- Class EGHTraceFitter
- Needs further testing on real data. Note that the tests are currently also focused on testing the EGH as replacement for the gaussian.
- Page Epifany
- This tool is work in progress and usage and input requirements might change.
- Page ERPairFinder
- This software is experimental and might contain bugs!
- Class FeatureFinderAlgorithmMRM
- This tool has not been tested thoroughly and might behave not as expected!
- Page IDDecoyProbability
- This util is deprecated and might behave not as expected!
- Page IDPosteriorErrorProbability
- This tool has not been tested thoroughly and might behave not as expected!
- Class MapAlignmentAlgorithmSpectrumAlignment
- This algorithm is work in progress and might change.
- Class MapAlignmentAlgorithmSpectrumAlignment::Compare
- This algorithm is work in progress and might change.
- Page MaRaClusterAdapter
- This tool is work in progress and usage and input requirements might change.
- Page MRMPairFinder
- This software is experimental and might contain bugs!
- Page MzTabExporter
- This algorithm and underlying format is work in progress and might change.
- Page PercolatorAdapter
- This tool is work in progress and usage and input requirements might change.
- Page PrecursorMassCorrector
- This TOPP-tool is not well tested and not all features might be properly implemented and tested!
- Page ProteinResolver
- This tool has not been tested thoroughly and might NOT behave as expected!
- Page PSMFeatureExtractor
- Parts of this tool are still work in progress and usage and input requirements or output might change. (multiple_search_engine, Mascot support)
- Class SeedListGenerator
- This is a new class that still needs to be tested.
- Page SpecLibCreator
- This Utility is not well tested and some features might not work as expected.
- Page SpecLibSearcher
- This TOPP-tool is not well tested and not all features might be properly implemented and tested.
- Page SpectraMerger
- This TOPP-tool is not well tested and not all features might be properly implemented and tested!
- Class XFDRAlgorithm
- This tool is work in progress and usage and input requirements might change.