bool | allSameMolecule () const |
bool | allSameQuery () const |
bool | operator== (const ObservationMatchGroup &rhs) const |
bool | operator!= (const ObservationMatchGroup &rhs) const |
AppliedProcessingSteps::nth_index< 1 >::type & | getStepsAndScoresByStep () |
| Return the applied processing steps (incl. scores) as a set ordered by processing step reference (option) More...
const AppliedProcessingSteps::nth_index< 1 >::type & | getStepsAndScoresByStep () const |
| Return the applied processing steps (incl. scores) as a set ordered by processing step reference (option) - const variant. More...
void | addProcessingStep (const AppliedProcessingStep &step) |
| Add an applied processing step. More...
void | addProcessingStep (ProcessingStepRef step_ref, const std::map< ScoreTypeRef, double > &scores=std::map< ScoreTypeRef, double >()) |
| Add a processing step (and associated scores, if any) More...
void | addScore (ScoreTypeRef score_type, double score, const std::optional< ProcessingStepRef > &processing_step_opt=std::nullopt) |
| Add a score (possibly connected to a processing step) More...
ScoredProcessingResult & | merge (const ScoredProcessingResult &other) |
| Merge in data from another object. More...
std::pair< double, bool > | getScore (ScoreTypeRef score_ref) const |
| Look up a score by score type. More...
std::pair< double, bool > | getScore (ScoreTypeRef score_ref, std::optional< ProcessingStepRef > processing_step_opt) const |
| Look up a score by score type and processing step. More...
std::tuple< double, std::optional< ProcessingStepRef >, bool > | getScoreAndStep (ScoreTypeRef score_ref) const |
| Look up a score and associated processing step by score type. More...
std::tuple< double, std::optional< ScoreTypeRef >, bool > | getMostRecentScore () const |
| Get the (primary) score from the most recent processing step. More...
Size | getNumberOfScores () const |
| Return the number of scores associated with this result. More...
| MetaInfoInterface () |
| Constructor. More...
| MetaInfoInterface (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| MetaInfoInterface (MetaInfoInterface &&) noexcept |
| Move constructor. More...
| ~MetaInfoInterface () |
| Destructor. More...
MetaInfoInterface & | operator= (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Assignment operator. More...
MetaInfoInterface & | operator= (MetaInfoInterface &&) noexcept |
| Move assignment operator. More...
void | swap (MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Swap contents. More...
bool | operator== (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
bool | operator!= (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
const DataValue & | getMetaValue (const String &name) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to a string, or DataValue::EMPTY if not found. More...
DataValue | getMetaValue (const String &name, const DataValue &default_value) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to a string, or a default value (e.g.: DataValue::EMPTY) if not found
const DataValue & | getMetaValue (UInt index) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to the index, or DataValue::EMPTY if not found. More...
DataValue | getMetaValue (UInt index, const DataValue &default_value) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to the index, or a default value (e.g.: DataValue::EMPTY) if not found
bool | metaValueExists (const String &name) const |
| Returns whether an entry with the given name exists. More...
bool | metaValueExists (UInt index) const |
| Returns whether an entry with the given index exists. More...
void | setMetaValue (const String &name, const DataValue &value) |
| Sets the DataValue corresponding to a name. More...
void | setMetaValue (UInt index, const DataValue &value) |
| Sets the DataValue corresponding to an index. More...
void | removeMetaValue (const String &name) |
| Removes the DataValue corresponding to name if it exists. More...
void | removeMetaValue (UInt index) |
| Removes the DataValue corresponding to index if it exists. More...
void | addMetaValues (const MetaInfoInterface &from) |
| function to copy all meta values from one object to this one More...
void | getKeys (std::vector< String > &keys) const |
| Fills the given vector with a list of all keys for which a value is set. More...
void | getKeys (std::vector< UInt > &keys) const |
| Fills the given vector with a list of all keys for which a value is set. More...
bool | isMetaEmpty () const |
| Returns if the MetaInfo is empty. More...
void | clearMetaInfo () |
| Removes all meta values. More...