A mass recalibration method using linear/quadratic interpolation (robust/weighted) of given reference masses.
A mass recalibration method using linear/quadratic interpolation (robust/weighted) of given reference masses.
bool calibrate |
( |
PeakMap & |
exp, |
const IntList & |
target_mslvl, |
model_type, |
double |
rt_chunk, |
bool |
use_RANSAC, |
double |
post_ppm_median, |
double |
post_ppm_MAD, |
const String & |
file_models = "" , |
const String & |
file_models_plot = "" , |
const String & |
file_residuals = "" , |
const String & |
file_residuals_plot = "" , |
const String & |
rscript_executable = "Rscript" |
) |
| |
Apply calibration to data.
For each spectrum, a calibration model will be computed and applied. Make sure to call fillCalibrants() before, so a model can be created.
The MSExperiment will be sorted by RT and m/z if unsorted.
- Parameters
exp | MSExperiment holding the Raw data to calibrate |
target_mslvl | MS-levels where calibration should be applied to |
model_type | Linear or quadratic model; select based on your instrument |
rt_chunk | RT-window size (one-sided) of calibration points to collect around each spectrum. Set to negative values, to build one global model instead. |
use_RANSAC | Remove outliers before fitting a model?! |
post_ppm_median | The median ppm error of the calibrants must be at least this good after calibration; otherwise this method returns false(fail) |
post_ppm_MAD | The median absolute deviation of the calibrants must be at least this good after calibration; otherwise this method returns false(fail) |
file_models | Output CSV filename, where model parameters are written to (pass empty string to skip) |
file_models_plot | Output PNG image model parameters (pass empty string to skip) |
file_residuals | Output CSV filename, where ppm errors of calibrants before and after model fitting parameters are written to (pass empty string to skip) |
file_residuals_plot | Output PNG image of the ppm errors of calibrants (pass empty string to skip) |
rscript_executable | Full path to the Rscript executable |
- Returns
- true upon successful calibration
Referenced by UTILProteomicsLFQ::recalibrateMasses_().
Extract calibrants from identifications.
Extracts only the first hit from the first peptide identification of each feature. Hits are sorted beforehand. Ambiguities should be resolved before, e.g. using IDFilter. RT and m/z are taken from the features, not from the identifications (for an exception see below)!
Unassigned peptide identifications are also taken into account! RT and m/z are naturally taken from the IDs, since to feature is assigned. If you do not want these IDs, remove them from the feature map before calling this function.
A filtering step is done in the m/z dimension using tol_ppm
. Since precursor masses could be annotated wrongly (e.g. isotope peak instead of mono), larger outliers are removed before accepting an ID as calibrant.
- Parameters
fm | FeatureMap with peptide identifications |
tol_ppm | Only accept ID's whose theoretical mass deviates at most this much from annotated |
- Returns
- Number of calibration masses found
Extract calibrants from Raw data (mzML)
Lock masses are searched in each spectrum and added to the internal calibrant database.
Filters can be used to exclude spurious peaks, i.e. require the calibrant peak to be monoisotopic or to have a +1 isotope (should not be used for very low abundant calibrants). If a calibrant is not found, it is added to a 'failed_lock_masses' database which is returned and not stored internally. The intensity of the peaks describe the reason for failed detection: 0.0 - peak not found with the given ppm tolerance; 1.0 - peak is not monoisotopic (can only occur if 'lock_require_mono' is true) 2.0 - peak has no +1 isotope (can only occur if 'lock_require_iso' is true)
- Parameters
exp | Peak map containing the lock masses |
ref_masses | List of lock masses |
tol_ppm | Search window for lock masses in 'exp' |
lock_require_mono | Require that a lock mass is the monoisotopic peak (i.e. not an isotope peak) – lock mass is rejected otherwise |
lock_require_iso | Require that a lock mass has isotope peaks to its right – lock mass is rejected otherwise |
failed_lock_masses | Set of calibration masses which were not found, i.e. their expected m/z and RT positions; |
verbose | Print information on 'lock_require_XXX' matches during search |
- Returns
- Number of calibration masses found
Referenced by UTILProteomicsLFQ::recalibrateMasses_().
Extract calibrants from identifications.
Extracts only the first hit from each peptide identification. Hits are sorted beforehand. Ambiguities should be resolved before, e.g. using IDFilter.
A filtering step is done in the m/z dimension using tol_ppm
. Since precursor masses could be annotated wrongly (e.g. isotope peak instead of mono), larger outliers are removed before accepting an ID as calibrant.
- Parameters
pep_ids | Peptide ids (e.g. from an idXML file) |
tol_ppm | Only accept ID's whose theoretical mass deviates at most this much from annotated |
- Returns
- Number of calibration masses found
Add(no prior clear) calibrants to internal list.
Extracts only the first hit from each peptide identification. Hits are sorted beforehand. Ambiguities should be resolved before, e.g. using IDFilter.
A filtering step is done in the m/z dimension using tol_ppm
. Since precursor masses could be annotated wrongly (e.g. isotope peak instead of mono), larger outliers are removed before accepting an ID as calibrant.
- Parameters
pep_ids | Peptide ids (e.g. from an idXML file) |
tol_ppm | Only accept ID's whose theoretical mass deviates at most this much from annotated |