This is the complete list of members for IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >, including all inherited members.
av_MZ_spacing_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
Box typedef | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | |
c_mzs_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
c_spacings_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
checkPositionForPlausibility_(const TransSpectrum &candidate, const MSSpectrum &ref, const double seed_mz, const UInt c, const UInt scan_index, const bool check_PPMs, const double transintens, const double prev_score) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protectedvirtual |
checkPositionForPlausibility_(const MSSpectrum &candidate, const MSSpectrum &ref, const double seed_mz, const UInt c, const UInt scan_index, const bool check_PPMs, const double transintens, const double prev_score) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protectedvirtual |
checkPPMTheoModel_(const MSSpectrum &ref, const double c_mz, const UInt c) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protectedvirtual |
closed_boxes_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
clusterSeeds_(const TransSpectrum &candidates, const MSSpectrum &ref, const UInt scan_index, const UInt c, const bool check_PPMs) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
clusterSeeds_(const MSSpectrum &candidates, const MSSpectrum &ref, const UInt scan_index, const UInt c, const bool check_PPMs) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protectedvirtual |
computeMinSpacing(const MSSpectrum &c_ref) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | virtual |
data_length_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
end_boxes_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
extendBox_(const PeakMap &map, const Box &box) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
from_max_to_left_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
from_max_to_right_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
front_boxes_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
getAvIntens_(const TransSpectrum &scan) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlineprotected |
getAvIntens_(const MSSpectrum &scan) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlineprotected |
getAvMZSpacing_(const MSSpectrum &scan) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlineprotected |
getClosedBoxes() | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlinevirtual |
getLinearInterpolation(const typename MSSpectrum::const_iterator &left_iter, const double mz_pos, const typename MSSpectrum::const_iterator &right_iter) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inline |
getLinearInterpolation(const double mz_a, const double intens_a, const double mz_pos, const double mz_b, const double intens_b) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inline |
getMaxScanSize() const | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inline |
getMinSpacing() const | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inline |
getPPMs_(const double mass_a, const double mass_b) const | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlineprotected |
getSdIntens_(const TransSpectrum &scan, const double mean) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlineprotected |
getSdIntens_(const MSSpectrum &scan, const double mean) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlineprotected |
getSigma() const | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inline |
getTransform(MSSpectrum &c_trans, const MSSpectrum &c_ref, const UInt c) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | virtual |
getTransformHighRes(MSSpectrum &c_trans, const MSSpectrum &c_ref, const UInt c) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | virtual |
hr_data_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
identifyCharge(const MSSpectrum &candidates, const MSSpectrum &ref, const UInt scan_index, const UInt c, const double ampl_cutoff, const bool check_PPMs) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | virtual |
indices_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
initializeScan(const MSSpectrum &c_ref, const UInt c=0) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | virtual |
intenstype_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
interpol_xs_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
interpol_ys_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
IsotopeWaveletTransform(const double min_mz, const double max_mz, const UInt max_charge, const Size max_scan_size=0, const bool hr_data=false, const String intenstype="ref") | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | |
IsotopeWaveletTransform() | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
mapSeeds2Features(const PeakMap &map, const UInt RT_votes_cutoff) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | |
max_charge_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
max_mz_cutoff_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
max_num_peaks_per_pattern_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
max_scan_size_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
min_spacing_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
open_boxes_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
peptideMassRule_(const double c_mass) const | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlineprotected |
prod_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
psi_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
push2Box_(const double mz, const UInt scan, UInt c, const double score, const double intens, const double rt, const UInt MZ_begin, const UInt MZ_end, const double ref_intens) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protectedvirtual |
push2TmpBox_(const double mz, const UInt scan, UInt charge, const double score, const double intens, const double rt, const UInt MZ_begin, const UInt MZ_end) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protectedvirtual |
sampleTheCMarrWavelet_(const MSSpectrum &scan, const Int wavelet_length, const Int mz_index, const UInt charge) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inlineprotected |
scores_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
scoreThis_(const TransSpectrum &candidate, const UInt peak_cutoff, const double seed_mz, const UInt c, const double ampl_cutoff) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protectedvirtual |
scoreThis_(const MSSpectrum &candidate, const UInt peak_cutoff, const double seed_mz, const UInt c, const double ampl_cutoff) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protectedvirtual |
setSigma(const double sigma) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | inline |
sigma_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
tmp_boxes_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
updateBoxStates(const PeakMap &map, const Size scan_index, const UInt RT_interleave, const UInt RT_votes_cutoff, const Int front_bound=-1, const Int end_bound=-1) | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | |
xs_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
zeros_ | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | protected |
~IsotopeWaveletTransform() | IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType > | virtual |