51 double cross_linker_mass = 0;
55 int precursor_correction = 0;
59 if (beta && !beta->
return CROSS;
61 if (cross_link_position.second == -1)
return MONO;
68 return alpha == other.
alpha &&
102 double xquest_score = 0;
103 double pre_score = 0;
108 double intsum_alpha = 0;
109 double intsum_beta = 0;
110 double total_current = 0;
111 double precursor_error_ppm = 0;
113 double match_odds = 0;
114 double match_odds_alpha = 0;
115 double match_odds_beta = 0;
116 double log_occupancy = 0;
117 double log_occupancy_alpha = 0;
118 double log_occupancy_beta = 0;
119 double xcorrx_max = 0;
120 double xcorrc_max = 0;
126 double num_iso_peaks_mean = 0;
127 double num_iso_peaks_mean_linear_alpha = 0;
128 double num_iso_peaks_mean_linear_beta = 0;
129 double num_iso_peaks_mean_xlinks_alpha = 0;
130 double num_iso_peaks_mean_xlinks_beta = 0;
132 double ppm_error_abs_sum_linear_alpha = 0;
133 double ppm_error_abs_sum_linear_beta = 0;
134 double ppm_error_abs_sum_xlinks_alpha = 0;
135 double ppm_error_abs_sum_xlinks_beta = 0;
136 double ppm_error_abs_sum_linear = 0;
137 double ppm_error_abs_sum_xlinks = 0;
138 double ppm_error_abs_sum_alpha = 0;
139 double ppm_error_abs_sum_beta = 0;
140 double ppm_error_abs_sum = 0;
142 int precursor_correction = 0;
144 double precursor_total_intensity = 0;
145 double precursor_target_intensity = 0;
146 double precursor_signal_proportion = 0;
147 Size precursor_target_peak_count = 0;
148 Size precursor_residual_peak_count = 0;
191 float precursor_mass{};
192 unsigned int alpha_index = 0;
193 unsigned int beta_index = 0;
244 double peptide_mass = 0;
287 for (
Size i = 0; i != size; ++i)
Representation of a peptide/protein sequence.
Definition: AASequence.h:86
bool empty() const
check if sequence is empty
In-Memory representation of a mass spectrometry run.
Definition: MSExperiment.h:46
void addSpectrum(const MSSpectrum &spectrum)
adds a spectrum to the list
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:22
String alpha_seq
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:194
String unmodified_seq
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:247
double score
final score
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:96
String beta_seq
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:195
The ProteinProteinCrossLinkType enum enumerates possible types of Protein-Protein cross-linking react...
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:30
float precursor_mass
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:191
AASequence peptide_seq
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:245
double peptide_mass
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:244
ProteinProteinCrossLink cross_link
structure of the cross-link
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:89
The PeptidePosition enum.
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:226
std::vector< PeptideHit::PeakAnnotation > frag_annotations
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:150
The AASeqWithMass struct represents a normal peptide with its precomputed mass.
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:243
The CrossLinkSpectrumMatch struct represents a PSM between a ProteinProteinCrossLink and a spectrum i...
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:87
The XLPrecursor struct represents a cross-link candidate in the process of filtering candidates by pr...
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:190
Position where the modification is allowed to occur.
Definition: ResidueModification.h:72
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:34
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:97
MSSpectrum PeakSpectrum
Spectrum consisting of raw data points or peaks.
Definition: StandardTypes.h:18
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: openswathalgo/include/OpenMS/OPENSWATHALGO/DATAACCESS/ISpectrumAccess.h:19
The AASeqWithMassComparator is a comparator for AASeqWithMass objects.
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:256
Comparator to sort CrossLinkSpectrumMatches by the main score.
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:160
The PreprocessedPairSpectra struct represents the result of comparing a light and a heavy labeled spe...
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:278
PreprocessedPairSpectra(Size size)
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:285
MSExperiment spectra_all_peaks
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:282
MSExperiment spectra_xlink_peaks
Xlink peaks in the light spectrum (linear peaks between spectra_light_different and spectra heavy_to_...
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:281
MSExperiment spectra_linear_peaks
merge spectrum of linear peaks (present in both spectra)
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:280
The ProteinProteinCrossLink struct represents a cross-link between two peptides in OpenPepXL.
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:47
ProteinProteinCrossLinkType getType() const
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:57
bool operator==(const ProteinProteinCrossLink &other) const
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:66
std::pair< SignedSize, SignedSize > cross_link_position
index in alpha, beta or between alpha, alpha in loop-links
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:50
const AASequence * alpha
longer peptide
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:48
double cross_linker_mass
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:51
ResidueModification::TermSpecificity term_spec_beta
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:54
ResidueModification::TermSpecificity term_spec_alpha
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:53
int precursor_correction
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:55
String cross_linker_name
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:52
const AASequence * beta
shorter peptide (empty for mono-link), tie breaker: mass then lexicographical
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:49
The XLPrecursorComparator is a comparator for XLPrecursors, that allows direct comparison of the XLPr...
Definition: OPXLDataStructs.h:205