This is the complete list of members for SimpleTSGXLMS, including all inherited members.
add_a_ions_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_abundant_immonium_ions_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_b_ions_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_c_ions_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_charges_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_first_prefix_ion_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_isotopes_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_k_linked_ions_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_losses_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_precursor_peaks_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_x_ions_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_y_ions_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
add_z_ions_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
addKLinkedIonPeaks_(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, AASequence &peptide, Size link_pos, double precursor_mass, int charge) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | protectedvirtual |
addLinearPeaks_(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, AASequence &peptide, Size link_pos, Residue::ResidueType res_type, std::vector< LossIndex > &forward_losses, std::vector< LossIndex > &backward_losses, int charge=1, Size link_pos_2=0) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | protectedvirtual |
addLosses_(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, double mono_weight, int charge, LossIndex &losses) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | protectedvirtual |
addPrecursorPeaks_(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, double precursor_mass, int charge) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | protectedvirtual |
addXLinkIonPeaks_(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, AASequence &peptide, Size link_pos, double precursor_mass, Residue::ResidueType res_type, std::vector< LossIndex > &forward_losses, std::vector< LossIndex > &backward_losses, int charge, Size link_pos_2=0) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | protectedvirtual |
addXLinkIonPeaks_(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, OPXLDataStructs::ProteinProteinCrossLink &crosslink, bool frag_alpha, Residue::ResidueType res_type, std::vector< LossIndex > &forward_losses, std::vector< LossIndex > &backward_losses, LossIndex &losses_peptide2, int charge) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | protectedvirtual |
check_defaults_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
DefaultParamHandler(const String &name) | DefaultParamHandler | |
DefaultParamHandler(const DefaultParamHandler &rhs) | DefaultParamHandler | |
DefaultParamHandler() | DefaultParamHandler | private |
defaults_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
defaultsToParam_() | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
error_name_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
getBackwardLosses_(AASequence &peptide) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
getDefaults() const | DefaultParamHandler | |
getForwardLosses_(AASequence &peptide) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
getLinearIonSpectrum(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, AASequence &peptide, Size link_pos, int charge=1, Size link_pos_2=0) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | virtual |
getName() const | DefaultParamHandler | |
getParameters() const | DefaultParamHandler | |
getSubsections() const | DefaultParamHandler | |
getXLinkIonSpectrum(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, AASequence &peptide, Size link_pos, double precursor_mass, int mincharge, int maxcharge, Size link_pos_2=0) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | virtual |
getXLinkIonSpectrum(std::vector< SimplePeak > &spectrum, OPXLDataStructs::ProteinProteinCrossLink &crosslink, bool frag_alpha, int mincharge, int maxcharge) const | SimpleTSGXLMS | virtual |
loss_db_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
loss_H2O_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
loss_NH3_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
max_isotope_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
operator=(const SimpleTSGXLMS &tsg) | SimpleTSGXLMS | |
OpenMS::DefaultParamHandler::operator=(const DefaultParamHandler &rhs) | DefaultParamHandler | |
operator==(const DefaultParamHandler &rhs) const | DefaultParamHandler | virtual |
param_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
pre_int_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
pre_int_H2O_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
pre_int_NH3_ | SimpleTSGXLMS | protected |
setName(const String &name) | DefaultParamHandler | |
setParameters(const Param ¶m) | DefaultParamHandler | |
SimpleTSGXLMS() | SimpleTSGXLMS | |
SimpleTSGXLMS(const SimpleTSGXLMS &source) | SimpleTSGXLMS | |
subsections_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
updateMembers_() override | SimpleTSGXLMS | virtual |
warn_empty_defaults_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
writeParametersToMetaValues(const Param &write_this, MetaInfoInterface &write_here, const String &key_prefix="") | DefaultParamHandler | static |
~DefaultParamHandler() | DefaultParamHandler | virtual |
~SimpleTSGXLMS() override | SimpleTSGXLMS |