| DigestionEnzymeProtein () |
| Default constructor. More...
| DigestionEnzymeProtein (const DigestionEnzymeProtein &)=default |
| Copy constructor. More...
| DigestionEnzymeProtein (DigestionEnzymeProtein &&)=default |
| Move constructor. More...
| DigestionEnzymeProtein (const String &name, const String &cleavage_regex, const std::set< String > &synonyms=std::set< String >(), String regex_description="", EmpiricalFormula n_term_gain=EmpiricalFormula("H"), EmpiricalFormula c_term_gain=EmpiricalFormula("OH"), String psi_id="", String xtandem_id="", Int comet_id=-1, String crux_id="", Int msgf_id=-1, Int omssa_id=-1) |
| Detailed constructor. More...
| ~DigestionEnzymeProtein () override |
| Destructor. More...
DigestionEnzymeProtein & | operator= (const DigestionEnzymeProtein &)=default |
| Assignment operator. More...
DigestionEnzymeProtein & | operator= (DigestionEnzymeProtein &&) &=default |
| Move assignment operator. More...
void | setNTermGain (const EmpiricalFormula &value) |
| sets the N-terminal gain More...
EmpiricalFormula | getNTermGain () const |
| returns N-terminal gain More...
void | setCTermGain (const EmpiricalFormula &value) |
| sets the C-terminal gain More...
EmpiricalFormula | getCTermGain () const |
| returns C-terminal gain More...
void | setPSIID (const String &value) |
| sets the PSI ID More...
String | getPSIID () const |
| returns the PSI ID More...
void | setXTandemID (const String &value) |
| sets the X! Tandem enzyme ID More...
String | getXTandemID () const |
| returns the X! Tandem enzyme ID More...
Int | getCometID () const |
| returns the Comet enzyme ID More...
void | setCometID (Int value) |
| sets the Comet enzyme ID More...
String | getCruxID () const |
| returns the Crux enzyme ID More...
void | setCruxID (const String &value) |
| sets the Crux enzyme ID More...
void | setMSGFID (Int value) |
| sets the MSGFPlus enzyme id More...
Int | getMSGFID () const |
| returns the MSGFPlus enzyme id More...
void | setOMSSAID (Int value) |
| sets the OMSSA enzyme ID More...
Int | getOMSSAID () const |
| returns the OMSSA enzyme ID More...
| DigestionEnzyme (const DigestionEnzyme &)=default |
| Copy constructor. More...
| DigestionEnzyme (DigestionEnzyme &&)=default |
| Move constructor. More...
| DigestionEnzyme (const String &name, const String &cleavage_regex, const std::set< String > &synonyms=std::set< String >(), String regex_description="") |
| Detailed constructor. More...
virtual | ~DigestionEnzyme () |
| Destructor. More...
DigestionEnzyme & | operator= (const DigestionEnzyme &)=default |
| Assignment operator. More...
DigestionEnzyme & | operator= (DigestionEnzyme &&) &=default |
| Move assignment operator. More...
void | setName (const String &name) |
| sets the name of the enzyme More...
String | getName () const |
| returns the name of the enzyme More...
void | setSynonyms (const std::set< String > &synonyms) |
| sets the synonyms More...
void | addSynonym (const String &synonym) |
| adds a synonym More...
const std::set< String > & | getSynonyms () const |
| returns the synonyms More...
void | setRegEx (const String &cleavage_regex) |
| sets the cleavage regex More...
String | getRegEx () const |
| returns the cleavage regex More...
void | setRegExDescription (const String &value) |
| sets the regex description More...
String | getRegExDescription () const |
| returns the regex description More...
bool | operator== (const DigestionEnzyme &enzyme) const |
| equality operator More...
bool | operator!= (const DigestionEnzyme &enzyme) const |
| inequality operator More...
bool | operator== (const String &cleavage_regex) const |
| equality operator for regex More...
bool | operator!= (const String &cleavage_regex) const |
| equality operator for regex More...
bool | operator< (const DigestionEnzyme &enzyme) const |
| order operator More...