MQEvidence Class Reference

Builds a MaxQuant Evidence.txt. More...

#include <OpenMS/QC/MQEvidenceExporter.h>

Collaboration diagram for MQEvidence:

Public Member Functions

 MQEvidence (const OpenMS::String &path)
 Creates MQEvidence object and evidence.txt in given path. More...
 ~MQEvidence ()
 Closes f_stream. More...
void exportFeatureMap (const OpenMS::FeatureMap &feature_map, const OpenMS::ConsensusMap &cmap, const OpenMS::MSExperiment &exp={}, const std::map< OpenMS::String, OpenMS::String > &prot_map={})
 Exports a FeatureMap to the evidence.txt. More...

Private Member Functions

void exportHeader_ ()
 Writes the header of evidence.txt (Names of columns) More...
void exportRowFromFeature_ (const OpenMS::Feature &f, const OpenMS::ConsensusMap &cmap, const OpenMS::Size c_feature_number, const OpenMS::String &raw_file, const std::multimap< OpenMS::String, std::pair< OpenMS::Size, OpenMS::Size >> &UIDs, const OpenMS::ProteinIdentification::Mapping &mp_f, const OpenMS::MSExperiment &exp={}, const std::map< OpenMS::String, OpenMS::String > &prot_map={})
 Export one Feature as a row in MQEvidence.txt. More...

Private Attributes

std::fstream file_
 Stream where the data is added to create evidence.txt. More...
OpenMS::Size id_ = 0
 number of rows in evidence.txt to give each row a specific id More...
OpenMS::String filename_
 path and name of the evidence.txt More...

Detailed Description

Builds a MaxQuant Evidence.txt.

This class is closely related to QualityControl, it creates an evidence.txt similar to a MaxQuant evidence.txt. But not all columns of a MaxQuant file get exported. By the construction of an object, the column names of the evidence values are added to the evidence.txt. For the construction a valid path is needed (check out constructor) where the evidence.txt can be stored. To fill the output evidence.txt with data from the MS/MS run use the exportFeatureMap function, it needs a FeatureMap and the matching ConsensusMap as an input. To check if the created evidence.txt is writable use the function isValid.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MQEvidence()

MQEvidence ( const OpenMS::String path)

Creates MQEvidence object and evidence.txt in given path.

  If the path for the constructor is empty (path not valid), no evidence.txt is created.
  If the creation of the fstream object is successful a constant header is added to the evidence.txt
  If the path does not exist, it will be created
Exception::FileNotWritableif evidence.txt could not be created
paththat is the path where evidence.txt has to be stored

◆ ~MQEvidence()

~MQEvidence ( )

Closes f_stream.

Member Function Documentation

◆ exportFeatureMap()

void exportFeatureMap ( const OpenMS::FeatureMap feature_map,
const OpenMS::ConsensusMap cmap,
const OpenMS::MSExperiment exp = {},
const std::map< OpenMS::String, OpenMS::String > &  prot_map = {} 

Exports a FeatureMap to the evidence.txt.

Exports one row per feature from the FeatureMap to the evidence.txt file.

Exception::FileNotWritableif evidence.txt is not writable
Exception::MissingInformationif Feature_map has no corresponding ConsensusFeature
feature_mapwhich contains Features to extract evidence data
cmapConsensusMap to extract evidence data if Feature has no valid PeptideIdentifications
expMS Experiment holds evidence data to extract
prot_mapMapping a protein_accession to its description(proteinname, genename...)

◆ exportHeader_()

void exportHeader_ ( )

Writes the header of evidence.txt (Names of columns)

◆ exportRowFromFeature_()

void exportRowFromFeature_ ( const OpenMS::Feature f,
const OpenMS::ConsensusMap cmap,
const OpenMS::Size  c_feature_number,
const OpenMS::String raw_file,
const std::multimap< OpenMS::String, std::pair< OpenMS::Size, OpenMS::Size >> &  UIDs,
const OpenMS::ProteinIdentification::Mapping mp_f,
const OpenMS::MSExperiment exp = {},
const std::map< OpenMS::String, OpenMS::String > &  prot_map = {} 

Export one Feature as a row in MQEvidence.txt.

If the feature has no PepID's or the corresponding CF has no PepIDs, no row will be exported

fFeature to extract evidence data
cmapConsensusMap to extract evidence data if Feature has no valid PeptideIdentifications
c_feature_numberIndex of corresponding ConsensusFeature in ConsensusMap
raw_fileis specifying the raw_file the feature belongs to
UIDsUIDs of all PeptideIdentifications of the ConsensusMap
mp_fMapping between the FeatureMap and ProteinIdentifications for the UID from PeptideIdenfitication::buildUIDfromAllPepIds
expMS Experiment holds evidence data to extract
prot_mapMapping a protein_accession to its description(proteinname, genename...)

Member Data Documentation

◆ file_

std::fstream file_

Stream where the data is added to create evidence.txt.

◆ filename_

OpenMS::String filename_

path and name of the evidence.txt

◆ id_

OpenMS::Size id_ = 0

number of rows in evidence.txt to give each row a specific id