De novo metabolite identification.
Exports an input file for SIRIUS, a tool for metabolomics data analysis with several subtools, each serving specific purposes:
- SIRIUS: Identify molecular formula for each compound individually using fragmentation trees and isotope patterns. Output from this tool can be used to generate an OpenSwathAssay library with the AssayGeneratorMetabo TOPP tool.
- CSI:FingerID: This subtool is dedicated to predicting molecular structures based on tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data. It utilizes a fragmentation tree approach for the annotation of fragment spectra.
- CANOPUS: Predict compound categories for each compound individually based on its predicted molecular fingerprint (CSI:FingerID) using CANOPUS.
- Passatutto: Compute decoy spectra based on the fragmentation trees of the given input spectra. If no molecular formula is provided in the input, the top scoring computed formula is used. Required to include decoys in an OpenSwathWorkflow assay library generated by the AssayGeneratorMetabo TOPP tool.
Sirius can be found at
Internal procedure in SiriusExport
- Input mzML (and optional featureXML)
Make sure to input the matching mzML and featureXML files in the correct order.
- Preprocessing
By providing a featureXML, the feature information can be used for feature mapping.
Sirius will then process the internally merged MS2 spectra allocated to one feature (instead of all available MS2).
To reduce the feature space even further a masstrace filter can be set.
Additional adduct information can be provided using a featureXML from the MetaboliteAdductDecharger or AccurateMassSearch.
- Parsed by SiriusMSConverter into (sirius internal) .ms format
The command line parameters of this tool are:
SiriusExport -- Metabolite identification using single and tandem mass spectrometry
Full documentation:
Version: 3.4.0-pre-nightly-2025-03-10 Mar 11 2025, 02:37:22, Revision: 1d7b3f7
To cite OpenMS:
+ Pfeuffer, J., Bielow, C., Wein, S. et al.. OpenMS 3 enables reproducible analysis of large-scale mass spec
trometry data. Nat Methods (2024). doi:10.1038/s41592-024-02197-7.
To cite SiriusExport:
+ Kai Duehrkop and Sebastian Boecker. Fragmentation trees reloaded. J Cheminform; 2016. doi:10.1186/s13321-0
+ Kai Duehrkop, Huibin Shen, Marvin Meusel, Juho Rousu, and Sebastian Boecker. Searching molecular structure
databases with tandem mass spectra using CSI:FingerID. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences;
2015. doi:10.1073/pnas.1509788112.
SiriusExport <options>
Options (mandatory options marked with '*'):
-in <file(s)>* MzML Input file(s) (valid formats: 'mzML')
-in_featureinfo <file(s)> FeatureXML input with feature and adduct information (valid
formats: 'featureXML')
-out <file>* Internal SIRIUS .ms format after OpenMS preprocessing (valid
formats: 'ms')
-out_compoundinfo <file> File (.tsv) with information on processed compounds which are
associated with a feature. Required for AssayGeneratorMetaboSi
rius tool. (valid formats: 'tsv')
-filter_by_num_masstraces <number> Number of mass traces each feature has to have to be included.
To use this parameter, setting the feature_only flag is neces
sary (default: '1') (min: '1')
-precursor_mz_tolerance <value> Tolerance window for precursor selection (Feature selection
in regard to the precursor) (default: '10.0')
-precursor_mz_tolerance_unit <choice> Unit of the preprocessing_precursor_mz_tolerance (default:
'ppm') (valid: 'ppm', 'Da')
-precursor_rt_tolerance <value> Tolerance window (left and right) for precursor selection [sec
onds] (default: '5.0')
-isotope_pattern_iterations <number> Number of iterations that should be performed to extract the
C13 isotope pattern. If no peak is found (C13 distance) the
function will abort. Be careful with noisy data - since this
can lead to wrong isotope patterns (default: '3')
-feature_only <choice> Uses the feature information from in_featureinfo to reduce
the search space to MS2 associated with a feature (default:
'false') (valid: 'false', 'true')
-no_masstrace_info_isotope_pattern <choice> Set to true if the masstrace information from a feature should
be discarded and the isotope_pattern_iterations should be
used instead (default: 'false') (valid: 'false', 'true')
Common TOPP options:
-ini <file> Use the given TOPP INI file
-threads <n> Sets the number of threads allowed to be used by the TOPP tool
(default: '1')
-write_ini <file> Writes the default configuration file
--help Shows options
--helphelp Shows all options (including advanced)
INI file documentation of this tool:
required parameter
advanced parameter
+SiriusExportMetabolite identification using single and tandem mass spectrometry
Version of the tool that generated this parameters file.
++1Instance '1' section for 'SiriusExport'
MzML Input file(s)input file*.mzML
FeatureXML input with feature and adduct informationinput file*.featureXML
Internal SIRIUS .ms format after OpenMS preprocessingoutput file*.ms
File (.tsv) with information on processed compounds which are associated with a feature. Required for AssayGeneratorMetaboSirius tool.output file*.tsv
Number of mass traces each feature has to have to be included. To use this parameter, setting the feature_only flag is necessary1:∞
Tolerance window for precursor selection (Feature selection in regard to the precursor)
Unit of the preprocessing_precursor_mz_toleranceppm, Da
Tolerance window (left and right) for precursor selection [seconds]
Number of iterations that should be performed to extract the C13 isotope pattern. If no peak is found (C13 distance) the function will abort. Be careful with noisy data - since this can lead to wrong isotope patterns
Uses the feature information from in_featureinfo to reduce the search space to MS2 associated with a featurefalse, true
Set to true if the masstrace information from a feature should be discarded and the isotope_pattern_iterations should be used insteadfalse, true
Name of log file (created only when specified)
Sets the debug level
Sets the number of threads allowed to be used by the TOPP tool
Disables progress logging to command linetrue, false
Overrides tool-specific checkstrue, false
Enables the test mode (needed for internal use only)true, false