OpenMS  2.8.0
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SpectraMerger Class Reference

Merges blocks of MS or MS2 spectra. More...

#include <OpenMS/FILTERING/TRANSFORMERS/SpectraMerger.h>

Inheritance diagram for SpectraMerger:
Collaboration diagram for SpectraMerger:


class  SpectraDistance_

Public Types

typedef Map< Size, std::vector< Size > > MergeBlocks
 blocks of spectra (master-spectrum index to sacrifice-spectra(the ones being merged into the master-spectrum)) More...
typedef Map< Size, std::vector< std::pair< Size, double > > > AverageBlocks
 blocks of spectra (master-spectrum index to update to spectra to average over) More...
- Public Types inherited from ProgressLogger
enum  LogType { CMD , GUI , NONE }
 Possible log types. More...

Public Member Functions

 SpectraMerger ()
 default constructor More...
 SpectraMerger (const SpectraMerger &source)
 copy constructor More...
 ~SpectraMerger () override
 destructor More...
SpectraMergeroperator= (const SpectraMerger &source)
 assignment operator More...
template<typename MapType >
void mergeSpectraBlockWise (MapType &exp)
template<typename MapType >
void mergeSpectraPrecursors (MapType &exp)
 merges spectra with similar precursors (must have MS2 level) More...
template<typename MapType >
void average (MapType &exp, const String &average_type)
 average over neighbouring spectra More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DefaultParamHandler
 DefaultParamHandler (const String &name)
 Constructor with name that is displayed in error messages. More...
 DefaultParamHandler (const DefaultParamHandler &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~DefaultParamHandler ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual DefaultParamHandleroperator= (const DefaultParamHandler &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...
virtual bool operator== (const DefaultParamHandler &rhs) const
 Equality operator. More...
void setParameters (const Param &param)
 Sets the parameters. More...
const ParamgetParameters () const
 Non-mutable access to the parameters. More...
const ParamgetDefaults () const
 Non-mutable access to the default parameters. More...
const StringgetName () const
 Non-mutable access to the name. More...
void setName (const String &name)
 Mutable access to the name. More...
const std::vector< String > & getSubsections () const
 Non-mutable access to the registered subsections. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProgressLogger
 ProgressLogger ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~ProgressLogger ()
 Destructor. More...
 ProgressLogger (const ProgressLogger &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
ProgressLoggeroperator= (const ProgressLogger &other)
 Assignment Operator. More...
void setLogType (LogType type) const
 Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE! More...
LogType getLogType () const
 Returns the type of progress log being used. More...
void startProgress (SignedSize begin, SignedSize end, const String &label) const
 Initializes the progress display. More...
void setProgress (SignedSize value) const
 Sets the current progress. More...
void endProgress () const
 Ends the progress display. More...
void nextProgress () const
 increment progress by 1 (according to range begin-end) More...

Protected Member Functions

template<typename MapType >
void mergeSpectra_ (MapType &exp, const MergeBlocks &spectra_to_merge, const UInt ms_level)
 merges blocks of spectra of a certain level More...
template<typename MapType >
void averageProfileSpectra_ (MapType &exp, const AverageBlocks &spectra_to_average_over, const UInt ms_level)
 average spectra (profile mode) More...
template<typename MapType >
void averageCentroidSpectra_ (MapType &exp, const AverageBlocks &spectra_to_average_over, const UInt ms_level)
 average spectra (centroid mode) More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DefaultParamHandler
virtual void updateMembers_ ()
 This method is used to update extra member variables at the end of the setParameters() method. More...
void defaultsToParam_ ()
 Updates the parameters after the defaults have been set in the constructor. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool compareByFirst (std::pair< double, double > i, std::pair< double, double > j)
 comparator for sorting peaks (m/z, intensity) More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ProgressLogger
static String logTypeToFactoryName_ (LogType type)
 Return the name of the factory product used for this log type. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DefaultParamHandler
static void writeParametersToMetaValues (const Param &write_this, MetaInfoInterface &write_here, const String &key_prefix="")
 Writes all parameters to meta values. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from DefaultParamHandler
Param param_
 Container for current parameters. More...
Param defaults_
 Container for default parameters. This member should be filled in the constructor of derived classes! More...
std::vector< Stringsubsections_
 Container for registered subsections. This member should be filled in the constructor of derived classes! More...
String error_name_
 Name that is displayed in error messages during the parameter checking. More...
bool check_defaults_
 If this member is set to false no checking if parameters in done;. More...
bool warn_empty_defaults_
 If this member is set to false no warning is emitted when defaults are empty;. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ProgressLogger
LogType type_
time_t last_invoke_
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ProgressLogger
static int recursion_depth_

Detailed Description

Merges blocks of MS or MS2 spectra.

Parameter's are accessible via the DefaultParamHandler.

Parameters of this class are:

mz_binning_width float5.0 min: 0.0minimum m/z distance for two data points (profile data) or peaks (centroided data) to be considered distinct. Closer data points or peaks will be merged.
mz_binning_width_unit stringppm Da, ppmUnit in which the distance between two data points or peaks is given.
sort_blocks stringRT_ascending RT_ascending, RT_descendingSort blocks by before merging them (useful for precursor order)
average_gaussian:spectrum_type stringautomatic profile, centroid, automaticSpectrum type of the MS level to be averaged
average_gaussian:ms_level int1 min: 1Average spectra of this level. All other spectra remain unchanged.
average_gaussian:rt_FWHM float5.0 min: 0.0 max: 1.0e11FWHM of Gauss curve in seconds to be averaged over.
average_gaussian:cutoff float0.01 min: 0.0 max: 1.0Intensity cutoff for Gaussian. The Gaussian RT profile decreases from 1 at its apex to 0 at infinity. Spectra for which the intensity of the Gaussian drops below the cutoff do not contribute to the average.
average_tophat:spectrum_type stringautomatic profile, centroid, automaticSpectrum type of the MS level to be averaged
average_tophat:ms_level int1 min: 1Average spectra of this level. All other spectra remain unchanged.
average_tophat:rt_range float5.0 min: 0.0 max: 1.0e11RT range to be averaged over, i.e. +/-(RT range)/2 from each spectrum.
average_tophat:rt_unit stringscans scans, secondsUnit for RT range.
block_method:ms_levels int list[1] min: 1Merge spectra of this level. All spectra with other MS levels remain untouched.
block_method:rt_block_size int5 min: 1Maximum number of scans to be summed up.
block_method:rt_max_length float0.0 min: 0.0 max: 1.0e11Maximum RT size of the block in seconds (0.0 = no size restriction).
precursor_method:mz_tolerance float1.0e-04 min: 0.0Max m/z distance of the precursor entries of two spectra to be merged in [Da].
precursor_method:rt_tolerance float5.0 min: 0.0Max RT distance of the precursor entries of two spectra to be merged in [s].


Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AverageBlocks

typedef Map<Size, std::vector<std::pair<Size, double> > > AverageBlocks

blocks of spectra (master-spectrum index to update to spectra to average over)

◆ MergeBlocks

typedef Map<Size, std::vector<Size> > MergeBlocks

blocks of spectra (master-spectrum index to sacrifice-spectra(the ones being merged into the master-spectrum))

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SpectraMerger() [1/2]

default constructor

◆ SpectraMerger() [2/2]

SpectraMerger ( const SpectraMerger source)

copy constructor

◆ ~SpectraMerger()

~SpectraMerger ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ average()

void average ( MapType exp,
const String average_type 

average over neighbouring spectra

expexperimental data to be averaged
average_typeaveraging type to be used ("gaussian" or "tophat")

References MSExperiment::begin(), SpectrumSettings::CENTROID, MSExperiment::end(), SpectrumSettings::PROFILE, MSExperiment::sortSpectra(), and OpenMS::Math::sum().

◆ averageCentroidSpectra_()

void averageCentroidSpectra_ ( MapType exp,
const AverageBlocks spectra_to_average_over,
const UInt  ms_level 

average spectra (centroid mode)

Averages spectra in centroid mode of one MS level in an experiment. The blocks of spectra to be combined and their relative weights have previously determined. The averaged spectra are generated in two steps: (1) The m/z of all spectra in a block are collected and sorted. Their corresponding intensities are weighted. (2) m/z positions closer than mz_binning_width are combined to a single peak. The m/z are averaged and the corresponding intensities summed.

expexperimental data to be averaged
spectra_to_average_overmapping of spectral index to set of spectra to average over with corresponding weights
ms_levelMS level of spectra to be averaged

References MSExperiment::addSpectrum(), MSExperiment::begin(), MSSpectrum::clear(), SpectraMerger::compareByFirst(), MSExperiment::end(), ProgressLogger::endProgress(), Peak1D::setIntensity(), Peak1D::setMZ(), ProgressLogger::setProgress(), and ProgressLogger::startProgress().

◆ averageProfileSpectra_()

void averageProfileSpectra_ ( MapType exp,
const AverageBlocks spectra_to_average_over,
const UInt  ms_level 

average spectra (profile mode)

Averages spectra in profile mode of one MS level in an experiment. The blocks of spectra to be combined and their relative weights have previously been determined. The averaged spectra are generated in two steps: (1) The m/z of all spectra in a block are collected and sorted. m/z positions closer than mz_binning_width are removed. (2) At these positions the weighted sum of all spline interpolations is calculated.

The first step ensures roughly the same sampling rate as the one of the original spectra. The exact m/z position is not crucial, since not the original intensities but the spline-interpolated intensities are used.

expexperimental data to be averaged
spectra_to_average_overmapping of spectral index to set of spectra to average over with corresponding weights
ms_levelMS level of spectra to be averaged

References MSExperiment::addSpectrum(), MSExperiment::begin(), MSSpectrum::clear(), MSExperiment::end(), SplineInterpolatedPeaks::Navigator::eval(), SplineInterpolatedPeaks::getNavigator(), SplineInterpolatedPeaks::getPosMax(), SplineInterpolatedPeaks::getPosMin(), Peak1D::setIntensity(), and Peak1D::setMZ().

◆ compareByFirst()

static bool compareByFirst ( std::pair< double, double >  i,
std::pair< double, double >  j 

comparator for sorting peaks (m/z, intensity)

Referenced by SpectraMerger::averageCentroidSpectra_().

◆ mergeSpectra_()

void mergeSpectra_ ( MapType exp,
const MergeBlocks spectra_to_merge,
const UInt  ms_level 

merges blocks of spectra of a certain level

Merges spectra belonging to the same block, setting their MS level to ms_level. All old spectra of level ms_level are removed, and the new consensus spectra (one per block) are added. All spectra with other MS levels remain untouched. The resulting map is NOT sorted!

References MSExperiment::addSpectrum(), MSExperiment::begin(), MSExperiment::clear(), MSSpectrum::clear(), MSExperiment::end(), SpectrumSettings::getPrecursors(), MSSpectrum::getRT(), MSExperiment::getSpectra(), SpectrumAlignment::getSpectrumAlignment(), OPENMS_LOG_INFO, OPENMS_LOG_WARN, MSSpectrum::setMSLevel(), DefaultParamHandler::setParameters(), SpectrumSettings::setPrecursors(), MSSpectrum::setRT(), Param::setValue(), MSExperiment::size(), MSSpectrum::sortByPosition(), and SpectrumSettings::unify().

◆ mergeSpectraBlockWise()

void mergeSpectraBlockWise ( MapType exp)

◆ mergeSpectraPrecursors()

void mergeSpectraPrecursors ( MapType exp)

◆ operator=()

SpectraMerger& operator= ( const SpectraMerger source)

assignment operator