Internal structure used in SiriusAdapter that is used for the conversion of the Csi:FingerID output to an mzTab.
CsiAdapterHit: inchikey2D (String) inchi (String) rank (int) - Rank of the identification for a compound (spectrum) calculated by CSI:FingerID molecular_formula (String) - sumformula score (int) - Score of the identification for a compound (spectrum) calculated by CSI:FingerID name (String) smiles (String) pubchemids (vector<String>) - Pubchemid as reference links (vector<String>) - Links to the database
CsiAdapterIdentification: scan_index (int) - Index of the spectrum used for identification scan_number (int) - NativeId of the spectrum used for identification feature_id (String) - FeatureId (if spectrum was assigned to a feature) hits (vector<CsiAdapterHit>)
CsiAdapterRun: identifications (vector<CSIAdapterIdentification>)