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MzMLHandler Class Reference

#include <OpenMS/FORMAT/HANDLERS/MzMLHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for MzMLHandler:
XMLHandler MSDataWritingConsumer NoopMSDataWritingConsumer PlainMSDataWritingConsumer


struct  ChromatogramData
 Data necessary to generate a single chromatogram. More...
struct  SpectrumData
 Data necessary to generate a single spectrum. More...

Public Member Functions

void getCounts (Size &spectra_counts, Size &chromatogram_counts)
 Get the spectra and chromatogram counts of a file. More...
void setMSDataConsumer (Interfaces::IMSDataConsumer *consumer)
 Set the IMSDataConsumer consumer which will consume the read data. More...
Constructors and destructor
 MzMLHandler (MapType &exp, const String &filename, const String &version, ProgressLogger &logger)
 Constructor for a read-only handler. More...
 MzMLHandler (const MapType &exp, const String &filename, const String &version, const ProgressLogger &logger)
 Constructor for a write-only handler. More...
virtual ~MzMLHandler ()
 Destructor. More...
XML Handling functions and output writing
virtual void endElement (const XMLCh *const, const XMLCh *const, const XMLCh *const qname)
 Parsing method for closing tags. More...
virtual void startElement (const XMLCh *const, const XMLCh *const, const XMLCh *const qname, const xercesc::Attributes &attributes)
 Parsing method for opening tags. More...
virtual void characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const XMLSize_t length)
 Parsing method for character data. More...
virtual void writeTo (std::ostream &os)
 Writes the contents to a stream. More...
PeakFileOptions setters/getters

The PeakFileOptions object determine the reading and writing of the MzML file. In read-mode the lazy-loading options determine whether meta-data only or the full raw data is read into memory and how this data should be handled. The MS-level, m/z, RT and Intensity range options determine which part of the MzML file is read into memory.

void setOptions (const PeakFileOptions &opt)
 Set the peak file options. More...
PeakFileOptionsgetOptions ()
 Get the peak file options. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XMLHandler
 XMLHandler (const String &filename, const String &version)
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~XMLHandler ()
 Destructor. More...
void reset ()
 Release internal memory used for parsing (call. More...
void fatalError (ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
 Fatal error handler. Throws a ParseError exception. More...
void error (ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
 Error handler for recoverable errors. More...
void warning (ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
 Warning handler. More...
String errorString ()
 Returns the last error description. More...
void fatalError (const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception)
void error (const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception)
void warning (const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception)

Protected Types

typedef MapType::PeakType PeakType
 Peak type. More...
typedef MapType::ChromatogramPeakType ChromatogramPeakType
 Chromatogram peak type. More...
typedef MSSpectrum SpectrumType
 Spectrum type. More...
typedef MSChromatogram ChromatogramType
 Spectrum type. More...
typedef MzMLHandlerHelper::BinaryData BinaryData

Protected Member Functions

void writeSpectrum_ (std::ostream &os, const SpectrumType &spec, Size s, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator, bool renew_native_ids, std::vector< std::vector< ConstDataProcessingPtr > > &dps)
void writeChromatogram_ (std::ostream &os, const ChromatogramType &chromatogram, Size c, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator)
template<typename ContainerT >
void writeContainerData (std::ostream &os, const PeakFileOptions &pf_options_, const ContainerT &container, String array_type)
void populateSpectraWithData ()
 Populate all spectra on the stack with data from input. More...
void populateChromatogramsWithData ()
 Populate all chromatograms on the stack with data from input. More...
void addSpectrumMetaData_ (const std::vector< MzMLHandlerHelper::BinaryData > &input_data, const Size n, SpectrumType &spectrum) const
void populateSpectraWithData_ (std::vector< MzMLHandlerHelper::BinaryData > &input_data, Size &default_arr_length, const PeakFileOptions &peak_file_options, SpectrumType &spectrum)
 Fill a single spectrum with data from input. More...
void populateChromatogramsWithData_ (std::vector< MzMLHandlerHelper::BinaryData > &input_data, Size &default_arr_length, const PeakFileOptions &peak_file_options, ChromatogramType &inp_chromatogram)
 Fill a single chromatogram with data from input. More...
template<typename DataType >
void writeBinaryDataArray (std::ostream &os, const PeakFileOptions &pf_options_, std::vector< DataType > data_to_encode, bool is32bit, String array_type)
void writeHeader_ (std::ostream &os, const MapType &exp, std::vector< std::vector< ConstDataProcessingPtr > > &dps, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator)
void fillChromatogramData_ ()
 Fills the current chromatogram with data points and meta data. More...
void handleCVParam_ (const String &parent_parent_tag, const String &parent_tag, const String &accession, const String &name, const String &value, const String &unit_accession="")
 Handles CV terms. More...
void handleUserParam_ (const String &parent_parent_tag, const String &parent_tag, const String &name, const String &type, const String &value)
 Handles user terms. More...
void writeUserParam_ (std::ostream &os, const MetaInfoInterface &meta, UInt indent, String path, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator) const
 Writes user terms. More...
ControlledVocabulary::CVTerm getChildWithName_ (const String &parent_accession, const String &name) const
 Looks up a child CV term of parent_accession with the name name. If no such term is found, an empty term is returned. More...
void writeSoftware_ (std::ostream &os, const String &id, const Software &software, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator)
 Helper method that writes a software. More...
void writeSourceFile_ (std::ostream &os, const String &id, const SourceFile &software, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator)
 Helper method that writes a source file. More...
void writeDataProcessing_ (std::ostream &os, const String &id, const std::vector< ConstDataProcessingPtr > &dps, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator)
 Helper method that writes a data processing list. More...
void writePrecursor_ (std::ostream &os, const Precursor &precursor, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator)
 Helper method that write precursor information from spectra and chromatograms. More...
void writeProduct_ (std::ostream &os, const Product &product, Internal::MzMLValidator &validator)
 Helper method that write precursor information from spectra and chromatograms. More...
String writeCV_ (const ControlledVocabulary::CVTerm &c, const DataValue &metaValue) const
 Helper method to write an CV based on a meta value. More...
bool validateCV_ (const ControlledVocabulary::CVTerm &c, const String &path, const Internal::MzMLValidator &validator) const
 Helper method to validate if the given CV is allowed in the current location (path) More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XMLHandler
bool equal_ (const XMLCh *a, const XMLCh *b) const
 Returns if two Xerces strings are equal. More...
void writeUserParam_ (const String &tag_name, std::ostream &os, const MetaInfoInterface &meta, UInt indent) const
 Writes the content of MetaInfoInterface to the file. More...
Int asInt_ (const String &in)
 Conversion of a String to an integer value. More...
Int asInt_ (const XMLCh *in)
 Conversion of a Xerces string to an integer value. More...
UInt asUInt_ (const String &in)
 Conversion of a String to an unsigned integer value. More...
double asDouble_ (const String &in)
 Conversion of a String to a double value. More...
float asFloat_ (const String &in)
 Conversion of a String to a float value. More...
bool asBool_ (const String &in)
 Conversion of a string to a boolean value. More...
DateTime asDateTime_ (String date_string)
 Conversion of a xs:datetime string to a DateTime value. More...
char * attributeAsString_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a String. More...
Int attributeAsInt_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a Int. More...
double attributeAsDouble_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a double. More...
DoubleList attributeAsDoubleList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a DoubleList. More...
IntList attributeAsIntList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to an IntList. More...
StringList attributeAsStringList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to an StringList. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsString_ (String &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the String value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsInt_ (Int &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the Int value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsUInt_ (UInt &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the UInt value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsDouble_ (double &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the double value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsDoubleList_ (DoubleList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the DoubleList value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsStringList_ (StringList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the StringList value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsIntList_ (IntList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the IntList value if the attribute is present. More...
char * attributeAsString_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a String. More...
Int attributeAsInt_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a Int. More...
double attributeAsDouble_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a double. More...
DoubleList attributeAsDoubleList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a DoubleList. More...
IntList attributeAsIntList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a IntList. More...
StringList attributeAsStringList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a StringList. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsString_ (String &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the String value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsInt_ (Int &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the Int value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsUInt_ (UInt &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the UInt value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsDouble_ (double &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the double value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsDoubleList_ (DoubleList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the DoubleList value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsIntList_ (IntList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the IntList value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsStringList_ (StringList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the StringList value if the attribute is present. More...
SignedSize cvStringToEnum_ (const Size section, const String &term, const char *message, const SignedSize result_on_error=0)

Protected Attributes

 map pointer for reading More...
const MapTypecexp_
 map pointer for writing More...
PeakFileOptions options_
 Options that can be set for loading/storing. More...
Base64 decoder_
 Decoder/Encoder for Base64-data in MzML. More...
const ProgressLoggerlogger_
 Progress logger. More...
 Consumer class to work on spectra. More...
UInt scan_count
 Counting spectra and chromatograms. More...
UInt chromatogram_count
bool skip_chromatogram_
 Flag that indicates whether this spectrum should be skipped (due to options) More...
bool skip_spectrum_
bool rt_set_
ControlledVocabulary cv_
 Controlled vocabulary (psi-ms from OpenMS/share/OpenMS/CV/psi-ms.obo) More...
CVMappings mapping_
UInt selected_ion_count_
 Count of selected ions. More...
temporary data structures to hold parsed data
SpectrumType spec_
 The current spectrum. More...
ChromatogramType chromatogram_
 The current chromatogram. More...
std::vector< BinaryDatadata_
 The spectrum data (or chromatogram data) More...
Size default_array_length_
 The default number of peaks in the current spectrum. More...
bool in_spectrum_list_
 Flag that indicates that we're inside a spectrum (in contrast to a chromatogram) More...
String current_id_
 Id of the current list. Used for referencing param group, source file, sample, software, ... More...
Map< String, std::vector< SemanticValidator::CVTerm > > ref_param_
 The referencing param groups: id => array (accession, value) More...
Map< String, SourceFilesource_files_
 The source files: id => SourceFile. More...
Map< String, Samplesamples_
 The sample list: id => Sample. More...
Map< String, Softwaresoftware_
 The software list: id => Software. More...
Map< String, Instrumentinstruments_
 The data processing list: id => Instrument. More...
Map< String, std::vector< DataProcessingPtr > > processing_
 The data processing list: id => Instrument. More...
String default_processing_
 id of the default data processing (used when no processing is defined) More...
std::vector< SpectrumDataspectrum_data_
 Vector of spectrum data stored for later parallel processing. More...
std::vector< ChromatogramDatachromatogram_data_
 Vector of chromatogram data stored for later parallel processing. More...
temporary data structures to hold written data
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, long > > spectra_offsets
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, long > > chromatograms_offsets
- Protected Attributes inherited from XMLHandler
String error_message_
 Error message of the last error. More...
String file_
 File name. More...
String version_
 Schema version. More...
StringManager sm_
 Helper class for string conversion. More...
std::vector< Stringopen_tags_
 Stack of open XML tags. More...
std::vector< std::vector< String > > cv_terms_
 Array of CV term lists (one sublist denotes one term and it's children) More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from XMLHandler
enum  ActionMode { LOAD, STORE }
 Action to set the current mode (for error messages) More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from XMLHandler
static String writeXMLEscape (const String &to_escape)
 Escapes a string and returns the escaped string. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BinaryData

◆ ChromatogramPeakType

Chromatogram peak type.

◆ ChromatogramType

typedef MSChromatogram ChromatogramType

Spectrum type.

◆ PeakType

typedef MapType::PeakType PeakType

Peak type.

◆ SpectrumType

typedef MSSpectrum SpectrumType

Spectrum type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MzMLHandler() [1/2]

MzMLHandler ( MapType exp,
const String filename,
const String version,
ProgressLogger logger 

Constructor for a read-only handler.

◆ MzMLHandler() [2/2]

MzMLHandler ( const MapType exp,
const String filename,
const String version,
const ProgressLogger logger 

Constructor for a write-only handler.

◆ ~MzMLHandler()

virtual ~MzMLHandler ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ addSpectrumMetaData_()

void addSpectrumMetaData_ ( const std::vector< MzMLHandlerHelper::BinaryData > &  input_data,
const Size  n,
SpectrumType spectrum 
) const

◆ characters()

virtual void characters ( const XMLCh *const  chars,
const XMLSize_t  length 

Parsing method for character data.

Reimplemented from XMLHandler.

◆ endElement()

virtual void endElement ( const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  localname,
const XMLCh *const  qname 

Parsing method for closing tags.

Reimplemented from XMLHandler.

◆ fillChromatogramData_()

void fillChromatogramData_ ( )

Fills the current chromatogram with data points and meta data.

◆ getChildWithName_()

ControlledVocabulary::CVTerm getChildWithName_ ( const String parent_accession,
const String name 
) const

Looks up a child CV term of parent_accession with the name name. If no such term is found, an empty term is returned.

◆ getCounts()

void getCounts ( Size spectra_counts,
Size chromatogram_counts 

Get the spectra and chromatogram counts of a file.

◆ getOptions()

PeakFileOptions& getOptions ( )

Get the peak file options.

Referenced by extractCachedMetaFilename(), and SortPairDoubleByFirst().

◆ handleCVParam_()

void handleCVParam_ ( const String parent_parent_tag,
const String parent_tag,
const String accession,
const String name,
const String value,
const String unit_accession = "" 

Handles CV terms.

◆ handleUserParam_()

void handleUserParam_ ( const String parent_parent_tag,
const String parent_tag,
const String name,
const String type,
const String value 

Handles user terms.

◆ populateChromatogramsWithData()

void populateChromatogramsWithData ( )

Populate all chromatograms on the stack with data from input.

Will populate all chromatograms on the current work stack with data (using multiple threads if available) and append them to the result.

◆ populateChromatogramsWithData_()

void populateChromatogramsWithData_ ( std::vector< MzMLHandlerHelper::BinaryData > &  input_data,
Size default_arr_length,
const PeakFileOptions peak_file_options,
ChromatogramType inp_chromatogram 

Fill a single chromatogram with data from input.

Do not modify any internal state variables of the class since this function will be executed in parallel.

◆ populateSpectraWithData()

void populateSpectraWithData ( )

Populate all spectra on the stack with data from input.

Will populate all spectra on the current work stack with data (using multiple threads if available) and append them to the result.

◆ populateSpectraWithData_()

void populateSpectraWithData_ ( std::vector< MzMLHandlerHelper::BinaryData > &  input_data,
Size default_arr_length,
const PeakFileOptions peak_file_options,
SpectrumType spectrum 

Fill a single spectrum with data from input.

Do not modify any internal state variables of the class since this function will be executed in parallel.

Speed: this function takes about 50 % of total load time with a single thread and parallelizes linearly up to at least 10 threads.

◆ setMSDataConsumer()

void setMSDataConsumer ( Interfaces::IMSDataConsumer consumer)

Set the IMSDataConsumer consumer which will consume the read data.

◆ setOptions()

void setOptions ( const PeakFileOptions opt)

Set the peak file options.

Referenced by IndexedMzMLFileLoader::store().

◆ startElement()

virtual void startElement ( const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  localname,
const XMLCh *const  qname,
const xercesc::Attributes &  attrs 

Parsing method for opening tags.

Reimplemented from XMLHandler.

◆ validateCV_()

bool validateCV_ ( const ControlledVocabulary::CVTerm c,
const String path,
const Internal::MzMLValidator validator 
) const

Helper method to validate if the given CV is allowed in the current location (path)

◆ writeBinaryDataArray()

void writeBinaryDataArray ( std::ostream &  os,
const PeakFileOptions pf_options_,
std::vector< DataType >  data_to_encode,
bool  is32bit,
String  array_type 

◆ writeChromatogram_()

void writeChromatogram_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const ChromatogramType chromatogram,
Size  c,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator 

◆ writeContainerData()

void writeContainerData ( std::ostream &  os,
const PeakFileOptions pf_options_,
const ContainerT &  container,
String  array_type 

◆ writeCV_()

String writeCV_ ( const ControlledVocabulary::CVTerm c,
const DataValue metaValue 
) const

Helper method to write an CV based on a meta value.

◆ writeDataProcessing_()

void writeDataProcessing_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const String id,
const std::vector< ConstDataProcessingPtr > &  dps,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator 

Helper method that writes a data processing list.

◆ writeHeader_()

void writeHeader_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const MapType exp,
std::vector< std::vector< ConstDataProcessingPtr > > &  dps,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator 

◆ writePrecursor_()

void writePrecursor_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const Precursor precursor,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator 

Helper method that write precursor information from spectra and chromatograms.

◆ writeProduct_()

void writeProduct_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const Product product,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator 

Helper method that write precursor information from spectra and chromatograms.

◆ writeSoftware_()

void writeSoftware_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const String id,
const Software software,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator 

Helper method that writes a software.

◆ writeSourceFile_()

void writeSourceFile_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const String id,
const SourceFile software,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator 

Helper method that writes a source file.

◆ writeSpectrum_()

void writeSpectrum_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const SpectrumType spec,
Size  s,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator,
bool  renew_native_ids,
std::vector< std::vector< ConstDataProcessingPtr > > &  dps 

◆ writeTo()

virtual void writeTo ( std::ostream &  )

Writes the contents to a stream.

Reimplemented from XMLHandler.

◆ writeUserParam_()

void writeUserParam_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const MetaInfoInterface meta,
UInt  indent,
String  path,
Internal::MzMLValidator validator 
) const

Writes user terms.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cexp_

const MapType* cexp_

map pointer for writing

◆ chromatogram_

ChromatogramType chromatogram_

The current chromatogram.

◆ chromatogram_count

UInt chromatogram_count

◆ chromatogram_data_

std::vector<ChromatogramData> chromatogram_data_

Vector of chromatogram data stored for later parallel processing.

◆ chromatograms_offsets

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, long> > chromatograms_offsets

◆ consumer_

Interfaces::IMSDataConsumer* consumer_

Consumer class to work on spectra.

◆ current_id_

String current_id_

Id of the current list. Used for referencing param group, source file, sample, software, ...

◆ cv_

ControlledVocabulary cv_

Controlled vocabulary (psi-ms from OpenMS/share/OpenMS/CV/psi-ms.obo)

◆ data_

std::vector<BinaryData> data_

The spectrum data (or chromatogram data)

◆ decoder_

Base64 decoder_

Decoder/Encoder for Base64-data in MzML.

◆ default_array_length_

Size default_array_length_

The default number of peaks in the current spectrum.

◆ default_processing_

String default_processing_

id of the default data processing (used when no processing is defined)

◆ exp_

MapType* exp_

map pointer for reading

◆ in_spectrum_list_

bool in_spectrum_list_

Flag that indicates that we're inside a spectrum (in contrast to a chromatogram)

◆ instruments_

Map<String, Instrument> instruments_

The data processing list: id => Instrument.

◆ logger_

const ProgressLogger& logger_

Progress logger.

◆ mapping_

CVMappings mapping_

◆ options_

PeakFileOptions options_

Options that can be set for loading/storing.

◆ processing_

Map<String, std::vector< DataProcessingPtr > > processing_

The data processing list: id => Instrument.

◆ ref_param_

Map<String, std::vector<SemanticValidator::CVTerm> > ref_param_

The referencing param groups: id => array (accession, value)

◆ rt_set_

bool rt_set_

◆ samples_

Map<String, Sample> samples_

The sample list: id => Sample.

◆ scan_count

UInt scan_count

Counting spectra and chromatograms.

◆ selected_ion_count_

UInt selected_ion_count_

Count of selected ions.

◆ skip_chromatogram_

bool skip_chromatogram_

Flag that indicates whether this spectrum should be skipped (due to options)

◆ skip_spectrum_

bool skip_spectrum_

◆ software_

Map<String, Software> software_

The software list: id => Software.

◆ source_files_

Map<String, SourceFile> source_files_

The source files: id => SourceFile.

◆ spec_

SpectrumType spec_

The current spectrum.

◆ spectra_offsets

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, long> > spectra_offsets

◆ spectrum_data_

std::vector<SpectrumData> spectrum_data_

Vector of spectrum data stored for later parallel processing.

OpenMS / TOPP release 2.3.0 Documentation generated on Tue Jan 9 2018 18:22:14 using doxygen 1.8.13