OpenMS  2.8.0
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openms/include/OpenMS/INTERFACES/DataStructures.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <OpenMS/config.h>
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struct  BinaryDataArray
 The datastructures used by the OpenSwath interfaces. More...
struct  ChromatogramMeta
 Identifying information for a chromatogram. More...
struct  Chromatogram
 A single chromatogram. More...
struct  SpectrumMeta
 Identifying information for a spectrum. More...
struct  Spectrum
 The structure that captures the generation of a peak list (including the underlying acquisitions) More...


 Main OpenMS namespace.


typedef boost::shared_ptr< BinaryDataArray > BinaryDataArrayPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ChromatogramMeta > ChromatogramMetaPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Chromatogram > ChromatogramPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SpectrumMeta > SpectrumMetaPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Spectrum > SpectrumPtr

Class Documentation

◆ OpenMS::Interfaces::BinaryDataArray

struct OpenMS::Interfaces::BinaryDataArray

The datastructures used by the OpenSwath interfaces.

Many of them are closely related to Proteowizard data structures, originally written by Darren Kessner and released under the Apache 2.0 licence and can be found in the file pwiz/data/msdata/MSData.hpp.

Original author: Darren Kessner

Copyright 2007 Spielberg Family Center for Applied Proteomics Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California 90048

The following datastructures are used :

  • BinaryDataArray : a struct that holds a std::vector<double> with the data
  • ChromatogramMeta : meta information of a chromatogram (index)
  • Chromatogram : chromatogram data. Contains a vector of pointers to BinaryDataArray, the first one is time array (RT), the second one is intensity
  • SpectrumMeta : meta information of a spectrum (index, identifier, RT, ms_level)
  • Spectrum : spectrum data. Contains a vector of pointers to BinaryDataArray, the first one is mz array, the second one is intensity The structure into which encoded binary data goes.
Collaboration diagram for BinaryDataArray:
Class Members
vector< double > data this optional attribute may reference the 'id' attribute of the appropriate dataProcessing.

the binary data.