This is the complete list of members for FalseDiscoveryRate, including all inherited members.
apply(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &fwd_ids, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &rev_ids) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
apply(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &id, bool annotate_peptide_fdr=false) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
apply(std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &fwd_ids, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &rev_ids) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
apply(std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &ids) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyBasic(const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &run_info, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &ids) | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyBasic(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &ids, bool higher_score_better, int charge=0, String identifier="", bool only_best_per_pep=false) | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyBasic(ConsensusMap &cmap, bool use_unassigned_peptides=true) | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyBasic(ProteinIdentification &id, bool groups_too=true) | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyBasicPeptideLevel(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &ids) | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyBasicPeptideLevel(ConsensusMap &ids, bool use_unassigned_peptides=true) | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyEstimated(std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &ids) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyEvaluateProteinIDs(const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &ids, double pepCutoff=1.0, UInt fpCutoff=50, double diffWeight=0.2) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyEvaluateProteinIDs(const ProteinIdentification &ids, double pepCutoff=1.0, UInt fpCutoff=50, double diffWeight=0.2) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyEvaluateProteinIDs(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &score_to_tgt_dec_fraction_pairs, double pepCutoff=1.0, UInt fpCutoff=50, double diffWeight=0.2) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyPickedProteinFDR(ProteinIdentification &id, String decoy_string="", bool prefix=true, bool groups_too=true) | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
applyToObservationMatches(IdentificationData &id_data, IdentificationData::ScoreTypeRef score_ref) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
calculateEstimatedQVal_(std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, bool higher_score_better) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | private |
calculateFDRBasic_(std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, bool qvalue, bool higher_score_better) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | private |
calculateFDRs_(std::map< double, double > &score_to_fdr, std::vector< double > &target_scores, std::vector< double > &decoy_scores, bool q_value, bool higher_score_better) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | private |
check_defaults_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
DefaultParamHandler(const String &name) | DefaultParamHandler | |
DefaultParamHandler(const DefaultParamHandler &rhs) | DefaultParamHandler | |
DefaultParamHandler() | DefaultParamHandler | private |
defaults_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
defaultsToParam_() | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
diffEstimatedEmpirical(const ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, double pepCutoff=1.0) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
error_name_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
FalseDiscoveryRate() | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
FalseDiscoveryRate(const FalseDiscoveryRate &) | FalseDiscoveryRate | private |
getDefaults() const | DefaultParamHandler | |
getName() const | DefaultParamHandler | |
getParameters() const | DefaultParamHandler | |
getSubsections() const | DefaultParamHandler | |
handleObservationMatch_(IdentificationData::ObservationMatchRef match_ref, IdentificationData::ScoreTypeRef score_ref, std::vector< double > &target_scores, std::vector< double > &decoy_scores, std::map< IdentificationData::IdentifiedMolecule, bool > &molecule_to_decoy, std::map< IdentificationData::ObservationMatchRef, double > &match_to_score) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | private |
operator=(const FalseDiscoveryRate &) | FalseDiscoveryRate | private |
OpenMS::DefaultParamHandler::operator=(const DefaultParamHandler &rhs) | DefaultParamHandler | |
operator==(const DefaultParamHandler &rhs) const | DefaultParamHandler | virtual |
param_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
rocN(const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &ids, Size fp_cutoff) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
rocN(const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &ids, Size fp_cutoff, const String &identifier) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
rocN(const ConsensusMap &ids, Size fp_cutoff, bool include_unassigned_peptides=false) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
rocN(const ConsensusMap &ids, Size fp_cutoff, const String &identifier, bool include_unassigned_peptides=false) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
rocN(const ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, Size fpCutoff=50) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | |
setName(const String &name) | DefaultParamHandler | |
setParameters(const Param ¶m) | DefaultParamHandler | |
subsections_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
trapezoidal_area(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | private |
trapezoidal_area_xEqy(double exp1, double exp2, double act1, double act2) const | FalseDiscoveryRate | private |
updateMembers_() | DefaultParamHandler | protectedvirtual |
warn_empty_defaults_ | DefaultParamHandler | protected |
writeParametersToMetaValues(const Param &write_this, MetaInfoInterface &write_here, const String &key_prefix="") | DefaultParamHandler | static |
~DefaultParamHandler() | DefaultParamHandler | virtual |