►Neol_bspline | |
CBSpline | |
►NKDTree | |
►C_Alloc_base | |
CNoLeakAlloc | |
C_Base_iterator | |
C_Bracket_accessor | |
C_Iterator | |
C_Node | |
C_Node_base | |
C_Node_compare | |
C_Region | |
Calways_true | |
CKDTree | |
Csquared_difference | |
Csquared_difference_counted | |
►Nms | |
►Nnumpress | |
►NOpenMS | Main OpenMS namespace |
►NDataArrays | |
CFloatDataArray | Float data array class |
CIntegerDataArray | Integer data array class |
CStringDataArray | String data array class |
►NException | Exception namespace |
CBaseException | Exception base class |
CBufferOverflow | Buffer overflow exception |
CConversionError | Invalid conversion exception |
CDepletedIDPool | Exception used if no more unique document ID's can be drawn from ID pool |
CDivisionByZero | Division by zero error exception |
CElementNotFound | Element could not be found exception |
CFailedAPICall | A call to an external library (other than OpenMS) went wrong |
CFileEmpty | File is empty |
CFileNameTooLong | Filename is too long to be writable/readable by the filesystem |
CFileNotFound | File not found exception |
CFileNotReadable | File not readable exception |
CFileNotWritable | File not writable exception |
CGlobalExceptionHandler | OpenMS global exception handler |
CIllegalArgument | A method or algorithm argument contains illegal values |
CIllegalPosition | Invalid 3-dimensional position exception |
CIllegalSelfOperation | Illegal self operation exception |
CIllegalTreeOperation | Illegal tree operation exception |
CIncompatibleIterators | Incompatible iterator exception |
CIndexOverflow | Int overflow exception |
CIndexUnderflow | Int underflow exception |
CInvalidIterator | Invalid iterator exception |
CInvalidParameter | Exception indicating that an invalid parameter was handed over to an algorithm |
CInvalidRange | Invalid range exception |
CInvalidSize | Invalid UInt exception |
CInvalidValue | Invalid value exception |
CIOException | General IOException |
CMissingInformation | Not all required information provided |
CNotImplemented | Not implemented exception |
CNullPointer | Null pointer argument is invalid exception |
COutOfGrid | Out of grid exception |
COutOfMemory | Out of memory exception |
COutOfRange | Out of range exception |
CParseError | Parse Error exception |
CPostcondition | Postcondition failed exception |
CPrecondition | Precondition failed exception |
CRequiredParameterNotGiven | A required parameter was not given |
CSizeUnderflow | UInt underflow exception |
CUnableToCalibrate | Exception used if an error occurred while calibrating a dataset |
CUnableToCreateFile | Unable to create file exception |
CUnableToFit | Exception used if an error occurred while fitting a model to a given dataset |
CUnregisteredParameter | An unregistered parameter was accessed |
CWrongParameterType | A parameter was accessed with the wrong type |
►Nims | |
►CIMSAlphabet | Holds an indexed list of bio-chemical elements |
CMassSortingCriteria_ | Private class-functor to sort out elements in mass ascending order |
CIMSAlphabetParser | An abstract templatized parser to load the data that is used to initialize Alphabet objects |
CIMSAlphabetTextParser | Implements abstract AlphabetParser to read data from the plain text format |
CIMSElement | Represents a chemical atom with name and isotope distribution |
►CIMSIsotopeDistribution | Represents a distribution of isotopes restricted to the first K elements |
CPeak | Structure that represents an isotope peak - pair of mass and abundance |
CIntegerMassDecomposer | Implements MassDecomposer interface using algorithm and data structures described in paper "Efficient Mass Decomposition" S. Böcker, Z. Lipták, ACM SAC-BIO, 2004 doi:10.1145/1066677.1066715 |
CMassDecomposer | An interface to handle decomposing of integer values/masses over a set of integer weights (alphabet) |
CRealMassDecomposer | Handles decomposing of non-integer values/masses over a set of non-integer weights with an error allowed |
CWeights | Represents a set of weights (double values and scaled with a certain precision their integer counterparts) with a quick access |
►NInterfaces | |
CBinaryDataArray | The datastructures used by the OpenSwath interfaces |
CChromatogram | A single chromatogram |
CChromatogramMeta | Identifying information for a chromatogram |
CIChromatogramsReader | The interface of read-access to a list of chromatograms |
CIChromatogramsWriter | |
CIMSDataConsumer | The interface of a consumer of spectra and chromatograms |
CISpectraReader | The interface of read-access to a list of spectra |
CISpectraWriter | |
CSpectrum | The structure that captures the generation of a peak list (including the underlying acquisitions) |
CSpectrumMeta | Identifying information for a spectrum |
►NInternal | Namespace used to hide implementation details from users |
CAcqusHandler | Read-only acqus File handler for XMass Analysis |
CAreaIterator | Forward iterator for an area of peaks in an experiment |
CDIntervalBase | A base class for D-dimensional interval |
CFidHandler | Read-only fid File handler for XMass Analysis |
CFileMapping | Maps input/output files to filenames for the external program |
CIntensityIterator | Intensity iterator for a FeatureFinderDefs::IndexSet |
CIntensityIteratorWrapper | An iterator wrapper to access peak intensities instead of the peak itself |
CIntensityLess | Comparator that allows to compare the indices of two peaks by their intensity |
CListEditorDelegate | Internal delegate class |
CListTable | |
CMappingParam | Filename mappings for all input/output files |
CMascotXMLHandler | Handler that is used for parsing MascotXML data |
CMzDataHandler | |
CMzDataValidator | Semantically validates MzXML files |
►CMzIdentMLDOMHandler | XML DOM handler for MzIdentMLFile |
CAnalysisSoftware | Struct to hold the used analysis software for that file |
CDatabaseInput | Struct to hold the information from the DatabaseInput xml tag |
CDBSequence | Struct to hold the information from the DBSequence xml tag |
CModificationParam | Struct to hold the information from the ModificationParam xml tag |
CPeptideEvidence | Struct to hold the PeptideEvidence information |
CSpectrumIdentification | Struct to hold the information from the SpectrumIdentification xml tag |
CSpectrumIdentificationProtocol | Struct to hold the information from the SpectrumIdentificationProtocol xml tag |
CMzIdentMLHandler | XML STREAM handler for MzIdentMLFile |
CMzIdentMLValidator | Semantically validates MzXML files |
CMzIterator | M/z iterator for a FeatureFinderDefs::IndexSet |
►CMzMLHandler | |
CChromatogramData | Data necessary to generate a single chromatogram |
CSpectrumData | Data necessary to generate a single spectrum |
►CMzMLHandlerHelper | |
CBinaryData | Binary data representation |
CMzMLSqliteHandler | Sqlite handler for storing spectra and chromatograms |
CMzMLValidator | Semantically validates MzXML files |
CMzQuantMLHandler | XML handler for MzQuantMLFile |
CMzQuantMLValidator | Semantically validates MzQuantML files |
►CMzXMLHandler | |
CSpectrumData | Data necessary to generate a single spectrum |
COpenMSLineEdit | Custom QLineEdit which emits a signal when losing focus (such that we can commit its data) |
COpenMSOSInfo | |
CParamEditorDelegate | Internal delegate class for QTreeWidget |
CParamTree | QTreeWidget that emits a signal whenever a new row is selected |
CParamXMLHandler | XML Handler for Param files |
CPTMXMLHandler | Handler that is used for parsing PTMXML data |
CRtIterator | Retention time iterator for a FeatureFinderDefs::IndexSet |
►CSemanticValidator | Semantically validates XML files using CVMappings and a ControlledVocabulary |
CCVTerm | Representation of a parsed CV term |
CSpectrum1DPrefDialog | Preferences dialog for Spectrum1DWidget |
CSpectrum2DPrefDialog | Preferences dialog for Spectrum2DWidget |
CSpectrum3DPrefDialog | Preferences dialog for Spectrum3DWidget |
CStringManager | |
CToolDescription | |
CToolDescriptionHandler | XML handler for ToolDescriptionFile |
CToolDescriptionInternal | ToolDescription Class |
CToolExternalDetails | |
CTOPPViewPrefDialog | Preferences dialog for TOPPView |
CTraMLHandler | XML handler for TraMLFile |
CTraMLValidator | Semantically validates MzXML files |
CUnimodXMLHandler | Handler that is used for parsing XTandemXML data |
CXMLFile | Base class for loading/storing XML files that have a handler derived from XMLHandler |
►CXMLHandler | Base class for XML handlers |
CEndParsingSoftly | Exception that is thrown if the parsing is ended by some event (e.g. if only a prefix of the XML file is needed) |
CXQuestResultXMLHandler | XMLHandler for the result files of XQuest |
►NLogger | Log streams |
CLogStream | Log Stream Class |
►CLogStreamBuf | Stream buffer used by LogStream |
CLogCacheStruct | Holds a counter of occurrences and an index for the occurrence sequence of the corresponding log message |
CStreamStruct | Holds a stream that is connected to the LogStream. It also includes the minimum and maximum level at which the LogStream redirects messages to this stream |
CLogStreamNotifier | |
►NMath | Math namespace |
CAsymmetricStatistics | Internal class for asymmetric distributions |
CAveragePosition | Maintain an average position by summing up positions with weights |
CBasicStatistics | Calculates some basic statistical parameters of a distribution: sum, mean, variance, and provides the normal approximation |
CBilinearInterpolation | Provides access to bilinearly interpolated values (and derivatives) from discrete data points. Values beyond the given range of data points are implicitly taken as zero |
CCumulativeBinomial | Computes the cumulative binomial function |
►CGammaDistributionFitter | Implements a fitter for the Gamma distribution |
CGammaDistributionFitResult | Struct to represent the parameters of a gamma distribution |
►CGaussFitter | Implements a fitter for Gaussian functions |
CGaussFitResult | Struct of parameters of a Gaussian distribution |
►CGumbelDistributionFitter | Implements a fitter for the Gumbel distribution |
CGumbelDistributionFitResult | Struct to represent the parameters of a gumbel distribution |
CHistogram | Representation of a histogram |
CLinearInterpolation | Provides access to linearly interpolated values (and derivatives) from discrete data points. Values beyond the given range of data points are implicitly taken as zero |
CLinearRegression | This class offers functions to perform least-squares fits to a straight line model, |
CPosteriorErrorProbabilityModel | Implements a mixture model of the inverse gumbel and the gauss distribution or a gaussian mixture |
CQuadraticRegression | |
CRANSAC | This class provides a generic implementation of the RANSAC outlier detection algorithm. Is implemented and tested after the SciPy reference: http://wiki.scipy.org/Cookbook/RANSAC |
CRansacModel | Generic plug-in template base class using 'Curiously recurring template pattern' (CRTP) to allow for arbitrary RANSAC models (e.g. linear or quadratic fits) |
CRansacModelLinear | Implementation of a linear RANSAC model fit |
CRansacModelQuadratic | Implementation of a quadratic RANSAC model fit |
CRANSACParam | A simple struct to carry all the parameters required for a RANSAC run |
►CROCCurve | ROCCurves show the trade-off in sensitivity and specificity for binary classifiers using different cutoff values |
Csimsortdec | Predicate for sort() |
CSummaryStatistics | Helper class to gather (and dump) some statistics from a e.g. vector<double> |
►NOptimizationFunctions | |
CPenaltyFactors | Class for the penalty factors used during the optimization |
CPenaltyFactorsIntensity | Class for the penalty factors used during the optimization |
►NSimTypes | |
CSimProtein | Plain data object holding sequence and abundance information on a single protein |
CSimRandomNumberGenerator | Wrapper class for random number generators used by the simulation classes |
►NTargetedExperimentHelper | This class stores helper structures that are used in multiple classes of the TargetedExperiment (e.g. ReactionMonitoringTransition and IncludeExcludeTarget) |
CCompound | |
CConfiguration | |
CContact | |
CCV | |
CInstrument | |
CInterpretation | |
►CPeptide | |
CModification | |
CPrediction | |
CProtein | |
CPublication | |
CRetentionTime | |
CTraMLProduct | |
CAAIndex | Representation of selected AAIndex properties |
►CAASequence | Representation of a peptide/protein sequence |
CConstIterator | ConstIterator for AASequence |
CIterator | Iterator class for AASequence |
►CAccurateMassSearchEngine | An algorithm to search for exact mass matches from a spectrum against a database (e.g. HMDB) |
CCompareEntryAndMass_ | |
CMappingEntry_ | |
CAccurateMassSearchResult | |
CAcquisition | Information about one raw data spectrum that was combined with several other raw data spectra |
CAcquisitionInfo | Description of the combination of raw data to a single spectrum |
CAcquisitionInfoVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for AcquisitionInfo objects |
CAcquisitionVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for Acquisition objects |
CAdduct | |
CAdductInfo | |
CAnnotation1DCaret | An annotation item which paints a set of carets on the canvas |
CAnnotation1DDistanceItem | An annotation item which represents a measured distance between two peaks |
CAnnotation1DItem | An abstract class acting as an interface for the different 1D annotation items |
CAnnotation1DPeakItem | A peak annotation item |
CAnnotation1DTextItem | An annotation item which represents an arbitrary text on the canvas |
CAnnotations1DContainer | Container for annotations to content of Spectrum1DCanvas |
CAnnotationStatistics | |
CAScore | Implementation of the Ascore For a given peptide sequence and its MS/MS spectrum it identifies the most probable phosphorylation-site(s). For each phosphorylation site a probability score is calculated. The algorithm is implemented according to Beausoleil et al |
CAverageLinkage | AverageLinkage ClusterMethod |
CAxisPainter | Draws a coordinate axis. It has only static methods, that's why the constructor is private |
CAxisTickCalculator | Calculates ticks for a given value range |
CAxisWidget | Widget that represents an axis of a graph |
CBackgroundControl | |
CBackgroundIntensityBin | |
►CBase64 | Class to encode and decode Base64 |
CReinterpreter32_ | Internal class needed for type-punning |
CReinterpreter64_ | Internal class needed for type-punning |
►CBaseFeature | A basic LC-MS feature |
CQualityLess | Compare by quality |
CBaseGroupFinder | The base class of all element group finding algorithms |
CBaseLabeler | Abstract base class for all kinds of labeling techniques |
CBaseModel | Abstract base class for all D-dimensional models |
CBaseSuperimposer | The base class of all superimposer algorithms |
CBaseVisualizer | A base class for all visualizer classes |
CBaseVisualizerGUI | A base class for all visualizer classes |
CBernNorm | BernNorm scales the peaks by ranking them and then scaling them according to rank |
CBiGaussFitter1D | BiGaussian distribution fitter (1-dim.) approximated using linear interpolation |
CBiGaussModel | BiGaussian distribution approximated using linear interpolation |
CBigString | Concatenates Proteins given as FASTAEntry to one big string separated by a unique character (by default $) |
CBinaryComposeFunctionAdapter | Represents the binary compose function object adapter |
CBinaryTreeNode | Elements of a binary tree used to represent a hierarchical clustering process |
CBinnedSharedPeakCount | Compare functor scoring the shared peaks for similarity measurement |
CBinnedSpectralContrastAngle | Compare functor scoring the spectral contrast angle for similarity measurement |
►CBinnedSpectrum | This is a binned representation of a PeakSpectrum |
CNoSpectrumIntegrated | Exception which is thrown if BinnedSpectrum bins are accessed and no PeakSpektrum has been integrated yet i.e. bins_ is empty |
►CBinnedSpectrumCompareFunctor | Base class for compare functors of BinnedSpectra |
CIncompatibleBinning | Exception thrown if compared spectra are incompatible |
CBinnedSumAgreeingIntensities | Compare functor scoring the sum of agreeing intensities for similarity measurement |
CBSpline2d | B spline interpolation |
CBzip2Ifstream | Decompresses files which are compressed in the bzip2 format (*.bz2) |
CBzip2InputStream | Implements the BinInputStream class of the xerces-c library in order to read bzip2 compressed XML files |
CCachedmzML | An class that uses on-disk caching to read and write spectra and chromatograms |
CCachedSwathFileConsumer | On-disk cached implementation of FullSwathFileConsumer |
CCalibrationData | A helper class, holding all calibration points |
CCentroidData | |
CCentroidPeak | |
CChargePair | Representation of a (putative) link between two Features, which stem from the same compound but have different charge (including different adduct ions (H+, Na+, ..) |
CChromatogramExtractor | The ChromatogramExtractor extracts chromatograms from a spectra file |
►CChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm | The ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm extracts chromatograms from a MS data |
CExtractionCoordinates | |
►CChromatogramPeak | A 1-dimensional raw data point or peak for chromatograms |
CIntensityLess | Comparator by intensity |
CPositionLess | Comparator by position. As this class has dimension 1, this is basically an alias for RTLess |
CRTLess | Comparator by RT position |
CChromatogramSettings | Representation of chromatogram settings, e.g. SRM/MRM chromatograms |
CChromatogramTools | Conversion class to convert chromatograms |
CChromExtractParams | ChromatogramExtractor parameters |
CClusterAnalyzer | Bundles analyzing tools for a clustering (given as sequence of BinaryTreeNode's) |
CClusteredMS2ConsensusSpectrum | |
►CClusterFunctor | Base class for cluster functors |
CInsufficientInput | Exception thrown if not enough data (<2) is used |
CClusterHierarchical | Hierarchical clustering with generic clustering functions |
CClusteringGrid | Data structure to store 2D data to be clustered e.g. (m/z, retention time) coordinates from multiplex filtering |
CClusterProxyKD | Proxy for a (potential) cluster |
CCmpHypothesesByScore | |
CCmpMassTraceByMZ | |
CColorSelector | A widget for selecting a color |
CComplementFilter | Total intensity of peak pairs that could result from complementing fragments of charge state 1 |
CComplementMarker | ComplementMarker marks peak pairs which could represent y - b ion pairs |
CCompleteLinkage | CompleteLinkage ClusterMethod |
CCompNovoIdentification | Run with CompNovoIdentification |
►CCompNovoIdentificationBase | Run with CompNovoIdentificationBase |
CPermut | Simple class to store permutations and a score |
CCompNovoIdentificationCID | Run with CompNovoIdentificationCID |
CCompNovoIonScoring | Run with CompNovoIonScoring |
►CCompNovoIonScoringBase | Run with CompNovoIonScoringBase |
CIonScore | |
CCompNovoIonScoringCID | Run with CompNovoIonScoringCID |
CCompomer | Holds information on an edge connecting two features from a (putative) charge ladder |
CCompressedInputSource | This class is based on xercesc::LocalFileInputSource |
CConfidenceScoring | |
CConnectedComponent | |
►CConsensusFeature | A 2-dimensional consensus feature |
CMapsLess | Compare by the sets of consensus elements (lexicographically) |
CRatio | Slim struct to feed the need for systematically storing of ratios ( |
CSizeLess | Compare by size(), the number of consensus elements |
CConsensusIDAlgorithm | Abstract base class for all ConsensusID algorithms (that calculate a consensus from multiple ID runs) |
CConsensusIDAlgorithmAverage | Calculates a consensus from multiple ID runs by averaging the search scores |
CConsensusIDAlgorithmBest | Calculates a consensus from multiple ID runs by taking the best search score |
CConsensusIDAlgorithmIdentity | Abstract base class for ConsensusID algorithms that compare only identical sequences |
CConsensusIDAlgorithmPEPIons | Calculates a consensus from multiple ID runs based on PEPs and shared ions |
CConsensusIDAlgorithmPEPMatrix | Calculates a consensus from multiple ID runs based on PEPs and sequence similarities |
CConsensusIDAlgorithmRanks | Calculates a consensus from multiple ID runs based on the ranks of the search hits |
CConsensusIDAlgorithmSimilarity | Abstract base class for ConsensusID algorithms that take peptide similarity into account |
CConsensusIDAlgorithmWorst | Calculates a consensus from multiple ID runs by taking the worst search score (conservative approach) |
CConsensusIsotopePattern | |
►CConsensusMap | A container for consensus elements |
CFileDescription | Source file description for input files |
CConsensusMapNormalizerAlgorithmMedian | Algorithms of ConsensusMapNormalizer |
CConsensusMapNormalizerAlgorithmQuantile | Algorithms of ConsensusMapNormalizer |
CConsensusMapNormalizerAlgorithmThreshold | Algorithms of ConsensusMapNormalizer |
CConsensusXMLFile | This class provides Input functionality for ConsensusMaps and Output functionality for alignments and quantitation |
CConsoleUtils | |
►CConstRefVector | This vector holds pointer to the elements of another container |
CConstRefVectorConstIterator | ConstIterator for the ConstRefVector |
CConstRefVectorIterator | Mutable iterator for the ConstRefVector |
CContactPerson | Contact person information |
CContactPersonVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for ContactPerson objects |
CContinuousWaveletTransform | This class is the base class of the continuous wavelet transformation |
CContinuousWaveletTransformNumIntegration | This class computes the continuous wavelet transformation using a marr wavelet |
►CControlledVocabulary | Representation of a controlled vocabulary |
CCVTerm | Representation of a CV term |
CConvexHull2D | A 2-dimensional hull representation in [counter]clockwise direction - depending on axis labelling |
CCrossLinksDB | |
►CCsiFingerIdMzTabWriter | |
CCsiAdapterHit | Internal structure used in SiriusAdapter that is used for the conversion of the Csi:FingerID output to an mzTab |
CCsiAdapterIdentification | |
CCsiAdapterRun | |
CCsvFile | This class handles csv files. Currently only loading is implemented |
CCubicSpline2d | Cubic spline interpolation as described in R.L. Burden, J.D. Faires, Numerical Analysis, 4th ed. PWS-Kent, 1989, ISBN 0-53491-585-X, pp. 126-131 |
CCVMappingFile | Used to load CvMapping files |
CCVMappingRule | Representation of a CV Mapping rule used by CVMappings |
CCVMappings | Representation of controlled vocabulary mapping rules (for PSI formats) |
CCVMappingTerm | Representation of controlled vocabulary term |
CCVReference | Controlled Vocabulary Reference |
►CCVTerm | Representation of controlled vocabulary term |
CUnit | |
CCVTermList | Representation of controlled vocabulary term list |
CCVTermListInterface | Interface to the controlled vocabulary term list |
CDataFilterDialog | Dialog for creating and changing a DataFilter |
►CDataFilters | DataFilter array providing some convenience functions |
CDataFilter | Representation of a peak/feature filter combining FilterType, FilterOperation and a value |
CDataProcessing | Description of the applied preprocessing steps |
CDataProcessingVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for DataProcessing objects |
CDataValue | Class to hold strings, numeric values, lists of strings and lists of numeric values |
CDate | Date Class |
CDateTime | DateTime Class |
CDBoundingBox | A D-dimensional bounding box |
CDeconvPeak | |
CDefaultParamHandler | A base class for all classes handling default parameters |
CDeisotoper | |
CDeNovoAlgorithm | Base class for ion scoring implementation for de novo algorithms |
CDeNovoIdentification | Base class for de novo identification |
►CDeNovoIonScoring | Base class for ion scoring implementation for de novo algorithms |
CIonScore | IonScore |
CDeNovoPostScoring | Base class for ion scoring implementation for de novo algorithms |
CDetectabilitySimulation | Simulates peptide detectability |
CDiaPrescore | Scoring of an spectrum given library intensities of a transition group |
CDIAScoring | Scoring of an spectrum at the peak apex of an chromatographic elution peak |
CDigestion | Meta information about digestion of a sample |
CDigestionVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information of digestion objects |
CDigestSimulation | Simulates protein digestion |
CDistanceMatrix | A two-dimensional distance matrix, similar to OpenMS::Matrix |
CDocumentIdentifier | Manage source document information |
CDocumentIdentifierVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for DocumentIdentifier objects |
CDocumentIDTagger | Tags OpenMS file containers with a DocumentID |
CDPeak | Metafunction to choose among Peak1D respectively Peak2D through a template argument |
CDPosition | Representation of a coordinate in D-dimensional space |
CDRange | A D-dimensional half-open interval |
CDTA2DFile | DTA2D File adapter |
CDTAFile | File adapter for DTA files |
CEDTAFile | File adapter for Enhanced DTA files |
►CEGHFitter1D | Exponential-Gaussian hybrid distribution fitter (1-dim.) using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (Eigen implementation) for parameter optimization |
CData | Helper struct (contains the size of an area and a raw data container) |
CEGHFitterFunctor | |
CEGHModel | Exponential-Gaussian hybrid distribution model for elution profiles |
►CEGHTraceFitter | A RT Profile fitter using an Exponential Gaussian Hybrid background model |
CEGHTraceFunctor | |
CElement | Representation of an element |
CElementDB | Stores elements |
CElutionModelFitter | Helper class for fitting elution models to features |
CElutionPeakDetection | Extracts chromatographic peaks from a mass trace |
►CEmgFitter1D | Exponentially modified gaussian distribution fitter (1-dim.) using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (Eigen implementation) for parameter optimization |
CData | Helper struct (contains the size of an area and a raw data container) |
CEgmFitterFunctor | |
CEmgModel | Exponentially modified gaussian distribution model for elution profiles |
CEmgScoring | Scoring of an elution peak using an exponentially modified gaussian distribution model |
CEmpiricalFormula | Representation of an empirical formula |
CEnhancedTabBar | Convenience tab bar implementation |
CEnhancedTabBarWidgetInterface | Widgets that are placed into an EnhancedTabBar must implement this interface |
CEnhancedWorkspace | |
CEnzymaticDigestion | Class for the enzymatic digestion of proteins |
►CEnzymaticDigestionLogModel | Class for the Log L model of enzymatic digestion of proteins |
CBindingSite_ | |
CCleavageModel_ | |
CEnzyme | Representation of an enzyme |
CEnzymesDB | Enzyme database which holds enzymes |
CEqualInTolerance | Struct for binary predicate to consider equality with a certain tolerance |
CEuclideanSimilarity | CompareFunctor for 2Dpoints |
►CExperimentalDesign | A TSV and user friendly representation of the experimental design. Used for loading and storing the experimental design in OpenMS |
CMSRun | |
CExperimentalSettings | Description of the experimental settings |
CExperimentalSettingsVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for ExperimentalSettings objects |
CExtendedIsotopeFitter1D | Extended isotope distribution fitter (1-dim.) approximated using linear interpolation |
CExtendedIsotopeModel | Extended isotope distribution approximated using linear interpolation |
CFactory | Returns FactoryProduct* based on the name of the desired concrete FactoryProduct |
CFactoryBase | Base class for Factory<T> |
CFakeProcess | A FakeProcess class |
CFalseDiscoveryRate | Calculates an FDR from identifications |
►CFASTAFile | This class serves for reading in and writing FASTA files |
CFASTAEntry | FASTA entry type (identifier, description and sequence) |
CFastaIterator | Iterator over FASTA file |
CFastaIteratorIntern | Iterator for a FASTA file |
CFeaFiModule | Implements a module of the FeatureFinder algorithm |
CFeature | An LC-MS feature |
CFeatureDeconvolution | An algorithm to decharge features (i.e. as found by FeatureFinder) |
►CFeatureDistance | A functor class for the calculation of distances between features or consensus features |
CDistanceParams_ | Structure for storing distance parameters |
CFeatureEditDialog | Dialog for editing a feature |
CFeatureFileOptions | Options for loading files containing features |
CFeatureFinder | The main feature finder class |
CFeatureFinderAlgorithm | Abstract base class for FeatureFinder algorithms |
►CFeatureFinderAlgorithmIsotopeWavelet | Implements the isotope wavelet feature finder |
CBoxElement | Internally used data structure for the sweep line algorithm |
CFeatureFinderAlgorithmMRM | FeatureFinderAlgorithm for MRM experiments |
CFeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked | FeatureFinderAlgorithm for picked peaks |
►CFeatureFinderAlgorithmPickedHelperStructs | Wrapper struct for all the classes needed by the FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked and the associated classes |
CIsotopePattern | Helper structure for a found isotope pattern used in FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked |
CMassTrace | Helper struct for mass traces used in FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked |
CMassTraces | Helper struct for a collection of mass traces used in FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked |
CSeed | Helper structure for seeds used in FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked |
CTheoreticalIsotopePattern | Helper structure for a theoretical isotope pattern used in FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked |
CFeatureFinderAlgorithmSH | The Superhirn FeatureFinderAlgorithm |
CFeatureFinderAlgorithmSHCtrl | A facade for various Superhirn FeatureFinder classes. Use FeatureFinderAlgorithmSH instead |
►CFeatureFinderDefs | The purpose of this struct is to provide definitions of classes and typedefs which are used throughout all FeatureFinder classes |
CNoSuccessor | Exception that is thrown if a method an invalid IndexPair is given |
CFeatureFindingMetabo | Method for the assembly of mass traces belonging to the same isotope pattern, i.e., that are compatible in retention times, mass-to-charge ratios, and isotope abundances |
CFeatureGroupingAlgorithm | Base class for all feature grouping algorithms |
CFeatureGroupingAlgorithmKD | A feature grouping algorithm for unlabeled data |
CFeatureGroupingAlgorithmLabeled | A map feature grouping algorithm for labeling techniques with two labels |
CFeatureGroupingAlgorithmQT | A feature grouping algorithm for unlabeled data |
CFeatureGroupingAlgorithmUnlabeled | A map feature grouping algorithm for unlabeled data |
►CFeatureHandle | Representation of a Peak2D, RichPeak2D or Feature |
CFeatureHandleMutable_ | Helper class returned by FeatureHandle::asMutable(), which see |
CIndexLess | Comparator by map and unique id |
CFeatureHypothesis | Internal structure used in FeatureFindingMetabo that keeps track of a feature hypothesis (isotope group hypothesis) |
CFeatureLCProfile | |
CFeatureMap | A container for features |
CFeatureOpenMS | An implementation of the OpenSWATH Feature Access interface using OpenMS |
CFeatureXMLFile | This class provides Input/Output functionality for feature maps |
►CFile | Basic file handling operations |
CTemporaryFiles_ | Internal helper class, which holds temporary filenames and deletes these file at program exit |
CFileHandler | Facilitates file handling by file type recognition |
CFileTypes | Centralizes the file types recognized by FileHandler |
CFileWatcher | Watcher that monitors file changes |
CFilterFunctor | A FilterFunctor extracts some spectrum characteristics for quality assessment |
CFitter1D | Abstract base class for all 1D-dimensional model fitter |
CFTPeakDetectController | |
CFullSwathFileConsumer | Abstract base class which can consume spectra coming from SWATH experiment stored in a single file |
►CFuzzyStringComparator | Fuzzy comparison of strings, tolerates numeric differences |
CAbortComparison | Internal exception class |
CInputLine | Stores information about the current input line (i.e., stream for the line and the current position in the stream) |
CPrefixInfo_ | Wrapper for the prefix information computed for the failure report |
CStreamElement_ | Stores information about characters, numbers, and white spaces loaded from the InputStream |
CGaussFilter | This class represents a Gaussian lowpass-filter which works on uniform as well as on non-uniform profile data |
CGaussFilterAlgorithm | This class represents a Gaussian lowpass-filter which works on uniform as well as on non-uniform profile data |
CGaussFitter1D | Gaussian distribution fitter (1-dim.) approximated using linear interpolation |
CGaussModel | Normal distribution approximated using linear interpolation |
►CGaussTraceFitter | Fitter for RT profiles using a Gaussian background model |
CGaussTraceFunctor | |
CGoodDiffFilter | GoodDiffFilter counts the number ob peak pairs whose m/z difference can be explained by a amino acid loss |
CGradient | Representation of a HPLC gradient |
CGradientVisualizer | GradientVisualizer is a visualizer class for objects of type gradient |
CGridBasedCluster | Basic data structure for clustering |
CGridBasedClustering | 2D hierarchical clustering implementation optimized for large data sets containing many small clusters i.e. dimensions of clusters << dimension of entire dataset |
CGridFeature | Representation of a feature in a hash grid |
CGUIHelpers | Class which holds static GUI-related helper functions |
CGUIProgressLoggerImpl | Implements a GUI version of the ProgressLoggerImpl |
CGzipIfstream | Decompresses files which are compressed in the gzip format (*.gzip) |
CGzipInputStream | Implements the BinInputStream class of the xerces-c library in order to read gzip compressed XML files |
CHasActivationMethod | Predicate that determines if a spectrum was generated using any activation method given in the constructor list |
►CHashGrid | Container for (2-dimensional coordinate, value) pairs |
CConstIterator | Constant element iterator for the hash grid |
CIterator | Element iterator for the hash grid |
CHasMetaValue | Predicate that determines if a class has a certain metavalue |
CHasPrecursorCharge | Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain precursor charge as given in the constructor list |
CHasScanMode | Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain scan mode |
CHasScanPolarity | Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain scan polarity |
CHiddenMarkovModel | Hidden Markov Model implementation of PILIS |
CHistogramDialog | Dialog that show a HistogramWidget |
CHistogramWidget | Widget which can visualize a histogram |
CHMMState | Hidden Markov Model State class for the Hidden Markov Model |
CHPLC | Representation of a HPLC experiment |
CHPLCVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for HPLC objects |
CHyperScore | An implementation of the X!Tandem HyperScore PSM scoring function |
CIBSpectraFile | Implements the export of consensusmaps into the IBSpectra format used by isobar to load quantification results |
CICPLLabeler | Simulate ICPL experiments |
►CIDDecoyProbability | IDDecoyProbability calculates probabilities using decoy approach |
CTransformation_ | Struct to be used to store a transformation (used for fitting) |
CIdentification | Represents a object which can store the information of an analysisXML instance |
CIdentificationHit | Represents a object which can store the information of an analysisXML instance |
CIDEvaluationBase | Main window of the IDEvaluation tool |
►CIDFilter | Collection of functions for filtering peptide and protein identifications |
CDigestionFilter | Is peptide evidence digestion product of some protein |
CGetMatchingItems | Builds a map index of data that have a String index to find matches and return the objects |
CHasDecoyAnnotation | Is this a decoy hit? |
CHasGoodScore | Is the score of this hit at least as good as the given value? |
CHasMatchingAccession | Given a list of protein accessions, do any occur in the annotation(s) of this hit? |
CHasMaxMetaValue | Does a meta value of this hit have at most the given value? |
CHasMaxRank | Is the rank of this hit below or at the given cut-off? |
CHasMetaValue | Is a meta value with given key and value set on this hit? |
CHasNoHits | Is the list of hits of this peptide/protein ID empty? |
►CIDMapper | Annotates an MSExperiment, FeatureMap or ConsensusMap with peptide identifications |
CSpectraIdentificationState | Result of a partitioning by identification state with mapPrecursorsToIdentifications() |
CIDRipper | Ripping protein/peptide identification according their file origin |
CIdXMLFile | Used to load and store idXML files |
CILPDCWrapper | |
CIncludeExcludeTarget | This class stores a SRM/MRM transition |
►CInclusionExclusionList | Provides functionality for writing inclusion or exclusion lists |
CIEWindow | |
CWindowDistance_ | Determine distance between two spectra |
CIndexedMzMLDecoder | A class to analyze indexedmzML files and extract the offsets of individual tags |
CIndexedMzMLFile | A low-level class to read an indexedmzML file |
CIndexedMzMLFileLoader | A class to load an indexedmzML file |
CINIFileEditorWindow | Shows the ParamEditor widget in a QMainWindow with a toolbar |
CInIntensityRange | Predicate that determines if a peak lies inside/outside a specific intensity range |
CINIUpdater | |
CInMSLevelRange | Predicate that determines if a spectrum lies inside/outside a specific MS level set |
CInMzRange | Predicate that determines if a peak lies inside/outside a specific m/z range |
CInPrecursorMZRange | Predicate that determines if a spectrum's precursor is within a certain m/z range |
CInRTRange | Predicate that determines if a spectrum lies inside/outside a specific retention time range |
CInspectInfile | Inspect input file adapter |
CInspectOutfile | Representation of an Inspect outfile |
CInstrument | Description of a MS instrument |
CInstrumentSettings | Description of the settings a MS Instrument was run with |
CInstrumentSettingsVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for InstrumentSettings objects |
CInstrumentVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for an MS instrument |
CIntensityBalanceFilter | IntensityBalanceFilter divides the m/z-range into ten regions and sums the intensity in these regions |
►CInternalCalibration | A mass recalibration method using linear/quadratic interpolation (robust/weighted) of given reference masses |
CLockMass | Helper class, describing a lock mass |
CInterpolationModel | Abstract class for 1D-models that are approximated using linear interpolation |
CIonDetector | Description of a ion detector (part of a MS Instrument) |
CIonDetectorVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for IonDetector objects |
CIonizationSimulation | Simulates Protein ionization |
CIonSource | Description of an ion source (part of a MS Instrument) |
CIonSourceVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for IonSource objects |
CIsEmptySpectrum | Predicate that determines if a spectrum is empty |
CIsInCollisionEnergyRange | Predicate that determines if an MSn spectrum was generated with a collision energy in the given range |
CIsInIsolationWindow | Predicate that determines if the isolation window covers ANY of the given m/z values |
CIsInIsolationWindowSizeRange | Predicate that determines if the width of the isolation window of an MSn spectrum is in the given range |
►CIsobaricChannelExtractor | Extracts individual channels from MS/MS spectra for isobaric labeling experiments |
CPuritySate_ | Small struct to capture the current state of the purity computation |
CIsobaricIsotopeCorrector | Performs isotope impurity correction on the intensities extracted from an isobaric labeling experiment |
CIsobaricNormalizer | Performs median normalization on the extracted ratios of isobaric labeling experiment |
CIsobaricQuantifier | Given the extracted channel intensities the IsobaricQuantifier corrects and normalizes the intensities for further processing |
CIsobaricQuantifierStatistics | Statistics for quantitation performance and comparison of NNLS vs. naive method (aka matrix inversion) |
►CIsobaricQuantitationMethod | Abstract base class describing an isobaric quantitation method in terms of the used channels and an isotope correction matrix |
CIsobaricChannelInformation | Summary of an isobaric quantitation channel |
►CIsotopeCluster | Stores information about an isotopic cluster (i.e. potential peptide charge variants) |
CChargedIndexSet | Index set with associated charge estimate |
CIsotopeDiffFilter | IsotopeDiffFilter returns total intensity of peak pairs that could result from isotope peaks |
CIsotopeDistribution | Isotope distribution class |
CIsotopeDistributionCache | Pre-calculate isotope distributions for interesting mass ranges |
CIsotopeFitter1D | Isotope distribution fitter (1-dim.) approximated using linear interpolation |
CIsotopeMarker | IsotopeMarker marks peak pairs which could represent an ion and its isotope |
CIsotopeModel | Isotope distribution approximated using linear interpolation |
►CIsotopeWavelet | Implements the isotope wavelet function |
Cfi_ | Internal union for fast computation of the power function |
►CIsotopeWaveletTransform | A class implementing the isotope wavelet transform. If you just want to find features using the isotope wavelet, take a look at the FeatureFinderAlgorithmIsotopeWavelet class. Usually, you only have to consider the class at hand if you plan to change the basic implementation of the transform |
CBoxElement | Internally used data structure |
CTransSpectrum | Internally (only by GPUs) used data structure . It allows efficient data exchange between CPU and GPU and avoids unnecessary memory moves. The class is tailored on the isotope wavelet transform and is in general not applicable on similar - but different - situations |
CIsotopicDist | |
CIsZoomSpectrum | Predicate that determines if a spectrum is a zoom (enhanced resolution) spectrum |
►CItraqConstants | Some constants used throughout iTRAQ classes |
CChannelInfo | Stores information on an iTRAQ channel |
CItraqEightPlexQuantitationMethod | ITRAQ 8 plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation |
CItraqFourPlexQuantitationMethod | ITRAQ 4 plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation |
CITRAQLabeler | Simulate iTRAQ experiments |
CJavaInfo | Detect Java and retrieve information |
CKDTreeFeatureMaps | Stores a set of features, together with a 2D tree for fast search |
CKDTreeFeatureNode | A node of the kD-tree with pointer to corresponding data and index |
CKroenikFile | File adapter for Kroenik (HardKloer sibling) files |
CLabeledPairFinder | The LabeledPairFinder allows the matching of labeled features (features with a fixed distance) |
CLabelFreeLabeler | Abstract base class for all kinds of labeling techniques |
CLayerData | Class that stores the data for one layer |
►CLayerStatisticsDialog | Dialog showing statistics about the data of the current layer |
CMetaStatsValue_ | Struct representing the statistics about one meta information |
CLCElutionPeak | |
►CLCMS | |
COPERATOR_FeatureCompare | |
CLCMSCData | |
►CLevMarqFitter1D | Abstract class for 1D-model fitter using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for parameter optimization |
CGenericFunctor | |
CLexicographicComparator | A wrapper class that combines two comparators lexicographically. Normally you should use the make-function lexicographicComparator() because then you do not need to specify the template arguments |
CLibSVMEncoder | Serves for encoding sequences into feature vectors |
CLinearResampler | Linear Resampling of raw data |
CLinearResamplerAlign | Linear Resampling of raw data with alignment |
CListEditor | Editor for editing int, double and string lists (including output and input file lists) |
►CListUtils | Collection of utility functions for management of vectors |
CDoubleTolerancePredicate_ | Predicate to check double equality with a given tolerance |
►CLocalLinearMap | Trained Local Linear Map (LLM) model for peak intensity prediction |
CLLMParam | Define parameters needed by the Local Linear Map (LLM) model |
CLogConfigHandler | The LogConfigHandler provides the functionality to configure the internal logging of OpenMS algorithms that use the global instances of LogStream |
CLowessSmoothing | LOWESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing) |
►CLPWrapper | |
CSolverParam | Struct that holds the parameters of the LP solver |
►CMap | Map class based on the STL map (containing several convenience functions) |
CIllegalKey | Map illegal key exception |
CMapAlignmentAlgorithmIdentification | A map alignment algorithm based on peptide identifications from MS2 spectra |
CMapAlignmentAlgorithmKD | An efficient reference-free feature map alignment algorithm for unlabeled data |
CMapAlignmentAlgorithmPoseClustering | A map alignment algorithm based on pose clustering |
►CMapAlignmentAlgorithmSpectrumAlignment | A map alignment algorithm based on spectrum similarity (dynamic programming) |
CCompare | Inner class necessary for using the sort algorithm |
CMapAlignmentEvaluationAlgorithm | Base class for all Caap evaluation algorithms |
CMapAlignmentEvaluationAlgorithmPrecision | Caap evaluation algorithm to obtain a precision value |
CMapAlignmentEvaluationAlgorithmRecall | Caap evaluation algorithm to obtain a recall value |
CMapAlignmentTransformer | This class collects functions for applying retention time transformations to data structures |
CMapConversion | |
CMarkerMower | MarkerMower uses PeakMarker to find peaks, those that are not marked get removed |
CMascotGenericFile | Read/write Mascot generic files (MGF) |
CMascotInfile | Mascot input file adapter |
CMascotRemoteQuery | Class which handles the communication between OpenMS and the Mascot server |
CMascotXMLFile | Used to load Mascot XML files |
CMassAnalyzer | Description of a mass analyzer (part of a MS Instrument) |
CMassAnalyzerVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for MassAnalyzer objects |
CMassDecomposition | Class represents a decomposition of a mass into amino acids |
CMassDecompositionAlgorithm | Mass decomposition algorithm, given a mass it suggests possible compositions |
CMassExplainer | Computes empirical formulas for given mass differences using a set of allowed elements |
CMassTrace | A container type that gathers peaks similar in m/z and moving along retention time |
CMassTraceDetection | A mass trace extraction method that gathers peaks similar in m/z and moving along retention time |
CMatrix | A two-dimensional matrix. Similar to std::vector, but uses a binary operator(,) for element access |
CMaxLikeliFitter1D | Abstract base class for all 1D-model fitters using maximum likelihood optimization |
CMetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution | An algorithm to decharge small molecule features (i.e. as found by FeatureFinder) |
CMetaboliteSpectralMatching | |
CMetaDataBrowser | A meta data visualization widget |
CMetaInfo | A Type-Name-Value tuple class |
CMetaInfoDescription | Description of the meta data arrays of MSSpectrum |
CMetaInfoDescriptionVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for MetaInfoDescription objects |
CMetaInfoInterface | Interface for classes that can store arbitrary meta information (Type-Name-Value tuples) |
CMetaInfoInterfaceUtils | Utilities operating on containers inheriting from MetaInfoInterface |
CMetaInfoRegistry | Registry which assigns unique integer indices to strings |
CMetaInfoVisualizer | MetaInfoVisualizer is a visualizer class for all classes that use one MetaInfo object as member |
CMinimumDistance | Basic data structure for distances between clusters |
CModelDescription | Stores the name and parameters of a model |
CModification | Meta information about chemical modification of a sample |
CModificationDefinition | Representation of modification definition |
CModificationDefinitionsSet | Representation of a set of modification definitions |
CModificationsDB | Database which holds all residue modifications from UniMod |
CModificationVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information of modification objects |
CModifiedPeptideGenerator | |
CModifierRep | Implements modification for suffix arrays |
CMorphologicalFilter | This class implements baseline filtering operations using methods from mathematical morphology |
CMRMAssay | Generate assays from a TargetedExperiment |
CMRMDecoy | This class generates a TargetedExperiment object with decoys based on a TargetedExperiment object |
CMRMFeature | A multi-chromatogram MRM feature |
CMRMFeatureFinderScoring | The MRMFeatureFinder finds and scores peaks of transitions that co-elute |
CMRMFeatureOpenMS | An implementation of the OpenSWATH MRM Feature Access interface using OpenMS |
CMRMFragmentSelection | This class can select appropriate fragment ions of an MS/MS spectrum of a peptide |
CMRMIonSeries | Generate theoretical fragment ion series for use in MRMAssay and MRMDecoy |
CMRMRTNormalizer | The MRMRTNormalizer will find retention time peptides in data |
CMRMTransitionGroup | The representation of a group of transitions in a targeted proteomics experiment |
CMRMTransitionGroupPicker | The MRMTransitionGroupPicker finds peaks in chromatograms that belong to the same precursors |
►CMS1FeatureMerger | |
CMS1Signal | |
CMS2ConsensusSpectrum | |
CMS2Feature | |
CMS2File | MS2 input file adapter |
CMS2Fragment | |
CMS2Info | |
►CMSChromatogram | The representation of a chromatogram |
CMZLess | Comparator for the retention time |
CMSDataAggregatingConsumer | Aggregates spectra by retention time |
CMSDataCachedConsumer | Transforming and cached writing consumer of MS data |
CMSDataChainingConsumer | Consumer class that passes all consumed data through a set of operations |
CMSDataSqlConsumer | A data consumer that inserts data into a SQL database |
CMSDataStoringConsumer | Consumer class that simply stores the data |
CMSDataTransformingConsumer | Transforming consumer of MS data |
CMSDataWritingConsumer | Consumer class that writes MS data to disk using the mzML format |
►CMSExperiment | In-Memory representation of a mass spectrometry experiment |
CContainerAdd_ | Helper class to add either general data points in set2DData or use mass traces from meta values |
CContainerAdd_< ContainerValueType, false > | |
CContainerAdd_< ContainerValueType, true > | |
CMsInspectFile | File adapter for MsInspect files |
►CMSNumpressCoder | Class to encode and decode data encoded with MSNumpress |
CNumpressConfig | Configuration class for MSNumpress |
CMSPeak | |
CMSPFile | File adapter for MSP files (NIST spectra library) |
►CMSQuantifications | |
CAnalysisSummary | |
CAssay | |
CMSSim | Central class for simulation of mass spectrometry experiments |
►CMSSpectrum | The representation of a 1D spectrum |
CRTLess | Comparator for the retention time |
CMultiGradient | A gradient of multiple colors and arbitrary distances between colors |
CMultiGradientSelector | A widget witch allows constructing gradients of multiple colors |
►CMultiplexClustering | Clusters results from multiplex filtering |
CMultiplexDistance | Scaled Euclidean distance for clustering |
►CMultiplexDeltaMasses | Data structure for mass shift pattern |
CDeltaMass | Mass shift with corresponding label set |
►CMultiplexDeltaMassesGenerator | Generates complete list of all possible mass shifts due to isotopic labelling |
CLabel | Complete label information |
►CMultiplexFiltering | Base class for filtering centroided and profile data for peak patterns |
CBlackListEntry | Structure for peak blacklisting |
CPeakReference | Structure for peak position in neighbouring spectra |
CMultiplexFilteringCentroided | Filters centroided data for peak patterns |
CMultiplexFilteringProfile | Filters centroided and profile data for peak patterns |
CMultiplexFilterResult | Data structure storing all peaks (and optionally their raw data points) corresponding to one specific peak pattern |
CMultiplexFilterResultPeak | Data structure storing a single peak that passed all filters |
CMultiplexFilterResultRaw | Data structure storing a single raw data point that passed all filters |
CMultiplexIsotopicPeakPattern | Data structure for pattern of isotopic peaks |
CMzDataFile | File adapter for MzData files |
CMzIdentMLFile | File adapter for MzIdentML files |
CMzMLFile | File adapter for MzML files |
CMzMLSpectrumDecoder | A class to decode input strings that contain an mzML chromatogram or spectrum tag |
CMzMLSwathFileConsumer | On-disk mzML implementation of FullSwathFileConsumer |
CMzQuantMLFile | File adapter for MzQuantML files |
CMzTab | Data model of MzTab files. Please see the official MzTab specification at https://code.google.com/p/mztab/ |
CMzTabAssayMetaData | |
CMzTabBoolean | |
CMzTabContactMetaData | |
CMzTabCVMetaData | |
CMzTabDouble | |
CMzTabDoubleList | |
CMzTabFile | File adapter for MzTab files |
CMzTabInstrumentMetaData | |
CMzTabInteger | |
CMzTabIntegerList | |
CMzTabMetaData | |
CMzTabModification | |
CMzTabModificationList | |
CMzTabModificationMetaData | |
CMzTabMSRunMetaData | |
CMzTabNullAbleBase | |
CMzTabNullAbleInterface | |
CMzTabNullNaNAndInfAbleBase | |
CMzTabNullNaNAndInfAbleInterface | |
CMzTabParameter | |
CMzTabParameterList | |
CMzTabPeptideSectionRow | |
CMzTabProteinSectionRow | |
CMzTabPSMSectionRow | |
CMzTabSampleMetaData | |
CMzTabSmallMoleculeSectionRow | |
CMzTabSoftwareMetaData | |
CMzTabSpectraRef | |
CMzTabString | |
CMzTabStringList | |
CMzTabStudyVariableMetaData | |
►CMZTrafoModel | Create and apply models of a mass recalibration function |
CRTLess | Comparator by position. As this class has dimension 1, this is basically an alias for MZLess |
CMzXMLFile | File adapter for MzXML 3.1 files |
CNetworkGetRequest | |
CNeutralLossDiffFilter | NeutralLossDiffFilter returns the total intensity ob peak pairs whose m/z difference can be explained by a neutral loss |
CNeutralLossMarker | NeutralLossMarker marks peak pairs which could represent an ion an its neutral loss (water, ammonia) |
CNLargest | NLargest removes all but the n largest peaks |
CNonNegativeLeastSquaresSolver | Wrapper for a non-negative least squares (NNLS) solver |
CNoopMSDataConsumer | Consumer class that performs no operation |
CNoopMSDataWritingConsumer | Consumer class that perform no operation |
CNormalizer | Normalizes the peak intensities spectrum-wise |
CO18Labeler | Simulate O-18 experiments |
COfflinePrecursorIonSelection | Implements different algorithms for precursor ion selection |
COMSSACSVFile | File adapter for OMSSACSV files |
COMSSAXMLFile | Used to load OMSSAXML files |
COnDiscMSExperiment | Representation of a mass spectrometry experiment on disk |
COpenSwath_Scores | A structure to hold the different scores computed by OpenSWATH |
COpenSwath_Scores_Usage | A structure to store which scores should be used by the Algorithm |
COpenSwathDataAccessHelper | Several helpers to convert OpenMS datastructures to structures that implement the OpenSWATH interfaces |
COpenSwathHelper | A helper class that is used by several OpenSWATH tools |
COpenSwathOSWWriter | Class to write out an OpenSwath OSW SQLite output (PyProphet input) |
COpenSwathRetentionTimeNormalization | Simple OpenSwathWorkflow to perform RT and m/z correction based on a set of known peptides |
COpenSwathScoring | A class that calls the scoring routines |
COpenSwathTSVWriter | Class to write out an OpenSwath TSV output (mProphet input) |
COpenSwathWorkflow | Class to execute an OpenSwath Workflow |
COpenSwathWorkflowSonar | Class to execute an OpenSwath Workflow for SONAR data |
►COptimizePeakDeconvolution | This class provides the deconvolution of peak regions using non-linear optimization |
CData | Class containing the data needed for optimization |
►COptimizePick | This class provides the non-linear optimization of the peak parameters |
CData | |
COptPeakFunctor | |
►COPXLDataStructs | |
CAASeqWithMass | The AASeqWithMass struct represents a normal peptide with its precomputed mass |
CAASeqWithMassComparator | The AASeqWithMassComparator is a comparator for AASeqWithMass objects |
CCrossLinkSpectrumMatch | The CrossLinkSpectrumMatch struct represents a PSM between a ProteinProteinCrossLink and a spectrum in OpenPepXL |
CPreprocessedPairSpectra | The PreprocessedPairSpectra struct represents the result of comparing a light and a heavy labeled spectra to each other |
CProteinProteinCrossLink | The ProteinProteinCrossLink struct represents a cross-link between two peptides in OpenPepXL |
CXLPrecursor | The XLPrecursor struct represents a cross-link candidate in the process of filtering candidates by precursor masses in OpenPepXL |
CXLPrecursorComparator | The XLPrecursorComparator is a comparator for XLPrecursors, that allows direct comparison of the XLPrecursor precursor mass with double numbers |
COPXLHelper | Functions needed by OpenPepXL and OpenPepXLLF to reduce duplicated code |
COPXLSpectrumProcessingAlgorithms | |
CPairComparatorFirstElement | Class for comparison of std::pair using first ONLY e.g. for use with std::sort |
CPairComparatorFirstElementMore | Class for comparison of std::pair using first ONLY e.g. for use with std::sort |
CPairComparatorSecondElement | Class for comparison of std::pair using second ONLY e.g. for use with std::sort |
CPairComparatorSecondElementMore | Class for comparison of std::pair using second ONLY e.g. for use with std::sort |
CPairMatcherFirstElement | Class for comparison of std::pair using first ONLY e.g. for use with std::sort |
CPairMatcherSecondElement | Struct for comparison of std::pair using second ONLY e.g. for use with std::sort |
►CParam | Management and storage of parameters / INI files |
CParamEntry | Parameter entry used to store the actual information inside of a Param entry |
►CParamIterator | Forward const iterator for the Param class |
CTraceInfo | Struct that captures information on entered / left nodes for ParamIterator |
CParamNode | Node inside a Param object which is used to build the internal tree |
CParamEditor | A GUI for editing or viewing a Param object |
CParameterInformation | Struct that captures all information of a command line parameter |
CParamXMLFile | The file pendant of the Param class used to load and store the param datastructure as paramXML |
CParentPeakMower | ParentPeakMower gets rid of high peaks that could stem from unfragmented precursor ions |
►CPeak1D | A 1-dimensional raw data point or peak |
CIntensityLess | |
CMZLess | Comparator by m/z position |
CPositionLess | Comparator by position. As this class has dimension 1, this is basically an alias for MZLess |
►CPeak2D | A 2-dimensional raw data point or peak |
CIntensityLess | |
CMZLess | Comparator by m/z position |
CPositionLess | Comparator by position. Lexicographical comparison (first RT then m/z) is done |
CRTLess | Comparator by RT position |
CPeakAlignment | Make a PeakAlignment of two PeakSpectra |
CPeakCandidate | A small structure to hold peak candidates |
CPeakFileOptions | Options for loading files containing peak data |
CPeakIndex | Index of a peak or feature |
CPeakIntensityPredictor | Predict peak heights of peptides based on Local Linear Map model |
CPeakMarker | PeakMarker marks peaks that seem to fulfill some criterion |
►CPeakPickerCWT | This class implements a peak picking algorithm using wavelet techniques |
CPeakArea_ | Class for the internal peak representation |
►CPeakPickerHiRes | This class implements a fast peak-picking algorithm best suited for high resolution MS data (FT-ICR-MS, Orbitrap). In high resolution data, the signals of ions with similar mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) exhibit little or no overlapping and therefore allow for a clear separation. Furthermore, ion signals tend to show well-defined peak shapes with narrow peak width |
CPeakBoundary | Structure for peak boundaries |
CPeakPickerIterative | This class implements a peak-picking algorithm for high-resolution MS data (specifically designed for TOF-MS data) |
►CPeakPickerMaxima | This class implements a fast peak-picking algorithm best suited for high resolution MS data (FT-ICR-MS, Orbitrap). In high resolution data, the signals of ions with similar mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) exhibit little or no overlapping and therefore allow for a clear separation. Furthermore, ion signals tend to show well-defined peak shapes with narrow peak width |
CPeakCandidate | The PeakCandidate describes the output of the peak picker |
CPeakPickerMRM | The PeakPickerMRM finds peaks a single chromatogram |
CPeakPickerSH | |
►CPeakShape | Internal representation of a peak shape (used by the PeakPickerCWT) |
CPositionLess | Comparison of mz_positions |
CPeakSpectrumCompareFunctor | Base class for compare functors of spectra, that return a similarity value for two spectra |
CPeakTypeEstimator | Estimates if the data of a spectrum is raw data or peak data |
CPeakWidthEstimator | Rough estimation of the peak width at m/z |
CPepIterator | Abstract base class for different peptide iterators |
CPepNovoInfile | PepNovo input file adapter |
CPepNovoOutfile | Representation of a PepNovo output file |
►CPeptideAndProteinQuant | Helper class for peptide and protein quantification based on feature data annotated with IDs |
CPeptideData | Quantitative and associated data for a peptide |
CProteinData | Quantitative and associated data for a protein |
CStatistics | Statistics for processing summary |
CPeptideEvidence | Representation of a peptide evidence |
►CPeptideHit | Representation of a peptide hit |
CPeakAnnotation | Contains annotations of a peak |
CPepXMLAnalysisResult | Analysis Result (containing search engine / prophet results) |
CRankLess | Lesser predicate for scores of hits |
CScoreLess | Lesser predicate for scores of hits |
CScoreMore | Greater predicate for scores of hits |
CSequenceLessComparator | Lesser predicate for (modified) sequence of hits |
CPeptideHitVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for PeptideHit objects |
CPeptideIdentification | Represents the peptide hits for a spectrum |
CPeptideIdentificationVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for PeptideIdentification objects |
CPeptideIndexing | Refreshes the protein references for all peptide hits in a vector of PeptideIdentifications and adds target/decoy information |
CPeptideProteinResolution | Resolves shared peptides based on protein scores |
►CPepXMLFile | Used to load and store PepXML files |
CAminoAcidModification | |
CPepXMLFileMascot | Used to load Mascot PepXML files |
►CPercolatorFeatureSetHelper | Percolator feature set and integration helper |
Clq_PeptideEvidence | For accession dependent sorting of PeptideEvidences |
Clq_ProteinHit | For accession dependent sorting of ProteinHits |
CPercolatorOutfile | Class for reading Percolator tab-delimited output files |
CPlainMSDataWritingConsumer | Consumer class that writes MS data to disk using the mzML format |
CPointerComparator | Wrapper that takes a comparator for `something' and makes a comparator for pointers to `something' out of it. Normally you should use the make-function pointerComparator() because then you do not need to specify the template arguments |
CPoseClusteringAffineSuperimposer | A superimposer that uses a voting scheme, also known as pose clustering, to find a good affine transformation |
CPoseClusteringShiftSuperimposer | A superimposer that uses a voting scheme, also known as pose clustering, to find a good shift transformation |
CPrecisionWrapper | Wrapper class to implement output with appropriate precision. See precisionWrapper() |
CPrecursor | Precursor meta information |
►CPrecursorIonSelection | This class implements different precursor ion selection strategies |
CSeqTotalScoreMore | Compare by score |
CTotalScoreMore | Compare by score |
CPrecursorIonSelectionPreprocessing | This class implements the database preprocessing needing for precursor ion selection |
CPrecursorMassComparator | |
CPrecursorVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for Precursor objects |
CProbablePhosphoSites | |
CProcessData | |
CProduct | Product meta information |
CProductModel | Class for product models i.e. models with D independent dimensions |
CProductModel< 2 > | The class template is only implemented for D=2 because we use Peak2D here |
CProductVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for Product objects |
►CProgressLogger | Base class for all classes that want to report their progress |
CProgressLoggerImpl | This class represents an actual implementation of a logger |
►CProteinHit | Representation of a protein hit |
CScoreLess | Lesser predicate for scores of hits |
CScoreMore | Greater predicate for scores of hits |
CProteinHitVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for ProteinHit objects |
►CProteinIdentification | Representation of a protein identification run |
CProteinGroup | Bundles multiple (e.g. indistinguishable) proteins in a group |
CSearchParameters | Search parameters of the DB search |
CProteinIdentificationVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for ProteinIdentification objects |
CProteinInference | [experimental class] given a peptide quantitation, infer corresponding protein quantities |
►CProteinResolver | Helper class for peptide and protein quantification based on feature data annotated with IDs |
CISDGroup | |
CMSDGroup | Representation of an msd group. Contains peptides, proteins and a pointer to its ISD group |
CPeptideEntry | Peptide. First in silico. If experimental is set to true it is MS/MS derived |
CProteinEntry | Protein from FASTA file |
CResolverResult | |
CProtonDistributionModel | A proton distribution model to calculate the proton distribution over charged peptides |
CProtXMLFile | Used to load (storing not supported, yet) ProtXML files |
CPScore | Implementation of the PScore PSM scoring algorithm |
►CPSLPFormulation | Implements ILP formulation of precursor selection problems |
CIndexLess | |
CIndexTriple | Struct that holds the indices of the precursors in the feature map and the ilp formulation |
CScanLess | |
CVariableIndexLess | |
CPSProteinInference | This class implements protein inference for the precursor ion selection strategies |
CPTMXMLFile | Used to load and store PTMXML files |
CQApplicationTOPP | Extension to the QApplication for running TOPPs GUI tools |
►CQcMLFile | File adapter for QcML files |
CAttachment | Representation of an attachment |
CQualityParameter | Representation of a quality parameter |
CQTCluster | A representation of a QT cluster used for feature grouping |
CQTClusterFinder | A variant of QT clustering for the detection of feature groups |
CQuantitativeExperimentalDesign | Merge files according to experimental design |
CRangeManager | Handles the management of a position and intensity range |
CRawData | |
►CRawMSSignalSimulation | Simulates MS signals for a given set of peptides |
CContaminantInfo | |
CRawTandemMSSignalSimulation | Simulates tandem MS signals for a given set of peptides |
►CReactionMonitoringTransition | This class stores a SRM/MRM transition |
CProductMZLess | Comparator by Product ion MZ |
CRegularSwathFileConsumer | In-memory implementation of FullSwathFileConsumer |
CResidue | Representation of a residue |
CResidueDB | Residue data base which holds residues |
CResidueModification | Representation of a modification |
CReverseComparator | Wrapper that reverses (exchanges) the two arguments of a comparator. Normally you should use the make-function reverseComparator() because then you do not need to specify the template arguments |
CRichPeak2D | A 2-dimensional raw data point or peak with meta information |
CRNPxlMarkerIonExtractor | |
CRNPxlModificationMassesResult | |
CRNPxlModificationsGenerator | |
CRNPxlReport | |
CRNPxlReportRow | |
CRNPxlReportRowHeader | |
CRTSimulation | Simulates/Predicts retention times for peptides or peptide separation |
CRWrapper | R-Wrapper Class |
CSample | Meta information about the sample |
CSampleTreatment | Base class for sample treatments (Digestion, Modification, Tagging, ...) |
CSampleVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information of sample objects |
CSaveImageDialog | Dialog for saving an image |
CSavitzkyGolayFilter | Computes the Savitzky-Golay filter coefficients using QR decomposition |
CScaler | Scaler scales the peak by ranking the peaks and assigning intensity according to rank |
CScanWindow | Scan window description |
CScanWindowVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for ScanWindow objects |
CSeedListGenerator | Generate seed lists for feature detection |
CSequestInfile | Sequest input file adapter |
CSequestOutfile | Representation of a Sequest output file |
CSHFeature | |
►CSignalToNoiseEstimator | This class represents the abstract base class of a signal to noise estimator |
CGaussianEstimate | Protected struct to store parameters my, sigma for a Gaussian distribution |
CSignalToNoiseEstimatorMeanIterative | Estimates the signal/noise (S/N) ratio of each data point in a scan based on an iterative scheme which discards high intensities |
CSignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian | Estimates the signal/noise (S/N) ratio of each data point in a scan by using the median (histogram based) |
►CSignalToNoiseEstimatorMedianRapid | Estimates the signal/noise (S/N) ratio of each data point in a scan by using the median (window based) |
CNoiseEstimator | Class to compute the noise value at a given position |
CSignalToNoiseOpenMS | An implementation of the OpenSWATH SignalToNoise Access interface using OpenMS |
CSILACLabeler | Simulate SILAC experiments |
CSimpleOpenMSSpectraFactory | A factory method that returns two ISpectrumAccess implementations |
CSimplePairFinder | This class implements a simple point pair finding algorithm |
►CSimpleSVM | Simple interface to support vector machines for classification (via LIBSVM) |
CPrediction | SVM prediction result |
CSingleLinkage | SingleLinkage ClusterMethod |
CSingletonRegistry | Holds pointers to unique instance of a singleton factory |
CSiriusMSFile | |
►CSiriusMzTabWriter | |
CSiriusAdapterHit | Internal structure used in SiriusAdapter that is used for the conversion of the sirius output to an mzTab |
CSiriusAdapterIdentification | |
CSiriusAdapterRun | |
CSoftware | Description of the software used for processing |
CSoftwareVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for Software objects |
CSONARScoring | Scoring of an spectrum using SONAR data |
CSourceFile | Description of a file location, used to store the origin of (meta) data |
CSourceFileVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for SourceFile objects |
►CSparseVector | SparseVector implementation. The container will not actually store a specified type of element - the sparse element, e.g. zero (by default) |
CSparseVectorConstIterator | Const_iterator for SparseVector |
CSparseVectorConstReverseIterator | Const_reverse_iterator for SparseVector |
CSparseVectorIterator | Random access iterator for SparseVector including the hop() function to jump to the next non-sparse element |
CSparseVectorReverseIterator | Random access reverse iterator for SparseVector including the hop() function to jump to the next non-sparse element |
CValueProxy | Class ValueProxy allows the SparseVector to differentiate between writing and reading, so zeros can be ignored See "more effective c++" section 30 |
CSpecArrayFile | File adapter for SpecArray (.pepList) files |
CSpectraIdentificationViewWidget | Tabular visualization / selection of identified spectra |
CSpectralMatch | |
CSpectralMatchScoreComparator | |
►CSpectraMerger | Merges blocks of MS or MS2 spectra |
CSpectraDistance_ | |
CSpectraSTSimilarityScore | Similarity score of SpectraST |
CSpectraViewWidget | Hierarchical visualization and selection of spectra |
CSpectrum1DCanvas | Canvas for visualization of one or several spectra |
CSpectrum1DGoToDialog | Simple goto/set visible area dialog for exact placement of the viewing window |
CSpectrum1DWidget | Widget for visualization of several spectra |
CSpectrum2DCanvas | Canvas for 2D-visualization of peak map, feature map and consensus map data |
CSpectrum2DGoToDialog | GoTo dialog used to zoom to a m/z and retention time range or to a feature |
CSpectrum2DWidget | Widget for 2D-visualization of peak map and feature map data |
CSpectrum3DCanvas | Canvas for 3D-visualization of peak map data |
CSpectrum3DOpenGLCanvas | OpenGL Canvas for 3D-visualization of map data |
CSpectrum3DWidget | Widget for 3D-visualization of map data |
CSpectrumAccessOpenMS | An implementation of the OpenSWATH Spectrum Access interface using OpenMS |
CSpectrumAccessOpenMSCached | An implementation of the Spectrum Access interface using on-disk caching |
CSpectrumAccessOpenMSInMemory | An implementation of the OpenSWATH Spectrum Access interface completely in memory |
CSpectrumAccessQuadMZTransforming | A transforming m/z wrapper around spectrum access using a quadratic equation |
CSpectrumAccessTransforming | An abstract base class implementing a transforming wrapper around spectrum access |
CSpectrumAddition | The SpectrumAddition is used to add up individual spectra |
CSpectrumAlignment | Aligns the peaks of two sorted spectra Method 1: Using a banded (width via 'tolerance' parameter) alignment if absolute tolerances are given. Scoring function is the m/z distance between peaks. Intensity does not play a role! |
CSpectrumAlignmentDialog | Lets the user select two spectra and set the parameters for the spectrum alignment |
CSpectrumAlignmentScore | Similarity score via spectra alignment |
CSpectrumAnnotator | Annotates spectra from identifications and theoretical spectra or identifications from spectra and theoretical spectra matching with various options |
CSpectrumCanvas | Base class for visualization canvas classes |
CSpectrumCheapDPCorr | SpectrumCheapDPCorr calculates an optimal alignment on stick spectra |
CSpectrumIdentification | Represents a object which can store the information of an analysisXML instance |
CSpectrumLookup | Helper class for looking up spectra based on different attributes |
►CSpectrumMetaDataLookup | Helper class for looking up spectrum meta data |
CSpectrumMetaData | Meta data of a spectrum |
CSpectrumPrecursorComparator | SpectrumPrecursorComparator compares just the parent mass of two spectra |
CSpectrumSettings | Representation of 1D spectrum settings |
CSpectrumSettingsVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information for SpectrumSettings objects |
CSpectrumWidget | Base class for spectrum widgets |
CSplinePackage | Fundamental data structure for SplineSpectrum |
►CSplineSpectrum | Data structure for spline interpolation of MS1 spectra |
CNavigator | Iterator class for access of spline packages |
CSqMassFile | An class that uses on-disk SQLite database to read and write spectra and chromatograms |
CSqrtMower | Scales the intensity of peaks to the sqrt |
CStablePairFinder | This class implements a pair finding algorithm for consensus features |
CSteinScottImproveScore | Similarity score based of Stein & Scott |
CStopWatch | StopWatch Class |
CStreamHandler | Provides a central class to register globally used output streams. Currently supported streams are |
CString | A more convenient string class |
CStringListUtils | Utilities operating on lists of Strings |
►CStringUtils | |
Creal_policies_NANfixed_ | |
CStringView | StringView provides a non-owning view on an existing string |
CSummary | Summary of fitting results |
CSuperHirnParameters | SuperHirn parameters singleton class containing all static configuration variables |
CSuperHirnUtil | |
CSVMData | Data structure used in SVMWrapper |
►CSvmTheoreticalSpectrumGenerator | Simulates MS2 spectra with support vector machines |
CDescriptorSet | A set of descriptors for a single training row |
CIonType | Nested class |
CSvmModelParameterSet | Simple container storing the model parameters required for simulation |
CSvmTheoreticalSpectrumGeneratorSet | Loads SvmTheoreticalSpectrumGenerator instances for different charges |
CSvmTheoreticalSpectrumGeneratorTrainer | Train SVM models that are used by SvmTheoreticalSpectrumGenerator |
CSVMWrapper | Serves as a wrapper for the libsvm |
CSVOutStream | Stream class for writing to comma/tab/...-separated values files |
CSwathFile | File adapter for Swath files |
CSwathMapMassCorrection | A class containing correction functions for Swath MS maps |
CSwathWindowLoader | Class to read a file describing the Swath Windows |
►CSysInfo | Some functions to get system information |
CMemUsage | A convenience class to report either absolute or delta (between two timepoints) RAM usage |
CTagging | Meta information about tagging of a sample e.g. ICAT labeling |
CTaggingVisualizer | Class that displays all meta information of tagging objects |
CTargetedExperiment | A description of a targeted experiment containing precursor and production ions |
CTextFile | This class provides some basic file handling methods for text files |
CTheoreticalSpectrumGenerationDialog | Dialog which allows to enter an AA sequence and generates a theoretical spectrum for it |
CTheoreticalSpectrumGenerator | Generates theoretical spectra with various options |
CTheoreticalSpectrumGeneratorXLMS | Generates theoretical spectra for cross-linked peptides |
CThresholdMower | ThresholdMower removes all peaks below a threshold |
CTICFilter | TICFilter calculates TIC |
CTMTElevenPlexQuantitationMethod | TMT 11plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation |
CTMTSixPlexQuantitationMethod | TMT 6plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation |
CTMTTenPlexQuantitationMethod | TMT 10plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation |
CTOFCalibration | This class implements an external calibration for TOF data using external calibrant spectra |
CToolDescriptionFile | File adapter for ToolDescriptor files |
CToolHandler | |
CToolsDialog | TOPP tool selection dialog |
CTOPPASBase | Main window of the TOPPAS tool |
CTOPPASEdge | An edge representing a data flow in TOPPAS |
CTOPPASInputFileDialog | Dialog which allows to specify an input file |
CTOPPASInputFileListVertex | A vertex representing an input file list |
CTOPPASInputFilesDialog | Dialog which allows to specify a list of input files |
CTOPPASIOMappingDialog | Dialog which allows to configure the input/output parameter mapping of an edge |
CTOPPASLogWindow | QTextEdit implementation with a "clear" button in the context menu |
CTOPPASMergerVertex | A special vertex that allows to merge several inputs |
CTOPPASOutputFileListVertex | A vertex representing an output file list |
CTOPPASOutputFilesDialog | Dialog which allows to specify the directory for the output files |
CTOPPASResource | Represents a data resource for TOPPAS workflows |
CTOPPASResources | A dictionary mapping string keys to lists of TOPPASResource objects |
►CTOPPASScene | A container for all visual items of a TOPPAS workflow |
CTOPPProcess | Stores the information for a TOPP process |
CTOPPASSplitterVertex | A special vertex that allows to split a list of inputs |
CTOPPASTabBar | Convenience tab bar implementation |
CTOPPASToolConfigDialog | TOPP tool configuration dialog |
►CTOPPASToolVertex | A vertex representing a TOPP tool |
CIOInfo | Stores the information for input/output files/lists |
CTOPPASTreeView | Tree view implementation for the list of TOPP tools |
►CTOPPASVertex | The base class of the different vertex classes |
CTOPPASFilenames | |
CVertexRoundPackage | Info for one edge and round, to be passed to next node |
CTOPPASVertexNameDialog | Dialog which allows to change the name of an input/output vertex |
CTOPPASWidget | Widget visualizing and allowing to edit TOPP pipelines |
CTOPPBase | Base class for TOPP applications |
CTOPPViewBase | Main window of TOPPView tool |
CTOPPViewIdentificationViewBehavior | Behavior of TOPPView in identification mode |
CTOPPViewOpenDialog | Dataset opening options for TOPPView |
CTOPPViewSpectraViewBehavior | Behavior of TOPPView in spectra view mode |
►CTraceFitter | Abstract fitter for RT profile fitting |
CGenericFunctor | |
CModelData | |
CTraMLFile | File adapter for HUPO PSI TraML files |
CTransformationDescription | Generic description of a coordinate transformation |
CTransformationModel | Base class for transformation models |
CTransformationModelBSpline | B-spline (non-linear) model for transformations |
►CTransformationModelInterpolated | Interpolation model for transformations |
CInterpolator | The class defines a generic interpolation technique used in the TransformationModelInterpolated |
CTransformationModelLinear | Linear model for transformations |
CTransformationModelLowess | Lowess (non-linear) model for transformations |
CTransformationXMLFile | Used to load and store TransformationXML files |
CTransitionGroupOpenMS | An implementation of the OpenSWATH Transition Group Access interface using OpenMS |
CTransitionPQPReader | This class can convert TraML and PQP files into each other |
►CTransitionTSVReader | This class can convert TraML and TSV files into each other |
CTSVTransition | Internal structure to represent a transition |
CTrypticIterator | Finds all tryptic Peptides with every missed cleavage |
►CTwoDOptimization | This class provides the two-dimensional optimization of the picked peak parameters |
CData | Helper struct (contains the size of an area and a raw data container) |
CTwoDOptFunctor | |
CUnaryComposeFunctionAdapter | Represents the function object unary adapter |
CUnimodXMLFile | Used to load XML files from unimod.org files |
CUniqueIdGenerator | A generator for unique ids |
CUniqueIdIndexer | A base class for random access containers for classes derived from UniqueIdInterface that adds functionality to convert a unique id into an index into the container |
CUniqueIdInterface | A base class defining a common interface for all classes having a unique id |
CUnnormalizedComparator | Exception thrown if clustering is attempted without a normalized compare functor |
CUpdateCheck | Helper Functions to perform an update query to the OpenMS REST server |
►CVersionInfo | Version information class |
CVersionDetails | |
CWeightWrapper | Encapsulated weight queries to simplify mono vs average weight computation |
CWindowMower | WindowMower augments the highest peaks in a sliding or jumping window |
CXMassFile | File adapter for 'XMass Analysis (fid)' files |
CXMLValidator | Validator for XML files |
CXQuestResultXMLFile | |
CXQuestScores | An implementation of the scores for cross-link identification from the xQuest algorithm (O. Rinner et al., 2008, "Identification of cross-linked peptides from large sequence databases") |
CXTandemInfile | XTandem input file |
CXTandemXMLFile | Used to load XTandemXML files |
CZhangSimilarityScore | Similarity score of Zhang |
CZlibCompression | Compresses and uncompresses data using zlib |
►NOpenSwath | |
CCSVWriter | |
CDataMatrix | |
CIDataFrameWriter | |
CIFeature | |
CIMRMFeature | |
CISignalToNoise | |
CISpectrumAccess | The interface of a mass spectrometry experiment |
CITransitionGroup | |
CLightCompound | |
CLightModification | |
CLightProtein | |
CLightTargetedExperiment | |
CLightTransition | |
Cmean_and_stddev | Functor to compute the mean and stddev of sequence using the std::foreach algorithm |
CMockFeature | Mock object implementing IFeature |
CMockMRMFeature | Mock object implementing IMRMFeature |
CMockSignalToNoise | Mock object implementing ISignalToNoise |
CMockTransitionGroup | Mock object implementing ITransitionGroup |
CMRMScoring | This class implements different scores for peaks found in SRM/MRM |
CmySqrt | |
COSBinaryDataArray | The datastructures used by the OpenSwath interfaces |
COSChromatogram | A single chromatogram |
COSChromatogramMeta | Identifying information for a chromatogram |
COSSpectrum | The structure that captures the generation of a peak list (including the underlying acquisitions) |
►COSSpectrumMeta | Identifying information for a spectrum |
CRTLess | Comparator for the retention time |
CPeptide | |
CProtein | |
CSwathMap | Data structure to hold one SWATH map with information about upper / lower isolation window and whether the map is MS1 or MS2 |
CTargetedExperiment | |
CTransitionHelper | |
►Nseqan | |
CAdaptedIdentity | |
CPAM30MS | |
CScoringMatrixData_< int, AminoAcid, AdaptedIdentity > | |
CScoringMatrixData_< int, AminoAcid, PAM30MS > | |
CDeisotoper | |
CFragmentAnnotationDetail_ | Single fragment annotation |
CFragmentAnnotationHelper | |
Cglp_prob | |
CMetaProSIPClustering | |
CMetaProSIPDecomposition | |
CMetaProSIPInterpolation | |
CMetaProSIPReporting | |
CMetaProSIPXICExtraction | |
CQApplication | |
CQDate | |
CQDateTime | |
CQDialog | |
CQFileSystemWatcher | |
CQGLWidget | |
CQGraphicsItem | |
CQGraphicsScene | |
CQGraphicsView | |
CQItemDelegate | |
CQLineEdit | |
CQListWidget | |
CQMainWindow | |
CQObject | |
CQProcess | |
CQTabBar | |
CQTextEdit | |
CQTreeWidget | |
CQWidget | |
CQWorkspace | |
CRateScorePair | |
CRIALess | |
CRIntegration | |
►CRNPxlSearch | |
CAnnotatedHit | Slimmer structure as storing all scored candidates in PeptideHit objects takes too much space |
CFragmentAdductDefinition_ | |
CSequenceLess | |
CSimpleSearchEngine | |
CSIPIncorporation | Datastructure for reporting an incorporation event |
CSIPPeptide | Datastructure for reporting a peptide with one or more incorporation rates comparator for vectors of SIPPeptides based on their size. Used to sort by group size |
CSizeLess | |
CTOPPOpenPepXL | |