OpenMS  2.8.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
OpenSwath Namespace Reference


 Scoring functions used by MRMScoring.


class  mean_and_stddev
 functor to compute the mean and stddev of sequence using the std::foreach algorithm More...
struct  IDataFrameWriter
struct  DataMatrix
struct  CSVWriter
struct  OSBinaryDataArray
 The datastructures used by the OpenSwath interfaces. More...
struct  OSChromatogramMeta
 Identifying information for a chromatogram. More...
struct  OSChromatogram
 A single chromatogram. More...
struct  OSSpectrumMeta
 Identifying information for a spectrum. More...
struct  OSSpectrum
 The structure that captures the generation of a peak list (including the underlying acquisitions) More...
class  ISpectrumAccess
 The interface of a mass spectrometry experiment. More...
class  IFeature
class  IMRMFeature
struct  ITransitionGroup
struct  ISignalToNoise
class  MockFeature
 Mock object implementing IFeature. More...
class  MockMRMFeature
 Mock object implementing IMRMFeature. More...
class  MockTransitionGroup
 Mock object implementing ITransitionGroup. More...
class  MockSignalToNoise
 Mock object implementing ISignalToNoise. More...
struct  SwathMap
 Data structure to hold one SWATH map with information about upper / lower isolation window and whether the map is MS1 or MS2. More...
struct  LightTransition
struct  LightModification
struct  LightCompound
struct  LightProtein
struct  LightTargetedExperiment
struct  TransitionHelper
struct  Peptide
struct  Protein
struct  TargetedExperiment
class  MRMScoring
 This class implements different scores for peaks found in SRM/MRM. More...
class  SwathQC
 Quality Control function for OpenSwath. More...


typedef OSBinaryDataArray BinaryDataArray
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BinaryDataArrayBinaryDataArrayPtr
typedef OSChromatogramMeta ChromatogramMeta
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ChromatogramMetaChromatogramMetaPtr
typedef OSChromatogram Chromatogram
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ChromatogramChromatogramPtr
typedef OSSpectrumMeta SpectrumMeta
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SpectrumMetaSpectrumMetaPtr
typedef OSSpectrum Spectrum
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SpectrumSpectrumPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ISpectrumAccessSpectrumAccessPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ISignalToNoiseISignalToNoisePtr


OPENSWATHALGO_DLLAPI void normalize (const std::vector< double > &intensities, double normalization_factor, std::vector< double > &normalized_intensities)
 Normalize intensities in vector by normalization_factor. More...
template<typename T >
double norm (T beg, T end)
 compute the Euclidean norm of the vector More...
template<typename Texp , typename Ttheo >
double dotProd (Texp intExpBeg, Texp intExpEnd, Ttheo intTheo)
 compute dotprod of vectors More...
OPENSWATHALGO_DLLAPI double dotprodScoring (std::vector< double > intExp, std::vector< double > theorint)
 the dot product scoring More...
template<typename Texp , typename Ttheo >
double manhattanDist (Texp itExpBeg, Texp itExpEnd, Ttheo itTheo)
 compute manhattan distance between Exp and Theo More...
OPENSWATHALGO_DLLAPI double manhattanScoring (std::vector< double > intExp, std::vector< double > theorint)
 manhattan scoring More...
template<typename TInputIterator , typename TInputIteratorY >
std::iterator_traits< TInputIterator >::value_type cor_pearson (TInputIterator xBeg, TInputIterator xEnd, TInputIteratorY yBeg)
 compute pearson correlation of vector x and y More...

Class Documentation

◆ OpenSwath::OSBinaryDataArray

struct OpenSwath::OSBinaryDataArray

The datastructures used by the OpenSwath interfaces.

Many of them are closely related to Proteowizard data structures, originally written by Darren Kessner and released under the Apache 2.0 licence.

Original author: Darren Kessner

Copyright 2007 Spielberg Family Center for Applied Proteomics Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California 90048

The following datastructures are used :

  • BinaryDataArray : a struct that holds a std::vector<double> with the data
  • ChromatogramMeta : meta information of a chromatogram (index)
  • Chromatogram : chromatogram data. Contains a vector of pointers to BinaryDataArray, the first one is time array (RT), the second one is intensity
  • SpectrumMeta : meta information of a spectrum (index, identifier, RT, ms_level)
  • Spectrum : spectrum data. Contains a vector of pointers to BinaryDataArray, the first one is mz array, the second one is intensity The structure into which encoded binary data goes.
Collaboration diagram for OSBinaryDataArray:
Class Members
vector< double > data this optional attribute may reference the 'id' attribute of the appropriate dataProcessing.

the binary data.

string description (optional) data description for non-standard arrays.

◆ OpenSwath::LightModification

struct OpenSwath::LightModification
Collaboration diagram for LightModification:
Class Members
int location
int unimod_id

◆ OpenSwath::LightProtein

struct OpenSwath::LightProtein
Collaboration diagram for LightProtein:
Class Members
string id
string sequence

◆ OpenSwath::Protein

struct OpenSwath::Protein
Collaboration diagram for Protein:
Class Members
string id
vector< Peptide > peptides
string sequence

◆ OpenSwath::TargetedExperiment

struct OpenSwath::TargetedExperiment
Collaboration diagram for TargetedExperiment:
Class Members
vector< Protein > proteins

Typedef Documentation

◆ BinaryDataArray

◆ BinaryDataArrayPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<BinaryDataArray> BinaryDataArrayPtr

◆ Chromatogram

◆ ChromatogramMeta

◆ ChromatogramMetaPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ChromatogramMeta> ChromatogramMetaPtr

◆ ChromatogramPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Chromatogram> ChromatogramPtr

◆ ISignalToNoisePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ISignalToNoise> ISignalToNoisePtr

◆ Spectrum

◆ SpectrumAccessPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ISpectrumAccess> SpectrumAccessPtr

◆ SpectrumMeta

◆ SpectrumMetaPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<SpectrumMeta> SpectrumMetaPtr

◆ SpectrumPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Spectrum> SpectrumPtr

Function Documentation

◆ cor_pearson()

std::iterator_traits<TInputIterator>::value_type OpenSwath::cor_pearson ( TInputIterator  xBeg,
TInputIterator  xEnd,
TInputIteratorY  yBeg 

compute pearson correlation of vector x and y

◆ dotProd()

double OpenSwath::dotProd ( Texp  intExpBeg,
Texp  intExpEnd,
Ttheo  intTheo 

compute dotprod of vectors

References OpenMS::Math::sum().

◆ dotprodScoring()

OPENSWATHALGO_DLLAPI double OpenSwath::dotprodScoring ( std::vector< double >  intExp,
std::vector< double >  theorint 

the dot product scoring

sqrt data, normalize by vector norm compute dotprod

◆ manhattanDist()

double OpenSwath::manhattanDist ( Texp  itExpBeg,
Texp  itExpEnd,
Ttheo  itTheo 

compute manhattan distance between Exp and Theo

References OpenMS::Math::sum().

◆ manhattanScoring()

OPENSWATHALGO_DLLAPI double OpenSwath::manhattanScoring ( std::vector< double >  intExp,
std::vector< double >  theorint 

manhattan scoring

sqrt intensities normalize vector by TIC compute manhattan score

◆ norm()

double OpenSwath::norm ( beg,

compute the Euclidean norm of the vector

Referenced by GaussFilterAlgorithm::integrate_().

◆ normalize()

OPENSWATHALGO_DLLAPI void OpenSwath::normalize ( const std::vector< double > &  intensities,
double  normalization_factor,
std::vector< double > &  normalized_intensities 

Normalize intensities in vector by normalization_factor.