_masstraces <number>     Number of mass traces each feature has to have to be 
                                                           included. To use this parameter, setting the feature_o
                                                           nly flag is necessary (default: '1') (min: '1')
      -preprocessing:precursor_mz_tolerance <value>        Tolerance window for precursor selection (Feature sele
                                                           ction in regard to the precursor) (default: '10.0')
      -preprocessing:precursor_mz_tolerance_unit <choice>  Unit of the precursor_mz_tolerance (default: 'ppm') 
                                                           (valid: 'Da', 'ppm')
      -preprocessing:precursor_rt_tolerance <value>        Tolerance window (left and right) for precursor select
                                                           ion [seconds] (default: '5.0')
      -preprocessing:isotope_pattern_iterations <number>   Number of iterations that should be performed to extra
                                                           ct the C13 isotope pattern. If no peak is found (C13 
                                                           distance) the function will abort. Be careful with 
                                                           noisy data - since this can lead to wrong isotope patt
                                                           erns (default: '3')
      -preprocessing:feature_only                          Uses the feature information from in_featureinfo to 
                                                           reduce the search space to MS2 associated with a featu
      -preprocessing:no_masstrace_info_isotope_pattern     Use this flag if the masstrace information from a feat
                                                           ure should be discarded and the isotope_pattern_iterat
                                                           ions should be used instead
      -project:maxmz <number>                              Just consider compounds with a precursor mz lower or 
                                                           this maximum mz. All other compounds in the input file
                                                           are ignored. (default: '-1')
      -project:loglevel <text>                             Set logging level of the Jobs SIRIUS will execute.
                                                           Valid values: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINER, ALL
                                                           Default: WARNING
      -project:ignore_formula                              Ignore given molecular formula in internal .ms format,
                                                            while processing.
      -project:q                                           Suppress shell output
      -sirius:ppm_max <value>                              Maximum allowed mass deviation in ppm for decomposing 
                                                           masses [ppm]. (default: '10.0')
      -sirius:ppm_max_ms2 <value>                          Maximum allowed mass deviation in ppm for decomposing 
                                                           masses in MS2 [ppm].If not specified, the same value 
                                                           as for the MS1 is used.  (default: '10.0')
      -sirius:tree_timeout <number>                        Time out in seconds per fragmentation tree computation
                                                           s. 0 for an infinite amount of time (default: '100') 
                                                           (min: '0')
      -sirius:compound_timeout <number>                    Maximal computation time in seconds for a single compo
                                                           und. 0 for an infinite amount of time. (default: '100'
                                                           ) (min: '0')
      -sirius:no_recalibration                             Disable recalibration of input spectra
      -sirius:profile <choice>                             Name of the configuration profile (default: 'default')
                                                            (valid: 'default', 'qtof', 'orbitrap', 'fticr')
      -sirius:formulas <text>                              Specify the neutral molecular formula of the measured 
                                                           compound to compute its tree or a list of candidate 
                                                           formulas the method should discriminate. Omit this 
                                                           option if you want to consider all possible molecular 
      -sirius:ions_enforced <text>                         The iontype/adduct of the MS/MS data. Example: [M+H]+,
                                                           [M-H]-, [M+Cl]-, [M+Na]+, [M]+. You can also provide 
                                                           comma separated list of adducts.
      -sirius:candidates <number>                          The number of formula candidates in the SIRIUS output 
                                                           (default: '10') (min: '0')
      -sirius:candidates_per_ion <number>                  Minimum number of candidates in the output for each 
                                                           ionization. Set to force output of results for each 
                                                           possible ionization, even if not part of highest ranke
                                                           d results. (default: '1')
      -sirius:elements_considered <text>                   Set the allowed elements for rare element detection. 
                                                           Write SBrClBSe to allow the elements S,Br,Cl,B and 
                                                           Se. (default: 'SBrClBSe')
      -sirius:elements_enforced <text>                     Enforce elements for molecular formula determination. 
                                                           Write CHNOPSCl to allow the elements C, H, N, O, P, S 
                                                           and Cl. Add numbers in brackets to restrict the minima
                                                           l and maximal allowed occurrence of these elements: 
                                                           CHNOP[5]S[8]Cl[1-2]. When one number is given then it 
                                                           is interpreted as upper bound. (default: 'CHNOP')
      -sirius:no_isotope_score                             Disable isotope pattern score.
      -sirius:no_isotope_filter                            Disable molecular formula filter. When filtering is 
                                                           enabled, molecular formulas are excluded if their theo
                                                           retical isotope pattern does not match the theoretical
                                                            one, even if their MS/MS pattern has high score.
      -sirius:ions_considered <text>                       The iontype/adduct of the MS/MS data. Example: [M+H]+,
                                                            [M-H]-, [M+Cl]-, [M+Na]+, [M]+. You can also provide 
                                                           a comma separated list of adducts. (default: '[M+H]+,[
      -sirius:db <text>                                    Search formulas in the Union of the given databases 
                                                           db-name1,db-name2,db-name3. If no database is given 
                                                           all possible molecular formulas will be respected (no 
                                                           database is used). Example: possible DBs: ALL,BIO,PUBC
                                                           E,ECOCYCMINE,YMDBMINE (default: 'none')
      -sirius:solver <text>                                For GUROBI and CPLEX environment variables need to be 
                                                           (see SIRIUS manual:
                                                  (default: 'CLP')
      -fingerid:db <text>                                  Search structures in the Union of the given databases 
                                                           db-name1,db-name2,db-name3. If no database is given 
                                                           all possible molecular formulas will be respected (no 
                                                           database is used). Example: possible DBs: ALL,BIO,PUBC
    Common TOPP options:
      -ini <file>                                          Use the given TOPP INI file
      -threads <n>                                         Sets the number of threads allowed to be used by the 
                                                           TOPP tool (default: '1')
      -write_ini <file>                                    Writes the default configuration file
      --help                                               Shows options
      --helphelp                                           Shows all options (including advanced)
    INI file documentation of this tool:
    required parameter
    advanced parameter
    +SiriusAdapterTool for metabolite identification using single and tandem mass spectrometry
    version3.1.0 Version of the tool that generated this parameters file.
    ++1Instance '1' section for 'SiriusAdapter'
    sirius_executablesirius The Sirius executable. Provide a full or relative path, or make sure it can be found in your PATH environment.input file, is_executable
    in MzML Input fileinput file*.mzML
    in_featureinfo FeatureXML input with feature and adduct informationinput file*.featureXML
    out_sirius MzTab output file for SIRIUS resultsoutput file*.mzTab
    out_fingerid MzTab output file for CSI:FingerID, if this parameter is given, SIRIUS will search for a molecular structure using CSI:FingerID after determining the sum formulaoutput file*.mzTab
    out_ms Internal SIRIUS .ms format after OpenMS preprocessingoutput file*.ms
    out_annotated_spectra Export spectra with fragment annotations from SIRIUSoutput file*.mzML
    out_project_space Output directory for SIRIUS project space
    sirius_user_email E-mail for your SIRIUS account.
    sirius_user_password Password for your SIRIUS account.
    converter_modefalse Use this flag in combination with the out_ms file to convert the input mzML and featureXML to a .ms file. Without further SIRIUS processing.true, false
    read_sirius_stdoutfalse Read and print the standard output and error of the Sirius executable, even if it succeeds.true, false
    log Name of log file (created only when specified)
    debug0 Sets the debug level
    threads1 Sets the number of threads allowed to be used by the TOPP tool
    no_progressfalse Disables progress logging to command linetrue, false
    forcefalse Overrides tool-specific checkstrue, false
    testfalse Enables the test mode (needed for internal use only)true, false
    filter_by_num_masstraces1 Number of mass traces each feature has to have to be included. To use this parameter, setting the feature_only flag is necessary1:∞
    precursor_mz_tolerance10.0 Tolerance window for precursor selection (Feature selection in regard to the precursor)
    precursor_mz_tolerance_unitppm Unit of the precursor_mz_toleranceDa, ppm
    precursor_rt_tolerance5.0 Tolerance window (left and right) for precursor selection [seconds]
    isotope_pattern_iterations3 Number of iterations that should be performed to extract the C13 isotope pattern. If no peak is found (C13 distance) the function will abort. Be careful with noisy data - since this can lead to wrong isotope patterns
    feature_onlyfalse Uses the feature information from in_featureinfo to reduce the search space to MS2 associated with a featuretrue, false
    no_masstrace_info_isotope_patternfalse Use this flag if the masstrace information from a feature should be discarded and the isotope_pattern_iterations should be used insteadtrue, false
    maxmz-1 Just consider compounds with a precursor mz lower or equal
    this maximum mz. All other compounds in the input file
    are ignored.
    loglevel Set logging level of the Jobs SIRIUS will execute.
    Default: WARNING
    ignore_formulafalse Ignore given molecular formula in internal .ms format, while processing.true, false
    qfalse Suppress shell outputtrue, false
    ppm_max10.0 Maximum allowed mass deviation in ppm for decomposing masses [ppm].
    ppm_max_ms210.0 Maximum allowed mass deviation in ppm for decomposing masses in MS2 [ppm].If not specified, the same value as for the MS1 is used.
    tree_timeout100 Time out in seconds per fragmentation tree computations. 0 for an infinite amount of time0:∞
    compound_timeout100 Maximal computation time in seconds for a single compound. 0 for an infinite amount of time.0:∞
    no_recalibrationfalse Disable recalibration of input spectratrue, false
    profiledefault Name of the configuration profiledefault, qtof, orbitrap, fticr
    formulas Specify the neutral molecular formula of the measured compound to compute its tree or a list of candidate formulas the method should discriminate. Omit this option if you want to consider all possible molecular formulas
    ions_enforced The iontype/adduct of the MS/MS data. Example: [M+H]+,
    [M-H]-, [M+Cl]-, [M+Na]+, [M]+. You can also provide a
    comma separated list of adducts.
    candidates10 The number of formula candidates in the SIRIUS output0:∞
    candidates_per_ion1 Minimum number of candidates in the output for each ionization. Set to force output of results for each possible ionization, even if not part of highest ranked results.
    elements_consideredSBrClBSe Set the allowed elements for rare element detection. Write SBrClBSe to allow the elements S,Br,Cl,B and Se.
    elements_enforcedCHNOP Enforce elements for molecular formula determination. Write CHNOPSCl to allow the elements C, H, N, O, P, S and Cl. Add numbers in brackets to restrict the minimal and maximal allowed occurrence of these elements: CHNOP[5]S[8]Cl[1-2]. When one number is given then it is interpreted as upper bound.
    no_isotope_scorefalse Disable isotope pattern score.true, false
    no_isotope_filterfalse Disable molecular formula filter. When filtering is enabled, molecular formulas are excluded if their theoretical isotope pattern does not match the theoretical one, even if their MS/MS pattern has high score.true, false
    ions_considered[M+H]+,[M+K]+,[M+Na]+,[M+H-H2O]+,[M+H-H4O2]+,[M+NH4]+,[M-H]-,[M+Cl]-,[M-H2O-H]-,[M+Br]- the iontype/adduct of the MS/MS data. Example: [M+H]+, [M-H]-, [M+Cl]-, [M+Na]+, [M]+. You can also provide a comma separated list of adducts.
    dbnone Search formulas in the Union of the given databases db-name1,db-name2,db-name3. If no database is given all possible molecular formulas will be respected (no database is used). Example: possible DBs: ALL,BIO,PUBCHEM,MESH,HMDB,KNAPSACK,CHEBI,PUBMED,KEGG,HSDB,MACONDA,METACYC,GNPS,ZINCBIO,UNDP,YMDB,PLANTCYC,NORMAN,ADDITIONAL,PUBCHEMANNOTATIONBIO,PUBCHEMANNOTATIONDRUG,PUBCHEMANNOTATIONSAFETYANDTOXIC,PUBCHEMANNOTATIONFOOD,KEGGMINE,ECOCYCMINE,YMDBMINE
    solverCLP For GUROBI and CPLEX environment variables need to be configured.
    (see SIRIUS manual: