This is the complete list of members for IDScoreGetterSetter, including all inherited members.
checkTDAnnotation_(const MetaInfoInterface &id_or_hit) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
fillPeptideScoreMap_(std::unordered_map< String, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPair > &seq_to_score_labels, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > const &ids) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
fillPeptideScoreMap_(std::unordered_map< String, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPair > &seq_to_score_labels, ConsensusMap const &map, bool include_unassigned) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
getPeptideScoresFromMap_(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const ConsensusMap &cmap, bool include_unassigned_peptides, Args &&... args) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
getPickedProteinGroupScores_(const std::unordered_map< String, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPair > &picked_scores, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification::ProteinGroup > &grps, const String &decoy_string, bool decoy_prefix) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
getPickedProteinScores_(std::unordered_map< String, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPair > &picked_scores, const ProteinIdentification &id, const String &decoy_string, bool decoy_prefix) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
getScores_(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification::ProteinGroup > &grps, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &decoy_accs) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
getScores_(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &ids, Args &&... args) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
getScores_(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const ProteinIdentification &id) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
getScores_(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const PeptideIdentification &id, bool all_hits, Args &&... args) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
getScores_(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const PeptideIdentification &id, IDPredicate &&fun, bool all_hits, Args &&... args) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
getScores_(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const PeptideHit &hit, HitPredicate &&fun) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
getScores_(ScoreToTgtDecLabelPairs &scores_labels, const HitType &hit) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
getTDLabel_(const MetaInfoInterface &idOrHit) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
removeDecoyStringIfPresent_(const String &acc, const String &decoy_string, bool decoy_prefix) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
setPeptideScoresForMap_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, ConsensusMap &cmap, bool include_unassigned_peptides, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, bool keep_decoy, Args &&... args) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setPeptideScoresFromMap_(std::unordered_map< String, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPair > const &seq_to_fdr, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &ids, std::string const &score_type, bool keep_decoys) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
setPeptideScoresFromMap_(std::unordered_map< String, ScoreToTgtDecLabelPair > const &seq_to_fdr, ConsensusMap &map, std::string const &score_type, bool keep_decoys, bool include_unassigned) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
setScore_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, HitType &hit, const std::string &old_score_type) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScoreAndMoveIfTarget_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, HitType &hit, const std::string &old_score_type, std::vector< HitType > &new_hits) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScoreAndMoveIfTarget_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, PeptideHit &hit, const std::string &old_score_type, std::vector< PeptideHit > &new_hits, int charge) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScoreHigherWorse_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, HitType &hit, const std::string &old_score_type) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScoreHigherWorseAndMoveIfTarget_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, HitType &hit, const std::string &old_score_type, std::vector< HitType > &new_hits) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, std::vector< IDType > &ids, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, Args &&... args) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, IDType &id, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, bool keep_decoy) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, IDType &id, const String &old_score_type) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, PeptideIdentification &id, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, bool keep_decoy, int charge) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, PeptideIdentification &id, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, bool keep_decoy, int charge, const String &identifier) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, IDType &id, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, bool keep_decoy, const String &identifier) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, PeptideIdentification &id, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, int charge, const String &identifier) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, IDType &id, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, const String &identifier) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, IDType &id, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better, int charge) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScores_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, std::vector< ProteinIdentification::ProteinGroup > &grps, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better) | IDScoreGetterSetter | static |
setScoresAndRemoveDecoys_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, IDType &id, const String &old_score_type, Args &&... args) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScoresHigherWorse_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, IDType &id, const String &old_score_type) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScoresHigherWorseAndRemoveDecoys_(const std::map< double, double > &scores_to_FDR, IDType &id, const String &old_score_type, Args &&... args) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |
setScoreType_(IDType &id, const std::string &score_type, bool higher_better) | IDScoreGetterSetter | inlinestatic |