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Installation on MacOS

Simply download and install the MacOS drag-and-drop installer for your system from our <a href="https://abibuilder.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/archive/openms/OpenMSInstaller/release/latest>archive</a>. After double-clicking, accepting the "downloaded App warning" and mounting the dmg image, drag the OpenMS folder into your Applications folder as advised. CAUTION: Due to new security measures since macOS Sierra 10.12, Apps of a downloaded bundle (such as TOPPView.app from OpenMS) are executed in a sandbox and may not find shared files required to start. If you see nothing happening after double clicking one of our Apps, please drag them out of the Applications/OpenMS folder and back into it (to signal the system that you trust it)! We are working on circumventing this problem properly.

To use TOPP as regular apps in your shell just add the following lines to your ~/.profile file. Please adapt the first line to point to the folder where you installed OpenMS (e.g., /Applications/OpenMS-2.3.0)

export OPENMS_TOPP_PATH=&lt;OpenMS-PATH&gt;
source ${OPENMS_TOPP_PATH}/.TOPP_bash_profile

Known Issues:

There is a known bug with running Java based thirdparty tools (like MSGFPlusAdapter and LuciphorAdapter) from within TOPPAS.app. Please run the TOPPAS.app from within the Terminal.app (e.g. with the open command) to get access to the path where Java is located (which is usually present in the PATH of your Terminal). Advanced users can set this path in the Info.plist of/inside the TOPPAS.app.

OpenMS / TOPP release 2.3.0 Documentation generated on Tue Jan 9 2018 18:22:05 using doxygen 1.8.13