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IMSIsotopeDistribution Class Reference

Represents a distribution of isotopes restricted to the first K elements. More...

#include <OpenMS/CHEMISTRY/MASSDECOMPOSITION/IMS/IMSIsotopeDistribution.h>

Collaboration diagram for IMSIsotopeDistribution:


struct  Peak
 Structure that represents an isotope peak - pair of mass and abundance. More...

Public Types

typedef double mass_type
 Type of isotope mass. More...
typedef double abundance_type
 Type of isotope abundance. More...
typedef unsigned int nominal_mass_type
 Type of isotope nominal mass. More...
typedef Peak peak_type
 Type of isotope peak. More...
typedef std::vector< peak_typepeaks_container
 Type of container to store peaks. More...
typedef peaks_container::iterator peaks_iterator
 Type of iterator over container with peaks. More...
typedef peaks_container::const_iterator const_peaks_iterator
 Type of const iterator over container with peaks. More...
typedef peaks_container::size_type size_type
 Type of peaks container's size. More...
typedef std::vector< mass_typemasses_container
 Type of container with isotope masses. More...
typedef masses_container::iterator masses_iterator
 Type of iterator over container with isotope masses. More...
typedef masses_container::const_iterator const_masses_iterator
 Type of const iterator over container with isotope masses. More...
typedef std::vector< abundance_typeabundances_container
 Type of container with isotope abundances. More...
typedef abundances_container::iterator abundances_iterator
 Type of iterator over container with isotope abundances. More...
typedef abundances_container::const_iterator const_abundances_iterator
 Type of const iterator over container with isotope abundances. More...

Public Member Functions

 IMSIsotopeDistribution (nominal_mass_type nominalMass=0)
 Constructor with nominal mass. More...
 IMSIsotopeDistribution (mass_type mass)
 Constructor with single isotope. More...
 IMSIsotopeDistribution (const peaks_container &peaks, nominal_mass_type nominalMass=0)
 Constructor with isotopes and nominal mass. More...
 IMSIsotopeDistribution (const IMSIsotopeDistribution &distribution)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~IMSIsotopeDistribution ()
 Destructor. More...
size_type size () const
IMSIsotopeDistributionoperator= (const IMSIsotopeDistribution &distribution)
bool operator== (const IMSIsotopeDistribution &distribution) const
bool operator!= (const IMSIsotopeDistribution &distribution) const
IMSIsotopeDistributionoperator*= (const IMSIsotopeDistribution &distribution)
IMSIsotopeDistributionoperator*= (unsigned int pow)
mass_type getMass (size_type i) const
abundance_type getAbundance (size_type i) const
mass_type getAverageMass () const
nominal_mass_type getNominalMass () const
void setNominalMass (nominal_mass_type nominalMass)
masses_container getMasses () const
abundances_container getAbundances () const
void normalize ()
bool empty () const

Static Public Attributes

static abundance_type ABUNDANCES_SUM_ERROR
 Error to be allowed for isotope distribution. More...
static size_type SIZE
 Length of isotope distribution. More...

Private Member Functions

void setMinimumSize_ ()
 Sets peaks/isotopes container minimum size. More...

Private Attributes

peaks_container peaks_
 Container for isotopes. More...
nominal_mass_type nominal_mass_
 Nominal mass of distribution. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a distribution of isotopes restricted to the first K elements.

Represents a distribution of isotopes of chemical elements as a list of peaks each as a pair of mass and abundance. IsotopeDistribution unlike IsotopeSpecies has one abundance per a nominal mass. Here is an example in the format (mass; abundance %) for molecule H2O (values are taken randomly):

To the sake of faster computations distribution is restricted to the first K elements, where K can be set by adjusting size SIZE of distribution.

For the elements most abundant in living beings (CHNOPS) this restriction is negligible, since abundances decrease dramatically in isotopes order and are usually of no interest starting from +10 isotope.

IsotopeDistribution implements folding with other distribution using an algorithm described in details in paper: Boecker et al. "Decomposing metabolic isotope patterns" WABI 2006. doi: 10.1007/11851561_2

Folding with itself is done using Russian Multiplication Scheme.

Anton Pervukhin Anton.nosp@m..Per.nosp@m.vukhi.nosp@m.n@Ce.nosp@m.BiTec.nosp@m..Uni.nosp@m.-Biel.nosp@m.efel.nosp@m.d.DE

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ abundance_type

typedef double abundance_type

Type of isotope abundance.

◆ abundances_container

typedef std::vector<abundance_type> abundances_container

Type of container with isotope abundances.

◆ abundances_iterator

typedef abundances_container::iterator abundances_iterator

Type of iterator over container with isotope abundances.

◆ const_abundances_iterator

typedef abundances_container::const_iterator const_abundances_iterator

Type of const iterator over container with isotope abundances.

◆ const_masses_iterator

typedef masses_container::const_iterator const_masses_iterator

Type of const iterator over container with isotope masses.

◆ const_peaks_iterator

typedef peaks_container::const_iterator const_peaks_iterator

Type of const iterator over container with peaks.

◆ mass_type

typedef double mass_type

Type of isotope mass.

◆ masses_container

typedef std::vector<mass_type> masses_container

Type of container with isotope masses.

◆ masses_iterator

typedef masses_container::iterator masses_iterator

Type of iterator over container with isotope masses.

◆ nominal_mass_type

typedef unsigned int nominal_mass_type

Type of isotope nominal mass.

◆ peak_type

typedef Peak peak_type

Type of isotope peak.

◆ peaks_container

typedef std::vector<peak_type> peaks_container

Type of container to store peaks.

◆ peaks_iterator

typedef peaks_container::iterator peaks_iterator

Type of iterator over container with peaks.

◆ size_type

typedef peaks_container::size_type size_type

Type of peaks container's size.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IMSIsotopeDistribution() [1/4]

IMSIsotopeDistribution ( nominal_mass_type  nominalMass = 0)

Constructor with nominal mass.

◆ IMSIsotopeDistribution() [2/4]

IMSIsotopeDistribution ( mass_type  mass)

Constructor with single isotope.

◆ IMSIsotopeDistribution() [3/4]

IMSIsotopeDistribution ( const peaks_container peaks,
nominal_mass_type  nominalMass = 0 

Constructor with isotopes and nominal mass.

◆ IMSIsotopeDistribution() [4/4]

IMSIsotopeDistribution ( const IMSIsotopeDistribution distribution)

Copy constructor.

◆ ~IMSIsotopeDistribution()


Member Function Documentation

◆ empty()

bool empty ( ) const

Returns true if the distribution has no peaks, false - otherwise.

True if the distribution has no peaks, false - otherwise.

◆ getAbundance()

abundance_type getAbundance ( size_type  i) const

Gets an abundance of isotope i.

iAn index of isotope.
An abundance of isotope i.

◆ getAbundances()

abundances_container getAbundances ( ) const

Gets abundances of isotopes.

Abundances of isotopes.

◆ getAverageMass()

mass_type getAverageMass ( ) const

Gets an average mass of all isotopes.

An average mass of all isotopes.

◆ getMass()

mass_type getMass ( size_type  i) const

Gets a mass of isotope i.

iAn index of isotope.
Mass of isotope i.

◆ getMasses()

masses_container getMasses ( ) const

Gets masses of isotopes.

Masses of isotopes.

◆ getNominalMass()

nominal_mass_type getNominalMass ( ) const

Gets a nominal mass of distribution.

The nominal mass of the distribution.

◆ normalize()

void normalize ( )

Normalizes distribution, i.e. scaling abundances to be summed up to 1 with an error ABUNDANCES_SUM_ERROR allowed.

◆ operator!=()

bool operator!= ( const IMSIsotopeDistribution distribution) const

Inequality operator. Returns true, if a given distribution is unequal to this one, false - otherwise.

true, if a given distribution is unequal to this distribution, false - otherwise

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

IMSIsotopeDistribution& operator*= ( const IMSIsotopeDistribution distribution)

Operator for folding this distribution with a given distribution.

Operator is unary, so result is stored in this object itself.
distributionDistribution to be folded with this one.
Reference to this object.
See also
IsotopeDistribution& operator *=(unsigned int)

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

IMSIsotopeDistribution& operator*= ( unsigned int  pow)

Operator for folding this distribution with itself pow times.

Operator is unary, so result is stored in this object itself.
powNumber of times this distribution is to be folded with itself.
Reference to this object.
See also
IsotopeDistribution& operator *=(const IsotopeDistribution&)

◆ operator=()

IMSIsotopeDistribution& operator= ( const IMSIsotopeDistribution distribution)

Assignment operator.

distributionIsotope distribution to be assigned to this one.
Reference to this object.

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const IMSIsotopeDistribution distribution) const

Equality operator. Returns true, if a given distribution is equal to this one, false - otherwise.

true, if a given distribution is equal to this distribution, false - otherwise

◆ setMinimumSize_()

void setMinimumSize_ ( )

Sets peaks/isotopes container minimum size.

◆ setNominalMass()

void setNominalMass ( nominal_mass_type  nominalMass)

Sets a nominal mass for distribution.

nominalMassThe new nominal mass for the distribution.

◆ size()

size_type size ( ) const

Gets size of isotope distribution.

Size is not smaller than predefined SIZE.
Size of isotope distribution.

Member Data Documentation



Error to be allowed for isotope distribution.

◆ nominal_mass_

nominal_mass_type nominal_mass_

Nominal mass of distribution.

◆ peaks_

peaks_container peaks_

Container for isotopes.


size_type SIZE

Length of isotope distribution.