OpenMS  2.8.0
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TOPPGNPSExport Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TOPPGNPSExport:
Collaboration diagram for TOPPGNPSExport:

Public Member Functions

 TOPPGNPSExport ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TOPPBase
 TOPPBase ()=delete
 No default constructor. More...
 TOPPBase (const TOPPBase &)=delete
 No default copy constructor. More...
 TOPPBase (const String &name, const String &description, bool official=true, const std::vector< Citation > &citations={}, bool toolhandler_test=true)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~TOPPBase ()
 Destructor. More...
ExitCodes main (int argc, const char **argv)
 Main routine of all TOPP applications. More...
String getToolPrefix () const
 Returns the prefix used to identify the tool. More...

Protected Member Functions

void registerOptionsAndFlags_ () override
 Sets the valid command line options (with argument) and flags (without argument). More...
ExitCodes main_ (int, const char **) override
 The actual "main" method. main_() is invoked by main(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TOPPBase
String getParamArgument_ (const Param::ParamEntry &entry) const
 Utility function that determines a suitable argument value for the given Param::ParamEntry. More...
std::vector< ParameterInformationparamToParameterInformation_ (const Param &param) const
 Translates the given parameter object into a vector of ParameterInformation, that can be utilized for cl parsing. More...
ParameterInformation paramEntryToParameterInformation_ (const Param::ParamEntry &entry, const String &argument="", const String &full_name="") const
 Transforms a ParamEntry object to command line parameter (ParameterInformation). More...
void registerParamSubsectionsAsTOPPSubsections_ (const Param &param)
void registerFullParam_ (const Param &param)
 Register command line parameters for all entries in a Param object. More...
void registerStringOption_ (const String &name, const String &argument, const String &default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers a string option. More...
void setValidStrings_ (const String &name, const std::vector< String > &strings)
 Sets the valid strings for a string option or a whole string list. More...
void setValidStrings_ (const String &name, const std::string vstrings[], int count)
 Sets the valid strings for a string option or a whole string list. More...
void registerInputFile_ (const String &name, const String &argument, const String &default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false, const StringList &tags=StringList())
 Registers an input file option. More...
void registerOutputFile_ (const String &name, const String &argument, const String &default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers an output file option. More...
void registerOutputPrefix_ (const String &name, const String &argument, const String &default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers an output file prefix used for tools with multiple file output. More...
void setValidFormats_ (const String &name, const std::vector< String > &formats, const bool force_OpenMS_format=true)
 Sets the formats for a input/output file option or for all members of an input/output file lists. More...
void registerDoubleOption_ (const String &name, const String &argument, double default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers a double option. More...
void setMinInt_ (const String &name, Int min)
 Sets the minimum value for the integer parameter(can be a list of integers,too) name. More...
void setMaxInt_ (const String &name, Int max)
 Sets the maximum value for the integer parameter(can be a list of integers,too) name. More...
void setMinFloat_ (const String &name, double min)
 Sets the minimum value for the floating point parameter(can be a list of floating points,too) name. More...
void setMaxFloat_ (const String &name, double max)
 Sets the maximum value for the floating point parameter(can be a list of floating points,too) name. More...
void registerIntOption_ (const String &name, const String &argument, Int default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers an integer option. More...
void registerIntList_ (const String &name, const String &argument, IntList default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers a list of integers option. More...
void registerDoubleList_ (const String &name, const String &argument, DoubleList default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers a list of doubles option. More...
void registerStringList_ (const String &name, const String &argument, StringList default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers a list of strings option. More...
void registerInputFileList_ (const String &name, const String &argument, StringList default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false, const StringList &tags=StringList())
 Registers a list of input files option. More...
void registerOutputFileList_ (const String &name, const String &argument, StringList default_value, const String &description, bool required=true, bool advanced=false)
 Registers a list of output files option. More...
void registerFlag_ (const String &name, const String &description, bool advanced=false)
 Registers a flag. More...
void registerSubsection_ (const String &name, const String &description)
 Registers an allowed subsection in the INI file (usually from OpenMS algorithms). More...
void registerTOPPSubsection_ (const String &name, const String &description)
 Registers an allowed subsection in the INI file originating from the TOPP tool itself. More...
void addEmptyLine_ ()
 Adds an empty line between registered variables in the documentation. More...
String getStringOption_ (const String &name) const
 Returns the value of a previously registered string option. More...
double getDoubleOption_ (const String &name) const
 Returns the value of a previously registered double option. More...
Int getIntOption_ (const String &name) const
 Returns the value of a previously registered integer option. More...
StringList getStringList_ (const String &name) const
 Returns the value of a previously registered StringList. More...
IntList getIntList_ (const String &name) const
 Returns the value of a previously registered IntList. More...
DoubleList getDoubleList_ (const String &name) const
 Returns the value of a previously registered DoubleList. More...
bool getFlag_ (const String &name) const
 Returns the value of a previously registered flag. More...
const ParameterInformationfindEntry_ (const String &name) const
 Finds the entry in the parameters_ array that has the name name. More...
Param const & getParam_ () const
 Return all parameters relevant to this TOPP tool. More...
void checkParam_ (const Param &param, const String &filename, const String &location) const
 Checks top-level entries of param according to the information during registration. More...
void fileParamValidityCheck_ (const StringList &param_value, const String &param_name, const ParameterInformation &p) const
 checks if files of an input file list exist More...
void fileParamValidityCheck_ (String &param_value, const String &param_name, const ParameterInformation &p) const
 checks if an input file exists (respecting the flags) More...
void checkIfIniParametersAreApplicable_ (const Param &ini_params)
 Checks if the parameters of the provided ini file are applicable to this tool. More...
void printUsage_ ()
 Prints the tool-specific command line options and appends the common options. More...
void writeLog_ (const String &text) const
 Writes a string to the log file and to std::cout. More...
void writeDebug_ (const String &text, UInt min_level) const
 Writes a text to the log file and to std::cout if the debug level is at least min_level. More...
void writeDebug_ (const String &text, const Param &param, UInt min_level) const
 Writes a String followed by a Param to the log file and to std::cout if the debug level is at least min_level. More...
ExitCodes runExternalProcess_ (const QString &executable, const QStringList &arguments, const QString &workdir="") const
 Runs an external process via ExternalProcess and prints its stderr output on failure or if debug_level > 4. More...
ExitCodes runExternalProcess_ (const QString &executable, const QStringList &arguments, String &proc_stdout, String &proc_stderr, const QString &workdir="") const
const StringgetIniLocation_ () const
 Returns the location of the ini file where parameters are taken from. E.g. if the command line was TOPPTool -instance 17, then this will be "TOPPTool:17:". Note the ':' at the end. More...
const StringtoolName_ () const
 Returns the tool name. More...
void inputFileReadable_ (const String &filename, const String &param_name) const
 Checks if an input file exists, is readable and is not empty. More...
void outputFileWritable_ (const String &filename, const String &param_name) const
 Checks if an output file is writable. More...
bool parseRange_ (const String &text, double &low, double &high) const
 Parses a range string ([a]:[b]) into two variables (doubles) More...
bool parseRange_ (const String &text, Int &low, Int &high) const
 Parses a range string ([a]:[b]) into two variables (integers) More...
void addDataProcessing_ (ConsensusMap &map, const DataProcessing &dp) const
 Data processing setter for consensus maps. More...
void addDataProcessing_ (FeatureMap &map, const DataProcessing &dp) const
 Data processing setter for feature maps. More...
void addDataProcessing_ (PeakMap &map, const DataProcessing &dp) const
 Data processing setter for peak maps. More...
DataProcessing getProcessingInfo_ (DataProcessing::ProcessingAction action) const
 Returns the data processing information. More...
DataProcessing getProcessingInfo_ (const std::set< DataProcessing::ProcessingAction > &actions) const
 Returns the data processing information. More...
bool writeCTD_ ()
 Write common tool description (CTD) file. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TOPPBase
enum  ExitCodes {
 Exit codes. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TOPPBase
static void setMaxNumberOfThreads (int num_threads)
 Sets the maximal number of usable threads. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TOPPBase
String version_
 Version string (if empty, the OpenMS/TOPP version is printed) More...
String verboseVersion_
 Version string including additional revision/date time information. Note: This differs from version_ only if not provided by the user. More...
bool official_
 Flag indicating if this an official TOPP tool. More...
std::vector< Citationcitations_
 Papers, specific for this tool (will be shown in '–help') More...
bool toolhandler_test_
 Enable the ToolHandler tests. More...
ProgressLogger::LogType log_type_
 Type of progress logging. More...
bool test_mode_
 Test mode. More...
Int debug_level_
 Debug level set by -debug. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TOPPBase
static String topp_ini_file_
 .TOPP.ini file for storing system default parameters More...
static const Citation cite_openms_
 The OpenMS citation. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TOPPGNPSExport()

TOPPGNPSExport ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ main_()

ExitCodes main_ ( int  argc,
const char **  argv 

The actual "main" method. main_() is invoked by main().

Implements TOPPBase.

References GNPSMGFFile::run(), ProgressLogger::setLogType(), and DefaultParamHandler::setParameters().

◆ registerOptionsAndFlags_()

void registerOptionsAndFlags_ ( )

Sets the valid command line options (with argument) and flags (without argument).

The options '-ini' '-log' '-instance' '-debug' and the flag '–help' are automatically registered.

Implements TOPPBase.