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1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2023, The OpenMS Team -- EKU Tuebingen, ETH Zurich, and FU Berlin
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
3 //
4 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // $Maintainer: Chris Bielow $
6 // $Authors: Marc Sturm, Chris Bielow $
7 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 #pragma once
11 #include <OpenMS/CONCEPT/Types.h>
12 #include <OpenMS/CONCEPT/Macros.h>
14 #include <OpenMS/DATASTRUCTURES/ListUtils.h> // StringList
19 #include <xercesc/sax2/Attributes.hpp>
20 #include <xercesc/sax2/DefaultHandler.hpp>
21 #include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
23 #include <iosfwd>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <memory>
28 namespace OpenMS
29 {
30  class ProteinIdentification;
31  class MetaInfoInterface;
33  namespace Internal
34  {
36  #define CONST_XMLCH(s) reinterpret_cast<const ::XMLCh*>(u ## s)
38  static_assert(sizeof(::XMLCh) == sizeof(char16_t),
39  "XMLCh is not sized correctly for UTF-16.");
41  //Adapted from
42  //Copyright 2010 Orjan Westin
43  //Under BSD license
44  //========================================================================================================
45  template<typename T>
46  class OPENMS_DLLAPI shared_xerces_ptr
47  {
48  // Function to release Xerces data type with a release member function
49  template<typename U>
50  static void doRelease_(U* item)
51  {
52  // Only release this if it has no owner
53  if (nullptr == item->getOwnerDocument())
54  item->release();
55  }
57  static void doRelease_(char* item);
58  static void doRelease_(XMLCh* item);
60  // The actual data we're holding
61  std::shared_ptr<T> item_;
62  public:
63  // Default constructor
64  shared_xerces_ptr() = default;
65  // Assignment constructor
67  : item_(item, doRelease_ )
68  {}
69  // Assignment of data to guard
71  {
72  assign(item);
73  return *this;
74  }
75  // Give up hold on data
76  void reset()
77  {
78  item_.reset();
79  }
80  // Release currently held data, if any, to hold another
81  void assign(T* item)
82  {
83  item_.reset(item, doRelease_ );
84  }
85  // Get pointer to the currently held data, if any
86  T* get()
87  {
88  return item_.get();
89  }
90  const T* get() const
91  {
92  return item_.get();
93  }
94  // Return true if no data is held
95  bool is_released() const
96  {
97  return (nullptr == item_.get());
98  }
99  };
101  template <typename T>
102  class OPENMS_DLLAPI unique_xerces_ptr
103  {
104  private:
106  template<typename U>
107  static void doRelease_(U*& item)
108  {
109  // Only release this if it has no parent (otherwise
110  // parent will release it)
111  if (nullptr == item->getOwnerDocument())
112  item->release();
113  }
115  static void doRelease_(char*& item);
116  static void doRelease_(XMLCh*& item);
118  T* item_;
120  public:
122  // Hide copy constructor and assignment operator
127  : item_(nullptr)
128  {}
130  explicit unique_xerces_ptr(T* i)
131  : item_(i)
132  {}
135  {
136  xerces_release();
137  }
140  : item_(nullptr)
141  {
142  this->swap(other);
143  }
145  void swap(unique_xerces_ptr<T>& other) noexcept
146  {
147  std::swap(item_, other.item_);
148  }
150  // Assignment of data to guard (not chainable)
151  void operator=(T* i)
152  {
153  reassign(i);
154  }
156  // Release held data (i.e. delete/free it)
158  {
159  if (!is_released())
160  {
161  // Use type-specific release mechanism
162  doRelease_(item_);
163  item_ = nullptr;
164  }
165  }
167  // Give up held data (i.e. return data without releasing)
168  T* yield()
169  {
170  T* tempItem = item_;
171  item_ = nullptr;
172  return tempItem;
173  }
175  // Release currently held data, if any, to hold another
176  void assign(T* i)
177  {
178  xerces_release();
179  item_ = i;
180  }
182  // Get pointer to the currently held data, if any
183  T* get() const
184  {
185  return item_;
186  }
188  // Return true if no data is held
189  bool is_released() const
190  {
191  return (nullptr == item_);
192  }
193  };
195  //========================================================================================================
197  /*
198  * @brief Helper class for XML parsing that handles the conversions of Xerces strings
199  *
200  * It provides the convert() function which internally calls
201  * XMLString::transcode and ensures that the memory is released properly
202  * through XMLString::release internally. It returns a std::string or
203  * std::basic_string<XMLCh> to the caller who takes ownership of the data.
204  *
205  */
206  class OPENMS_DLLAPI StringManager
207  {
209  typedef std::basic_string<XMLCh> XercesString;
211  // Converts from a narrow-character string to a wide-character string.
212  inline static unique_xerces_ptr<XMLCh> fromNative_(const char* str)
213  {
214  return unique_xerces_ptr<XMLCh>(xercesc::XMLString::transcode(str));
215  }
217  // Converts from a narrow-character string to a wide-character string.
218  inline static unique_xerces_ptr<XMLCh> fromNative_(const String& str)
219  {
220  return fromNative_(str.c_str());
221  }
223  // Converts from a wide-character string to a narrow-character string.
224  inline static String toNative_(const XMLCh* str)
225  {
226  return String(unique_xerces_ptr<char>(xercesc::XMLString::transcode(str)).get());
227  }
229  // Converts from a wide-character string to a narrow-character string.
230  inline static String toNative_(const unique_xerces_ptr<XMLCh>& str)
231  {
232  return toNative_(str.get());
233  }
236 public:
244  inline static XercesString convert(const char * str)
245  {
246  return fromNative_(str).get();
247  }
250  inline static XercesString convert(const std::string & str)
251  {
252  return fromNative_(str.c_str()).get();
253  }
256  inline static XercesString convert(const String & str)
257  {
258  return fromNative_(str.c_str()).get();
259  }
262  inline static unique_xerces_ptr<XMLCh> convertPtr(const char * str)
263  {
264  return fromNative_(str);
265  }
268  inline static unique_xerces_ptr<XMLCh> convertPtr(const std::string & str)
269  {
270  return fromNative_(str.c_str());
271  }
274  inline static unique_xerces_ptr<XMLCh> convertPtr(const String & str)
275  {
276  return fromNative_(str.c_str());
277  }
280  inline static String convert(const XMLCh * str)
281  {
282  return toNative_(str);
283  }
291  static void appendASCII(const XMLCh * str, const XMLSize_t length, String & result);
293  };
298  class OPENMS_DLLAPI XMLHandler :
299  public xercesc::DefaultHandler
300  {
301 public:
304  class OPENMS_DLLAPI EndParsingSoftly :
306  {
307  public:
308  EndParsingSoftly(const char * file, int line, const char * function) :
309  Exception::BaseException(file, line, function)
310  {
311  }
313  };
317  {
319  STORE
320  };
323  {
324  LD_ALLDATA, // default; load all data
325  LD_RAWCOUNTS, // only count the total number of spectra and chromatograms (usually very fast)
326  LD_COUNTS_WITHOPTIONS // count the number of spectra, while respecting PeakFileOptions (msLevel and RTRange) and chromatograms (fast)
327  };
331  XMLHandler(const String & filename, const String & version);
333  ~XMLHandler() override;
336  void reset();
345  void fatalError(const xercesc::SAXParseException & exception) override;
346  void error(const xercesc::SAXParseException & exception) override;
347  void warning(const xercesc::SAXParseException & exception) override;
351  void fatalError(ActionMode mode, const String & msg, UInt line = 0, UInt column = 0) const;
353  void error(ActionMode mode, const String & msg, UInt line = 0, UInt column = 0) const;
355  void warning(ActionMode mode, const String & msg, UInt line = 0, UInt column = 0) const;
358  void characters(const XMLCh * const chars, const XMLSize_t length) override;
360  void startElement(const XMLCh * const uri, const XMLCh * const localname, const XMLCh * const qname, const xercesc::Attributes & attrs) override;
362  void endElement(const XMLCh * const uri, const XMLCh * const localname, const XMLCh * const qname) override;
365  virtual void writeTo(std::ostream & /*os*/);
368  virtual LOADDETAIL getLoadDetail() const;
371  virtual void setLoadDetail(const LOADDETAIL d);
380  static String writeXMLEscape(const String& to_escape)
381  {
382  String _copy = to_escape;
383  // has() is cheap, so check before calling substitute(), since substitute() will usually happen rarely
384  if (_copy.has('&')) _copy.substitute("&","&amp;");
385  if (_copy.has('>')) _copy.substitute(">","&gt;");
386  if (_copy.has('"')) _copy.substitute("\"","&quot;");
387  if (_copy.has('<')) _copy.substitute("<","&lt;");
388  if (_copy.has('\'')) _copy.substitute("'","&apos;");
390  return _copy;
391  }
406  static DataValue fromXSDString(const String& type, const String& value)
407  {
408  DataValue data_value;
409  // float type
410  if (type == "xsd:double" || type == "xsd:float" || type == "xsd:decimal")
411  {
412  data_value = DataValue(value.toDouble());
413  }
414  // <=32 bit integer types
415  else if (type == "xsd:byte" || // 8bit signed
416  type == "xsd:int" || // 32bit signed
417  type == "xsd:unsignedShort" || // 16bit unsigned
418  type == "xsd:short" || // 16bit signed
419  type == "xsd:unsignedByte" || type == "xsd:unsignedInt")
420  {
421  data_value = DataValue(value.toInt32());
422  }
423  // 64 bit integer types
424  else if (type == "xsd:long" || type == "xsd:unsignedLong" || // 64bit signed or unsigned respectively
425  type == "xsd:integer" || type == "xsd:negativeInteger" || // any 'integer' has arbitrary size... but we have to cope with 64bit for now.
426  type == "xsd:nonNegativeInteger" || type == "xsd:nonPositiveInteger" || type == "xsd:positiveInteger")
427  {
428  data_value = DataValue(value.toInt64()); // internally a signed 64-bit integer. So if someone uses 2^64-1 as value, toInt64() will raise an exception...
429  }
430  // everything else is treated as a string
431  else
432  {
433  data_value = DataValue(value);
434  }
435  return data_value;
436  }
440  void checkUniqueIdentifiers_(const std::vector<ProteinIdentification>& prot_ids) const;
442 protected:
457  std::vector<String> open_tags_;
464  inline bool equal_(const XMLCh * a, const XMLCh * b) const
465  {
466  return xercesc::XMLString::compareString(a, b) == 0;
467  }
473  void writeUserParam_(const String & tag_name, std::ostream & os, const MetaInfoInterface & meta, UInt indent) const;
481  std::vector<std::vector<String> > cv_terms_;
485  SignedSize cvStringToEnum_(const Size section, const String & term, const char * message, const SignedSize result_on_error = 0);
493  inline Int asInt_(const String & in) const
494  {
495  Int res = 0;
496  try
497  {
498  res = in.toInt();
499  }
501  {
502  error(LOAD, String("Int conversion error of \"") + in + "\"");
503  }
504  return res;
505  }
508  inline Int asInt_(const XMLCh * in) const
509  {
510  return xercesc::XMLString::parseInt(in);
511  }
514  inline UInt asUInt_(const String & in) const
515  {
516  UInt res = 0;
517  try
518  {
519  Int tmp = in.toInt();
520  if (tmp < 0)
521  {
522  throw Exception::ConversionError(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION, "");
523  }
524  res = UInt(tmp);
525  }
527  {
528  error(LOAD, String("UInt conversion error of \"") + in + "\"");
529  }
530  return res;
531  }
534  inline double asDouble_(const String & in) const
535  {
536  double res = 0.0;
537  try
538  {
539  res = in.toDouble();
540  }
542  {
543  error(LOAD, String("Double conversion error of \"") + in + "\"");
544  }
545  return res;
546  }
549  inline float asFloat_(const String & in) const
550  {
551  float res = 0.0;
552  try
553  {
554  res = in.toFloat();
555  }
557  {
558  error(LOAD, String("Float conversion error of \"") + in + "\"");
559  }
560  return res;
561  }
570  inline bool asBool_(const String & in) const
571  {
572  if (in == "true" || in == "TRUE" || in == "True" || in == "1")
573  {
574  return true;
575  }
576  else if (in == "false" || in == "FALSE" || in == "False" || in == "0")
577  {
578  return false;
579  }
580  else
581  {
582  error(LOAD, String("Boolean conversion error of \"") + in + "\"");
583  }
584  return false;
585  }
588  inline DateTime asDateTime_(String date_string) const
589  {
590  DateTime date_time;
591  if (!date_string.empty())
592  {
593  try
594  {
595  //strip away milliseconds
596  date_string.trim();
597  date_string = date_string.substr(0, 19);
598  date_time.set(date_string);
599  }
600  catch (Exception::ParseError& /*err*/ )
601  {
602  error(LOAD, String("DateTime conversion error of \"") + date_string + "\"");
603  }
604  }
605  return date_time;
606  }
614  inline String attributeAsString_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
615  {
616  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
617  if (val == nullptr) fatalError(LOAD, String("Required attribute '") + name + "' not present!");
618  return sm_.convert(val);
619  }
622  inline Int attributeAsInt_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
623  {
624  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
625  if (val == nullptr) fatalError(LOAD, String("Required attribute '") + name + "' not present!");
626  return xercesc::XMLString::parseInt(val);
627  }
630  inline double attributeAsDouble_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
631  {
632  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
633  if (val == nullptr) fatalError(LOAD, String("Required attribute '") + name + "' not present!");
634  return String(sm_.convert(val)).toDouble();
635  }
638  inline DoubleList attributeAsDoubleList_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
639  {
640  String tmp(expectList_(attributeAsString_(a, name)));
641  return ListUtils::create<double>(tmp.substr(1, tmp.size() - 2));
642  }
645  inline IntList attributeAsIntList_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
646  {
647  String tmp(expectList_(attributeAsString_(a, name)));
648  return ListUtils::create<Int>(tmp.substr(1, tmp.size() - 2));
649  }
652  inline StringList attributeAsStringList_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
653  {
654  String tmp(expectList_(attributeAsString_(a, name)));
655  StringList tmp_list = ListUtils::create<String>(tmp.substr(1, tmp.size() - 2)); // between [ and ]
657  if (tmp.hasSubstring("\\|")) // check full string for escaped comma
658  {
659  for (String& s : tmp_list)
660  {
661  s.substitute("\\|", ",");
662  }
663  }
664  return tmp_list;
665  }
672  inline bool optionalAttributeAsString_(String & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
673  {
674  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
675  if (val != nullptr)
676  {
677  value = sm_.convert(val);
678  return true;
679  }
680  return false;
681  }
688  inline bool optionalAttributeAsInt_(Int & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
689  {
690  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
691  if (val != nullptr)
692  {
693  value = xercesc::XMLString::parseInt(val);
694  return true;
695  }
696  return false;
697  }
704  inline bool optionalAttributeAsUInt_(UInt & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
705  {
706  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
707  if (val != nullptr)
708  {
709  value = xercesc::XMLString::parseInt(val);
710  return true;
711  }
712  return false;
713  }
720  inline bool optionalAttributeAsDouble_(double & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
721  {
722  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
723  if (val != nullptr)
724  {
725  value = String(sm_.convert(val)).toDouble();
726  return true;
727  }
728  return false;
729  }
736  inline bool optionalAttributeAsDoubleList_(DoubleList & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
737  {
738  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
739  if (val != nullptr)
740  {
741  value = attributeAsDoubleList_(a, name);
742  return true;
743  }
744  return false;
745  }
752  inline bool optionalAttributeAsStringList_(StringList & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
753  {
754  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
755  if (val != nullptr)
756  {
757  value = attributeAsStringList_(a, name);
758  return true;
759  }
760  return false;
761  }
768  inline bool optionalAttributeAsIntList_(IntList & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const char * name) const
769  {
770  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(sm_.convertPtr(name).get());
771  if (val != nullptr)
772  {
773  value = attributeAsIntList_(a, name);
774  return true;
775  }
776  return false;
777  }
780  inline String attributeAsString_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
781  {
782  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
783  if (val == nullptr) fatalError(LOAD, String("Required attribute '") + sm_.convert(name) + "' not present!");
784  return sm_.convert(val);
785  }
788  inline Int attributeAsInt_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
789  {
790  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
791  if (val == nullptr) fatalError(LOAD, String("Required attribute '") + sm_.convert(name) + "' not present!");
792  return xercesc::XMLString::parseInt(val);
793  }
796  inline double attributeAsDouble_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
797  {
798  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
799  if (val == nullptr) fatalError(LOAD, String("Required attribute '") + sm_.convert(name) + "' not present!");
800  return sm_.convert(val).toDouble();
801  }
804  inline DoubleList attributeAsDoubleList_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
805  {
806  String tmp(expectList_(attributeAsString_(a, name)));
807  return ListUtils::create<double>(tmp.substr(1, tmp.size() - 2));
808  }
811  inline IntList attributeAsIntList_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
812  {
813  String tmp(expectList_(attributeAsString_(a, name)));
814  return ListUtils::create<Int>(tmp.substr(1, tmp.size() - 2));
815  }
818  inline StringList attributeAsStringList_(const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
819  {
820  String tmp(expectList_(attributeAsString_(a, name)));
821  StringList tmp_list = ListUtils::create<String>(tmp.substr(1, tmp.size() - 2)); // between [ and ]
823  if (tmp.hasSubstring("\\|")) // check full string for escaped comma
824  {
825  for (String& s : tmp_list)
826  {
827  s.substitute("\\|", ",");
828  }
829  }
830  return tmp_list;
831  }
834  inline bool optionalAttributeAsString_(String& value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
835  {
836  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
837  if (val != nullptr)
838  {
839  value = sm_.convert(val);
840  return !value.empty();
841  }
842  return false;
843  }
846  inline bool optionalAttributeAsInt_(Int & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
847  {
848  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
849  if (val != nullptr)
850  {
851  value = xercesc::XMLString::parseInt(val);
852  return true;
853  }
854  return false;
855  }
858  inline bool optionalAttributeAsUInt_(UInt & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
859  {
860  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
861  if (val != nullptr)
862  {
863  value = xercesc::XMLString::parseInt(val);
864  return true;
865  }
866  return false;
867  }
870  inline bool optionalAttributeAsDouble_(double & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
871  {
872  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
873  if (val != nullptr)
874  {
875  value = sm_.convert(val).toDouble();
876  return true;
877  }
878  return false;
879  }
886  inline bool optionalAttributeAsDoubleList_(DoubleList & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
887  {
888  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
889  if (val != nullptr)
890  {
891  value = attributeAsDoubleList_(a, name);
892  return true;
893  }
894  return false;
895  }
902  inline bool optionalAttributeAsIntList_(IntList & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
903  {
904  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
905  if (val != nullptr)
906  {
907  value = attributeAsIntList_(a, name);
908  return true;
909  }
910  return false;
911  }
918  inline bool optionalAttributeAsStringList_(StringList & value, const xercesc::Attributes & a, const XMLCh * name) const
919  {
920  const XMLCh * val = a.getValue(name);
921  if (val != nullptr)
922  {
923  value = attributeAsStringList_(a, name);
924  return true;
925  }
926  return false;
927  }
931 private:
935  inline const String& expectList_(const String& str) const
936  {
937  if (!(str.hasPrefix('[') && str.hasSuffix(']')))
938  {
939  fatalError(LOAD, String("List argument is not a string representation of a list!"));
940  }
941  return str;
942  }
944  };
946  } // namespace Internal
947 } // namespace OpenMS
Class to hold strings, numeric values, lists of strings and lists of numeric values.
Definition: DataValue.h:33
DateTime Class.
Definition: DateTime.h:33
void set(UInt month, UInt day, UInt year, UInt hour, UInt minute, UInt second)
sets data from six integers
Exception base class.
Definition: Exception.h:65
Invalid conversion exception.
Definition: Exception.h:330
Parse Error exception.
Definition: Exception.h:598
Definition: XMLHandler.h:207
static unique_xerces_ptr< XMLCh > convertPtr(const String &str)
Transcode the supplied OpenMS string to a xerces string pointer.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:274
static XercesString convert(const String &str)
Transcode the supplied OpenMS string to a xerces string.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:256
static unique_xerces_ptr< XMLCh > convertPtr(const char *str)
Transcode the supplied C string to a xerces string pointer.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:262
static unique_xerces_ptr< XMLCh > fromNative_(const String &str)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:218
static String convert(const XMLCh *str)
Transcode the supplied XMLCh* to a String.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:280
static String toNative_(const XMLCh *str)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:224
std::basic_string< XMLCh > XercesString
Definition: XMLHandler.h:209
static unique_xerces_ptr< XMLCh > fromNative_(const char *str)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:212
static XercesString convert(const std::string &str)
Transcode the supplied C++ string to a xerces string.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:250
static XercesString convert(const char *str)
Transcode the supplied C string to a xerces string.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:244
static String toNative_(const unique_xerces_ptr< XMLCh > &str)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:230
static void appendASCII(const XMLCh *str, const XMLSize_t length, String &result)
Transcodes the supplied XMLCh* and appends it to the OpenMS String.
static unique_xerces_ptr< XMLCh > convertPtr(const std::string &str)
Transcode the supplied C++ string to a xerces string pointer.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:268
Exception that is thrown if the parsing is ended by some event (e.g. if only a prefix of the XML file...
Definition: XMLHandler.h:306
EndParsingSoftly(const char *file, int line, const char *function)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:308
Base class for XML handlers.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:300
IntList attributeAsIntList_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Converts an attribute to a IntList.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:811
virtual LOADDETAIL getLoadDetail() const
handler which support partial loading, implement this method
std::vector< String > open_tags_
Stack of open XML tags.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:457
void startElement(const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname, const xercesc::Attributes &attrs) override
Parsing method for opening tags.
void warning(const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception) override
bool optionalAttributeAsInt_(Int &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the Int value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:846
XMLHandler(const String &filename, const String &version)
Default constructor.
bool optionalAttributeAsStringList_(StringList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the StringList value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:752
LOADDETAIL load_detail_
parse only until total number of scans and chroms have been determined from attributes
Definition: XMLHandler.h:460
Int asInt_(const String &in) const
Conversion of a String to an integer value.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:493
bool optionalAttributeAsString_(String &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the String value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:834
StringList attributeAsStringList_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Converts an attribute to a StringList.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:818
DoubleList attributeAsDoubleList_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Converts an attribute to a DoubleList.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:804
bool optionalAttributeAsUInt_(UInt &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the UInt value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:704
virtual void setLoadDetail(const LOADDETAIL d)
handler which support partial loading, implement this method
void checkUniqueIdentifiers_(const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &prot_ids) const
Not implemented.
void endElement(const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname) override
Parsing method for closing tags.
bool asBool_(const String &in) const
Conversion of a string to a boolean value.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:570
String file_
File name.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:444
static DataValue fromXSDString(const String &type, const String &value)
Convert an XSD type (e.g. 'xsd:double') to a DataValue.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:406
void fatalError(ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
Fatal error handler. Throws a ParseError exception.
bool optionalAttributeAsIntList_(IntList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the IntList value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:902
String version_
Schema version.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:447
Definition: XMLHandler.h:323
Definition: XMLHandler.h:325
Definition: XMLHandler.h:324
bool equal_(const XMLCh *a, const XMLCh *b) const
Returns if two Xerces strings are equal.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:464
UInt asUInt_(const String &in) const
Conversion of a String to an unsigned integer value.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:514
String attributeAsString_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Converts an attribute to a String.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:614
bool optionalAttributeAsStringList_(StringList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the StringList value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:918
StringList attributeAsStringList_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Converts an attribute to an StringList.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:652
void warning(ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
Warning handler.
std::vector< std::vector< String > > cv_terms_
Array of CV term lists (one sublist denotes one term and it's children)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:481
Action to set the current mode (for error messages)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:317
Loading a file.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:318
DoubleList attributeAsDoubleList_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Converts an attribute to a DoubleList.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:638
bool optionalAttributeAsDouble_(double &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the double value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:870
Int attributeAsInt_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Converts an attribute to a Int.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:788
void writeUserParam_(const String &tag_name, std::ostream &os, const MetaInfoInterface &meta, UInt indent) const
Writes the content of MetaInfoInterface to the file.
Int asInt_(const XMLCh *in) const
Conversion of a Xerces string to an integer value.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:508
Int attributeAsInt_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Converts an attribute to a Int.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:622
bool optionalAttributeAsUInt_(UInt &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the UInt value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:858
bool optionalAttributeAsDoubleList_(DoubleList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the DoubleList value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:886
IntList attributeAsIntList_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Converts an attribute to an IntList.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:645
StringManager sm_
Helper class for string conversion.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:450
void fatalError(const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception) override
static String writeXMLEscape(const String &to_escape)
Escapes a string and returns the escaped string.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:380
double attributeAsDouble_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Converts an attribute to a double.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:630
SignedSize cvStringToEnum_(const Size section, const String &term, const char *message, const SignedSize result_on_error=0)
~XMLHandler() override
bool optionalAttributeAsDouble_(double &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the double value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:720
virtual void writeTo(std::ostream &)
Writes the contents to a stream.
bool optionalAttributeAsDoubleList_(DoubleList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the DoubleList value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:736
String attributeAsString_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Converts an attribute to a String.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:780
void reset()
Release internal memory used for parsing (call.
const String & expectList_(const String &str) const
Definition: XMLHandler.h:935
void characters(const XMLCh *const chars, const XMLSize_t length) override
Parsing method for character data.
void error(ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
Error handler for recoverable errors.
DateTime asDateTime_(String date_string) const
Conversion of a xs:datetime string to a DateTime value.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:588
double attributeAsDouble_(const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
Converts an attribute to a double.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:796
bool optionalAttributeAsString_(String &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the String value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:672
bool optionalAttributeAsIntList_(IntList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the IntList value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:768
bool optionalAttributeAsInt_(Int &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
Assigns the attribute content to the Int value if the attribute is present.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:688
double asDouble_(const String &in) const
Conversion of a String to a double value.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:534
void error(const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception) override
float asFloat_(const String &in) const
Conversion of a String to a float value.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:549
Definition: XMLHandler.h:47
std::shared_ptr< T > item_
Definition: XMLHandler.h:61
static void doRelease_(char *item)
shared_xerces_ptr(T *item)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:66
static void doRelease_(XMLCh *item)
bool is_released() const
Definition: XMLHandler.h:95
static void doRelease_(U *item)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:50
T * get()
Definition: XMLHandler.h:86
const T * get() const
Definition: XMLHandler.h:90
void assign(T *item)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:81
void reset()
Definition: XMLHandler.h:76
shared_xerces_ptr & operator=(T *item)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:70
Definition: XMLHandler.h:103
T * item_
Definition: XMLHandler.h:118
unique_xerces_ptr & operator=(const unique_xerces_ptr< T > &)=delete
void operator=(T *i)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:151
void xerces_release()
Definition: XMLHandler.h:157
unique_xerces_ptr(T *i)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:130
void swap(unique_xerces_ptr< T > &other) noexcept
Definition: XMLHandler.h:145
void assign(T *i)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:176
static void doRelease_(XMLCh *&item)
bool is_released() const
Definition: XMLHandler.h:189
T * get() const
Definition: XMLHandler.h:183
Definition: XMLHandler.h:126
unique_xerces_ptr(unique_xerces_ptr< T > &&other) noexcept
Definition: XMLHandler.h:139
unique_xerces_ptr(const unique_xerces_ptr< T > &)=delete
static void doRelease_(char *&item)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:134
T * yield()
Definition: XMLHandler.h:168
static void doRelease_(U *&item)
Definition: XMLHandler.h:107
Interface for classes that can store arbitrary meta information (Type-Name-Value tuples).
Definition: MetaInfoInterface.h:35
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:34
String substr(size_t pos=0, size_t n=npos) const
Wrapper for the STL substr() method. Returns a String object with its contents initialized to a subst...
bool hasPrefix(const String &string) const
true if String begins with string, false otherwise
bool hasSubstring(const String &string) const
true if String contains the string, false otherwise
Int64 toInt64() const
Conversion to Int64.
bool has(Byte byte) const
true if String contains the byte, false otherwise
Int toInt() const
Conversion to Int.
double toDouble() const
Conversion to double.
Int32 toInt32() const
Conversion to Int32.
String & trim()
removes whitespaces (space, tab, line feed, carriage return) at the beginning and the end of the stri...
String & substitute(char from, char to)
Replaces all occurrences of the character from by the character to.
bool hasSuffix(const String &string) const
true if String ends with string, false otherwise
float toFloat() const
Conversion to float.
int Int
Signed integer type.
Definition: Types.h:76
unsigned int UInt
Unsigned integer type.
Definition: Types.h:68
ptrdiff_t SignedSize
Signed Size type e.g. used as pointer difference.
Definition: Types.h:108
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:101
std::vector< Int > IntList
Vector of signed integers.
Definition: ListUtils.h:29
std::vector< String > StringList
Vector of String.
Definition: ListUtils.h:44
std::vector< double > DoubleList
Vector of double precision real types.
Definition: ListUtils.h:36
int exception
(Used by various macros. Indicates a rough category of the exception being caught....
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:22