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PepXMLFile Class Reference

Used to load and store PepXML files. More...

#include <OpenMS/FORMAT/PepXMLFile.h>

Inheritance diagram for PepXMLFile:
Collaboration diagram for PepXMLFile:


struct  AminoAcidModification

Public Member Functions

 PepXMLFile ()
 Constructor. More...
 ~PepXMLFile () override
 Destructor. More...
void load (const String &filename, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &proteins, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides, const String &experiment_name, const SpectrumMetaDataLookup &lookup)
 Loads peptide sequences with modifications out of a PepXML file. More...
void load (const String &filename, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &proteins, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides, const String &experiment_name="")
 load function with empty defaults for some parameters (see above) More...
void store (const String &filename, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids, const String &mz_file="", const String &mz_name="", bool peptideprophet_analyzed=false, double rt_tolerance=0.01)
 Stores idXML as PepXML file. More...
void keepNativeSpectrumName (bool keep)
 Whether we should keep the native spectrum name of the pepXML. More...
void setPreferredFixedModifications (const std::vector< const ResidueModification * > &mods)
 sets the preferred fixed modifications More...
void setPreferredVariableModifications (const std::vector< const ResidueModification * > &mods)
 sets the preferred variable modifications More...
void setParseUnknownScores (bool parse_unknown_scores)
 sets if during load, unknown scores should be parsed More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XMLFile
 XMLFile ()
 Default constructor. More...
 XMLFile (const String &schema_location, const String &version)
 Constructor that sets the schema location. More...
virtual ~XMLFile ()
 Destructor. More...
bool isValid (const String &filename, std::ostream &os)
 Checks if a file validates against the XML schema. More...
const StringgetVersion () const
 return the version of the schema More...

Protected Member Functions

void endElement (const XMLCh *const, const XMLCh *const, const XMLCh *const qname) override
 Docu in base class. More...
void startElement (const XMLCh *const, const XMLCh *const, const XMLCh *const qname, const xercesc::Attributes &attributes) override
 Docu in base class. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XMLHandler
void writeUserParam_ (const String &tag_name, std::ostream &os, const MetaInfoInterface &meta, UInt indent) const
 Writes the content of MetaInfoInterface to the file. More...
Int asInt_ (const String &in) const
 Conversion of a String to an integer value. More...
Int asInt_ (const XMLCh *in) const
 Conversion of a Xerces string to an integer value. More...
UInt asUInt_ (const String &in) const
 Conversion of a String to an unsigned integer value. More...
double asDouble_ (const String &in) const
 Conversion of a String to a double value. More...
float asFloat_ (const String &in) const
 Conversion of a String to a float value. More...
bool asBool_ (const String &in) const
 Conversion of a string to a boolean value. More...
DateTime asDateTime_ (String date_string) const
 Conversion of a xs:datetime string to a DateTime value. More...
bool equal_ (const XMLCh *a, const XMLCh *b) const
 Returns if two Xerces strings are equal. More...
SignedSize cvStringToEnum_ (const Size section, const String &term, const char *message, const SignedSize result_on_error=0)
String attributeAsString_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a String. More...
Int attributeAsInt_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a Int. More...
double attributeAsDouble_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a double. More...
DoubleList attributeAsDoubleList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a DoubleList. More...
IntList attributeAsIntList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to an IntList. More...
StringList attributeAsStringList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Converts an attribute to an StringList. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsString_ (String &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the String value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsInt_ (Int &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the Int value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsUInt_ (UInt &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the UInt value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsDouble_ (double &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the double value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsDoubleList_ (DoubleList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the DoubleList value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsStringList_ (StringList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the StringList value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsIntList_ (IntList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const char *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the IntList value if the attribute is present. More...
String attributeAsString_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a String. More...
Int attributeAsInt_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a Int. More...
double attributeAsDouble_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a double. More...
DoubleList attributeAsDoubleList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a DoubleList. More...
IntList attributeAsIntList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a IntList. More...
StringList attributeAsStringList_ (const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Converts an attribute to a StringList. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsString_ (String &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the String value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsInt_ (Int &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the Int value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsUInt_ (UInt &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the UInt value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsDouble_ (double &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the double value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsDoubleList_ (DoubleList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the DoubleList value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsIntList_ (IntList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the IntList value if the attribute is present. More...
bool optionalAttributeAsStringList_ (StringList &value, const xercesc::Attributes &a, const XMLCh *name) const
 Assigns the attribute content to the StringList value if the attribute is present. More...
 XMLHandler (const String &filename, const String &version)
 Default constructor. More...
 ~XMLHandler () override
 Destructor. More...
void reset ()
 Release internal memory used for parsing (call. More...
void fatalError (const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception) override
void error (const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception) override
void warning (const xercesc::SAXParseException &exception) override
void fatalError (ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
 Fatal error handler. Throws a ParseError exception. More...
void error (ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
 Error handler for recoverable errors. More...
void warning (ActionMode mode, const String &msg, UInt line=0, UInt column=0) const
 Warning handler. More...
void characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const XMLSize_t length) override
 Parsing method for character data. More...
void startElement (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname, const xercesc::Attributes &attrs) override
 Parsing method for opening tags. More...
void endElement (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname) override
 Parsing method for closing tags. More...
virtual void writeTo (std::ostream &)
 Writes the contents to a stream. More...
virtual LOADDETAIL getLoadDetail () const
 handler which support partial loading, implement this method More...
virtual void setLoadDetail (const LOADDETAIL d)
 handler which support partial loading, implement this method More...
DataValue cvParamToValue (const ControlledVocabulary &cv, const String &parent_tag, const String &accession, const String &name, const String &value, const String &unit_accession) const
 Convert the value of a <cvParam value=.> (as commonly found in PSI schemata) to the DataValue with the correct type (e.g. int) according to the type stored in the CV (usually PSI-MS CV), as well as set its unit. More...
DataValue cvParamToValue (const ControlledVocabulary &cv, const CVTerm &raw_term) const
 Convert the value of a <cvParam value=.> (as commonly found in PSI schemata) to the DataValue with the correct type (e.g. int) according to the type stored in the CV (usually PSI-MS CV), as well as set its unit. More...
void checkUniqueIdentifiers_ (const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &prot_ids) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XMLFile
void parse_ (const String &filename, XMLHandler *handler)
 Parses the XML file given by filename using the handler given by handler. More...
void parseBuffer_ (const std::string &buffer, XMLHandler *handler)
 Parses the in-memory buffer given by buffer using the handler given by handler. More...
void save_ (const String &filename, XMLHandler *handler) const
 Stores the contents of the XML handler given by handler in the file given by filename. More...
void enforceEncoding_ (const String &encoding)
 XMLFile ()
 Default constructor. More...
 XMLFile (const String &schema_location, const String &version)
 Constructor that sets the schema location. More...
virtual ~XMLFile ()
 Destructor. More...
bool isValid (const String &filename, std::ostream &os)
 Checks if a file validates against the XML schema. More...
const StringgetVersion () const
 return the version of the schema More...

Private Member Functions

void makeScanMap_ ()
 Fill scan_map_. More...
void readRTMZCharge_ (const xercesc::Attributes &attributes)
 Read RT, m/z, charge information from attributes of "spectrum_query". More...
bool lookupAddFromHeader_ (double modification_mass, Size modification_position, std::vector< AminoAcidModification > const &header_mods)

Private Attributes

std::vector< ProteinIdentification > * proteins_
 Pointer to the list of identified proteins. More...
std::vector< PeptideIdentification > * peptides_
 Pointer to the list of identified peptides. More...
const SpectrumMetaDataLookuplookup_
 Pointer to wrapper for looking up spectrum meta data. More...
String exp_name_
 Name of the associated experiment (filename of the data file, extension will be removed) More...
String search_engine_
 Set name of search engine. More...
String native_spectrum_name_
 Several optional attributes of spectrum_query. More...
String experiment_label_
String swath_assay_
String status_
bool use_precursor_data_ {}
 Get RT and m/z for peptide ID from precursor scan (should only matter for RT)? More...
std::map< Size, Sizescan_map_
 Mapping between scan number in the pepXML file and index in the corresponding MSExperiment. More...
Element hydrogen_
 Hydrogen data (for mass types) More...
bool analysis_summary_
 Are we currently in an "analysis_summary" element (should be skipped)? More...
bool keep_native_name_
 Whether we should keep the native spectrum name of the pepXML. More...
bool search_score_summary_
 Are we currently in an "search_score_summary" element (should be skipped)? More...
bool search_summary_ {}
 Are we currently in an "search_summary" element (should be skipped)? More...
bool wrong_experiment_ {}
 Do current entries belong to the experiment of interest (for pepXML files that bundle results from different experiments)? More...
bool seen_experiment_ {}
 Have we seen the experiment of interest at all? More...
bool checked_base_name_ {}
 Have we checked the "base_name" attribute in the "msms_run_summary" element? More...
bool has_decoys_ {}
 Does the file have decoys (e.g. from Comet's internal decoy search) More...
bool parse_unknown_scores_ {}
 Also parse unknown scores as metavalues? More...
String decoy_prefix_
 In case it has decoys, what is the prefix? More...
String current_base_name_
 current base name More...
std::vector< std::vector< ProteinIdentification >::iterator > current_proteins_
 References to currently active ProteinIdentifications. More...
ProteinIdentification::SearchParameters params_
 Search parameters of the current identification run. More...
String enzyme_
 Enzyme name associated with the current identification run. More...
String enzyme_cuttingsite_
PeptideIdentification current_peptide_
 PeptideIdentification instance currently being processed. More...
PeptideHit::PepXMLAnalysisResult current_analysis_result_
 Analysis result instance currently being processed. More...
PeptideHit peptide_hit_
 PeptideHit instance currently being processed. More...
String current_sequence_
 Sequence of the current peptide hit. More...
double rt_ {}
 RT and m/z of current PeptideIdentification (=spectrum)
double mz_ {}
Size scannr_ {}
 1-based scan nr. of current PeptideIdentification (=spectrum). Scannr is usually from the start_scan attribute More...
Int charge_ {}
 Precursor ion charge. More...
UInt search_id_ {}
 ID of current search result. More...
String prot_id_
 Identifier linking PeptideIdentifications and ProteinIdentifications. More...
DateTime date_
 Date the pepXML file was generated. More...
double hydrogen_mass_ {}
 Mass of a hydrogen atom (monoisotopic/average depending on case) More...
std::vector< std::pair< const ResidueModification *, Size > > current_modifications_
 The modifications of the current peptide hit (position is 1-based) More...
std::vector< AminoAcidModificationfixed_modifications_
 Fixed aminoacid modifications as parsed from the header. More...
std::vector< AminoAcidModificationvariable_modifications_
 Variable aminoacid modifications as parsed from the header. More...
std::vector< const ResidueModification * > preferred_fixed_modifications_
std::vector< const ResidueModification * > preferred_variable_modifications_

Static Private Attributes

static const double mod_tol_
static const double xtandem_artificial_mod_tol_

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from XMLHandler
enum  ActionMode { LOAD , STORE }
 Action to set the current mode (for error messages) More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from XMLHandler
static String writeXMLEscape (const String &to_escape)
 Escapes a string and returns the escaped string. More...
static DataValue fromXSDString (const String &type, const String &value)
 Convert an XSD type (e.g. 'xsd:double') to a DataValue. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from XMLHandler
String file_
 File name. More...
String version_
 Schema version. More...
StringManager sm_
 Helper class for string conversion. More...
std::vector< Stringopen_tags_
 Stack of open XML tags. More...
LOADDETAIL load_detail_
 parse only until total number of scans and chroms have been determined from attributes More...
std::vector< std::vector< String > > cv_terms_
 Array of CV term lists (one sublist denotes one term and it's children) More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from XMLFile
String schema_location_
 XML schema file location. More...
String schema_version_
 Version string. More...
String enforced_encoding_
 Encoding string that replaces the encoding (system dependent or specified in the XML). Disabled if empty. Used as a workaround for XTandem output xml. More...

Detailed Description

Used to load and store PepXML files.

This class is used to load and store documents that implement the schema of PepXML files.

A documented schema for this format comes with the TPP and can also be found at

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PepXMLFile()


◆ ~PepXMLFile()

~PepXMLFile ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ endElement()

void endElement ( const XMLCh * const  ,
const XMLCh * const  ,
const XMLCh *const  qname 

Docu in base class.

◆ keepNativeSpectrumName()

void keepNativeSpectrumName ( bool  keep)

Whether we should keep the native spectrum name of the pepXML.

This will lead to a "pepxml_spectrum_name" meta value being added to each PeptideIdentification containing the original name of the spectrum in TPP format.

◆ load() [1/2]

void load ( const String filename,
std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &  proteins,
std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &  peptides,
const String experiment_name,
const SpectrumMetaDataLookup lookup 

Loads peptide sequences with modifications out of a PepXML file.

filenamePepXML file to load
proteinsProtein identification output
peptidesPeptide identification output
experiment_nameExperiment file name, which is used to extract the corresponding search results from the PepXML file.
lookupHelper for looking up retention times (PepXML may contain only scan numbers).
Exception::FileNotFoundis thrown if the file could not be opened
Exception::ParseErroris thrown if an error occurs during parsing

◆ load() [2/2]

void load ( const String filename,
std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &  proteins,
std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &  peptides,
const String experiment_name = "" 

load function with empty defaults for some parameters (see above)

Exception::FileNotFoundis thrown if the file could not be opened
Exception::ParseErroris thrown if an error occurs during parsing

◆ lookupAddFromHeader_()

bool lookupAddFromHeader_ ( double  modification_mass,
Size  modification_position,
std::vector< AminoAcidModification > const &  header_mods 

looks up modification by modification_mass and aminoacid of current_sequence_[ modification_position ] and adds it to the current_modifications_

◆ makeScanMap_()

void makeScanMap_ ( )

Fill scan_map_.

◆ readRTMZCharge_()

void readRTMZCharge_ ( const xercesc::Attributes &  attributes)

Read RT, m/z, charge information from attributes of "spectrum_query".

◆ setParseUnknownScores()

void setParseUnknownScores ( bool  parse_unknown_scores)

sets if during load, unknown scores should be parsed

◆ setPreferredFixedModifications()

void setPreferredFixedModifications ( const std::vector< const ResidueModification * > &  mods)

sets the preferred fixed modifications

◆ setPreferredVariableModifications()

void setPreferredVariableModifications ( const std::vector< const ResidueModification * > &  mods)

sets the preferred variable modifications

◆ startElement()

void startElement ( const XMLCh * const  ,
const XMLCh * const  ,
const XMLCh *const  qname,
const xercesc::Attributes &  attributes 

Docu in base class.

◆ store()

void store ( const String filename,
std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &  protein_ids,
std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &  peptide_ids,
const String mz_file = "",
const String mz_name = "",
bool  peptideprophet_analyzed = false,
double  rt_tolerance = 0.01 

Stores idXML as PepXML file.

Exception::UnableToCreateFileis thrown if the file could not be opened for writing

Member Data Documentation

◆ analysis_summary_

bool analysis_summary_

Are we currently in an "analysis_summary" element (should be skipped)?

◆ charge_

Int charge_ {}

Precursor ion charge.

◆ checked_base_name_

bool checked_base_name_ {}

Have we checked the "base_name" attribute in the "msms_run_summary" element?

◆ current_analysis_result_

PeptideHit::PepXMLAnalysisResult current_analysis_result_

Analysis result instance currently being processed.

◆ current_base_name_

String current_base_name_

current base name

◆ current_modifications_

std::vector<std::pair<const ResidueModification*, Size> > current_modifications_

The modifications of the current peptide hit (position is 1-based)

◆ current_peptide_

PeptideIdentification current_peptide_

PeptideIdentification instance currently being processed.

◆ current_proteins_

std::vector<std::vector<ProteinIdentification>::iterator> current_proteins_

References to currently active ProteinIdentifications.

◆ current_sequence_

String current_sequence_

Sequence of the current peptide hit.

◆ date_

DateTime date_

Date the pepXML file was generated.

◆ decoy_prefix_

String decoy_prefix_

In case it has decoys, what is the prefix?

◆ enzyme_

String enzyme_

Enzyme name associated with the current identification run.

◆ enzyme_cuttingsite_

String enzyme_cuttingsite_

◆ exp_name_

String exp_name_

Name of the associated experiment (filename of the data file, extension will be removed)

◆ experiment_label_

String experiment_label_

◆ fixed_modifications_

std::vector<AminoAcidModification> fixed_modifications_

Fixed aminoacid modifications as parsed from the header.

◆ has_decoys_

bool has_decoys_ {}

Does the file have decoys (e.g. from Comet's internal decoy search)

◆ hydrogen_

Element hydrogen_

Hydrogen data (for mass types)

◆ hydrogen_mass_

double hydrogen_mass_ {}

Mass of a hydrogen atom (monoisotopic/average depending on case)

◆ keep_native_name_

bool keep_native_name_

Whether we should keep the native spectrum name of the pepXML.

◆ lookup_

const SpectrumMetaDataLookup* lookup_

Pointer to wrapper for looking up spectrum meta data.

◆ mod_tol_

const double mod_tol_

◆ mz_

double mz_ {}

◆ native_spectrum_name_

String native_spectrum_name_

Several optional attributes of spectrum_query.

◆ params_

Search parameters of the current identification run.

◆ parse_unknown_scores_

bool parse_unknown_scores_ {}

Also parse unknown scores as metavalues?

◆ peptide_hit_

PeptideHit peptide_hit_

PeptideHit instance currently being processed.

◆ peptides_

std::vector<PeptideIdentification>* peptides_

Pointer to the list of identified peptides.

◆ preferred_fixed_modifications_

std::vector<const ResidueModification*> preferred_fixed_modifications_

Fixed modifications that should be preferred when parsing the header (e.g. when pepXML was produced through an adapter)

◆ preferred_variable_modifications_

std::vector<const ResidueModification*> preferred_variable_modifications_

Variable modifications that should be preferred when parsing the header (e.g. when pepXML was produced through an adapter)

◆ prot_id_

String prot_id_

Identifier linking PeptideIdentifications and ProteinIdentifications.

◆ proteins_

std::vector<ProteinIdentification>* proteins_

Pointer to the list of identified proteins.

◆ rt_

double rt_ {}

RT and m/z of current PeptideIdentification (=spectrum)

◆ scan_map_

std::map<Size, Size> scan_map_

Mapping between scan number in the pepXML file and index in the corresponding MSExperiment.

◆ scannr_

Size scannr_ {}

1-based scan nr. of current PeptideIdentification (=spectrum). Scannr is usually from the start_scan attribute

◆ search_engine_

String search_engine_

Set name of search engine.

◆ search_id_

UInt search_id_ {}

ID of current search result.

◆ search_score_summary_

bool search_score_summary_

Are we currently in an "search_score_summary" element (should be skipped)?

◆ search_summary_

bool search_summary_ {}

Are we currently in an "search_summary" element (should be skipped)?

◆ seen_experiment_

bool seen_experiment_ {}

Have we seen the experiment of interest at all?

◆ status_

String status_

◆ swath_assay_

String swath_assay_

◆ use_precursor_data_

bool use_precursor_data_ {}

Get RT and m/z for peptide ID from precursor scan (should only matter for RT)?

◆ variable_modifications_

std::vector<AminoAcidModification> variable_modifications_

Variable aminoacid modifications as parsed from the header.

◆ wrong_experiment_

bool wrong_experiment_ {}

Do current entries belong to the experiment of interest (for pepXML files that bundle results from different experiments)?

◆ xtandem_artificial_mod_tol_

const double xtandem_artificial_mod_tol_