This is the complete list of members for ProteaseDigestion, including all inherited members.
countInternalCleavageSites(const String &sequence) const | EnzymaticDigestion | |
countMissedCleavages_(const std::vector< int > &cleavage_positions, Size seq_start, Size seq_end) const | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
digest(const AASequence &protein, std::vector< AASequence > &output, Size min_length=1, Size max_length=0) const | ProteaseDigestion | |
digest(const AASequence &protein, std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &output, Size min_length=1, Size max_length=0) const | ProteaseDigestion | |
digestAfterTokenize_(const std::vector< int > &fragment_positions, const StringView &sequence, std::vector< StringView > &output, Size min_length=0, Size max_length=-1) const | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
digestAfterTokenize_(const std::vector< int > &fragment_positions, const StringView &sequence, std::vector< std::pair< Size, Size >> &output, Size min_length=0, Size max_length=-1) const | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
digestUnmodified(const StringView &sequence, std::vector< StringView > &output, Size min_length=1, Size max_length=0) const | EnzymaticDigestion | |
digestUnmodified(const StringView &sequence, std::vector< std::pair< Size, Size >> &output, Size min_length=1, Size max_length=0) const | EnzymaticDigestion | |
EnzymaticDigestion() | EnzymaticDigestion | |
EnzymaticDigestion(const EnzymaticDigestion &rhs) | EnzymaticDigestion | |
enzyme_ | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
filterByMissedCleavages(const String &sequence, const std::function< bool(const Int)> &filter) const | EnzymaticDigestion | |
getEnzymeName() const | EnzymaticDigestion | |
getMissedCleavages() const | EnzymaticDigestion | |
getSpecificity() const | EnzymaticDigestion | |
getSpecificityByName(const String &name) | EnzymaticDigestion | static |
isValidProduct(const String &protein, int pep_pos, int pep_length, bool ignore_missed_cleavages=true, bool allow_nterm_protein_cleavage=false, bool allow_random_asp_pro_cleavage=false) const | ProteaseDigestion | |
isValidProduct(const AASequence &protein, int pep_pos, int pep_length, bool ignore_missed_cleavages=true, bool allow_nterm_protein_cleavage=false, bool allow_random_asp_pro_cleavage=false) const | ProteaseDigestion | |
OpenMS::EnzymaticDigestion::isValidProduct(const String &protein, int pep_pos, int pep_length, bool ignore_missed_cleavages=true) const | EnzymaticDigestion | |
isValidProduct_(const String &sequence, int pos, int length, bool ignore_missed_cleavages, bool allow_nterm_protein_cleavage, bool allow_random_asp_pro_cleavage) const | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
missed_cleavages_ | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
NamesOfSpecificity | EnzymaticDigestion | static |
NoCleavage | EnzymaticDigestion | static |
operator=(const EnzymaticDigestion &rhs) | EnzymaticDigestion | |
peptideCount(const AASequence &protein) | ProteaseDigestion | |
re_ | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
setEnzyme(const String &name) | ProteaseDigestion | |
setEnzyme(const DigestionEnzyme *enzyme) | ProteaseDigestion | |
OpenMS::EnzymaticDigestion::setEnzyme(const DigestionEnzyme *enzyme) | EnzymaticDigestion | virtual |
setMissedCleavages(Size missed_cleavages) | EnzymaticDigestion | |
setSpecificity(Specificity spec) | EnzymaticDigestion | |
SIZE_OF_SPECIFICITY enum value | EnzymaticDigestion | |
SPEC_FULL enum value | EnzymaticDigestion | |
SPEC_NOCTERM enum value | EnzymaticDigestion | |
SPEC_NONE enum value | EnzymaticDigestion | |
SPEC_NONTERM enum value | EnzymaticDigestion | |
SPEC_SEMI enum value | EnzymaticDigestion | |
SPEC_UNKNOWN enum value | EnzymaticDigestion | |
Specificity enum name | EnzymaticDigestion | |
specificity_ | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
tokenize_(const String &sequence, int start=0, int end=-1) const | EnzymaticDigestion | protected |
UnspecificCleavage | EnzymaticDigestion | static |
~EnzymaticDigestion() | EnzymaticDigestion | virtual |